On One Condition... (NobodyPOV)

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"I'll accept Russia as my partner," America announced as he extended the form to Headmaster UN.

The Power's face lit up, "Fantastic," he praised. It was one of his many problems that he could set to rest.

One of his ethereal hands drifted over to accept the paper but America yanked it out of reach at the very last second.

"But I do have a request to make. A fight to decide whether he stays or not."

UN's smile vanished and he gave an annoyed sigh, "America, I know you've played the part of the decision maker many times but this is different; you have no real say in this matter-"

America shook his head, "I know I will have to accept him no matter what but what comes after is not within your power to control. You can force us to play nice, but I'm certain I will not play you the victory fanfare that you wish to hear. In the end, it will only drag us all through the mud. I'm sure the other Branches will start their snickering all over again."

UN always hated negotiating with the Superpower for this exact reason. He always knew exactly which buttons to push and how to get under his skin. The mood in the room grew more and more electric and the golden wreath adorning the Headmaster's head began to wither into a smoking black crown of thorns.

"If you let me fight him," America chirped, "and if he actually wins, I would accept him as my partner and my equal wholeheartedly! Instead of an incompatible pair of freaks, we can become the greatest competitors and wipe the dirty ass smirks off your colleague's faces!"

He finished his speech and whirled around with a "tada!" expression on his face.

UN closed his eyes and drifted deep into thought. After what seemed like forever, he answered, "Fine. But I forbid you from using Sunfire. NATO, see to it then."

"Hold on, HOLD ON! You can't be serious!" NATO shook his head in disbelief.

"Russia doesn't stand a chance, Sunfire or not! He hasn't had any training at all!"

"I dunno. Being able to keep a Primo Awakening under wraps for this long while getting into fights every two seconds sounds like it would take tons of control to me."

"Actually... not quite."

NASA popped her head through the door.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to eavesdrop but it seemed like quite the argument happened. I couldn't help myself."

UN waved the apology off, "Not a concern at the moment but do continue on what you were going to say."

"Controlling isn't the proper word to describe what he's been doing. I would say... suppressing is closer- yes. In order to hide it, his mind and body have adapted in a way that makes sure that his Awakening cannot resurge unless it was absolute life or death. It did this by wiping his memory clean every time he used it. So in reality, he probably believed that he never had an Awakening before. This has changed, now that he's finally come to terms with it and Russia will probably begin to slowly remember the things that his mind suppressed before."

"The power of a Primo and the control of a newbie. Sound just like how you started." NATO chuckled.

"Wait- So... I CAN'T FIGHT HIM?!"

NASA laughed, "Silly, that's not true! There are other ways to fight than head to head combat!"

America pouted like a child, "What? How do I fight him without... fighting him?"

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