•~•Chapter 12•~•

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    You said ‘Goodbye, it's not the end. And if you need me, I'm still your friend.’ well, that's easy for you to say cause you caught it by the handle and I caught it by the blade.

   Happy reading 😊! And don't forget to vote and comment along your way💖💖😘💖.


I rubbed my knuckles, furious at the thought of what happened a week ago. Iris is here in Italy, putting me In more trouble. But how is this possible that I got this information late.

  The main purpose why I broke up with her was to protect her from my heartless father and the Silver Nights. I am the son of the most dangerous ruthless mafia leader in the whole of Italy. Which I would soon be taking over, being the future heir of my gang The Wolves, I have a lot of enemies in this world from different areas around the world who are trying to defeat me and my father, to watch us suffer, They will do anything to find out what my weakness Is.

  And my real weakness is Iris.

   It took me a very long time to manage to believe all those years we were apart she was not by my side but somewhere safe In Texas. Even though I was left heartbroken on the huge decision I made back then, I still managed to stay strong, as life was really hard for me living off without her.

   If anything should happen to Iris I will definitely put myself to blame on those pains I have put her through. And I did do whatever it took, even if it was to Drop being the head of a very strong mafia gang in italy, I did do it not minding if my reputation would be at stake but just to bring Iris back to me.

  I wish I could retrace my steps back to those times we were together but it wasn't possible and am very sure she is hurting a lot because of me. It is all my fault.

  “We need a plan right now kate, the Silver Nights know that my weakness is Iris, they are after us and Lorenzo will stop at nothing to get what he wants.”
  “Iris is here in Italy, is that what you mean.” Kate, My sister said worriedly.
  “Yes with her friends Aaron and Amelia.”

  “But do you know the exact location where the Silver Nights are staying.”
  “ That is the problem Kate, I  have no idea.”
  “Damn it!” I cursed out loud, I ran a hand through my hair trying to retain myself from breaking something.

  Kate squeezed my hand tightly in comfort. Her forest green eyes that were similar to mine, Concern lingered in it as she stared up at with a smug smile on her face.

“Calm down Theo, I know this is hard for you especially now that you have so much in your head trying to protect Iris from Lorenzo but eventually we will find a way somehow.”

  I can't calm down especially in  a situation like this when am trying so hard to find a clue to this case.
   “Someone in our mist leaked some of our personal information to them now they know our whereabout but why aren't they ready to attack us—” I felt a buzz in my Jeans pocket, I look at the ID caller, I scowled, it  was my father the one person I hated in the whole wide world after what he did to my mother, A day to never be forgotten.

  “I need to answer this call.”
“ Who is that? ”
“ I will speak to you later Kate.” I stood up from the couch answering the phone call.
  “Theodore, I need to speak to you It is urgent, meet me in my study room now.” He said briefly, ending the call.
    There we go again!

I closed the door to my Father's study room shut, Father was seated in his favourite arm chair, he was wearing his black rimmed glasses looking at some pictures in front of his desk.

  “You asked for me Father.” I gritted out feeling disgusted that I used that word Father, he never deserved that title from the very beginning, before Mom died. I always wondered what my mum really saw in him, that she fell deeply in love with him.

  He flew some pictures at me, I looked at it, it was a picture of me and Iris. Where did he get this picture from, I never thought he could stoop this low to spy on me.

  “What is this huh! Is that Iris, the girl I warned you to stay away from.” He said trying to maintain his Anger by tapping his fingers on the table. He was furious.
   “How did you get this father?” I questioned him not bothering to answer his question, I look up at him not afraid to look at him in the eye even though he was furious.
  His jaw clenched, he slammed his fist on the table rising to his feet. “How many times have I warned you that I never want to see that petite stupid girl in my presence, because of her we are going through crises that we can't fix. We just lost a Million Euros, do you know what we could have done with that money. The Silver Nights are after us and now that they know that your weakness is that girl who adds no value to you they won't stop at nothing until you crumble in pieces. She is ruining your reputation, I am a very powerful man and if you dare to put my reputation at stake—” He shouted glaring daggers at me. His eyes were red under his black rimmed glasses emphasising his Anger.

   The old man was putting himself into a lot of pressure. “She is not stupid neither is she ruining my reputation, She is something to me father; She is very important in my life and so what if we are loosing a Million Euros in our business we can still find a solution to our problem.” I raised my voice back at him, standing up.

  “Don't you dare raise your voice at me, your my son so act like one and learn to respect me as your father, understood!”
  “You never deserved that title after the very same day you killed Mother so quit using that word.”
  “Don't bring the past over here Son if I ever see you and that girl together, I will kill her the same way I killed your Mother, but much worse and you will not become the head of My gang so don't you dare cross my limits son or else Iris will go in for it.”

“ I don't care father, you can toture me to death however you want but Don't you ever lay a finger on Iris, if you dare I will forget the fact that am supposed to respect you as my father and then the battle will begin.” I challenged him not backing down. He looked shocked at my choice of words. We both glared at each other, If eyes were like bullet am definitely sure that a war will start, and I won't back down but to stand my ground and challenge my father.

  To prove to him that Iris means a lot to me. Even though I have hurt her severe times leaving her in so much pain, I will prove to everyone that I am still in love with Iris.

   See you in the next chapter.

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