•~•Chapter 14•~•

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  It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.

  Happy reading 😊! And don't forget to vote and comment along your way 😘.

            IRIS POV.

   I crossed my legs getting more immersed into the book I was currently reading. I took a sip of my orange juice while bitting my lower lip trying to hold in the shriek that threatened to escape me. He was about to find out the whole truth. I felt goosebumps crawl on my skin as I was just about to turn to the next page but to my surprise the door burst opened snapping me out of my reverie. Great!

    I glance up to see who opened the door to see Lia all dressed in a yellow strapless gown that hugged her curves perfectly and it stopped at her mid-thigh with her silky raven black hair packed up in a ponytail leaving some tendrils of hair fall over her cheek, her face was not baked with makeup but something simple and very much to her liking. Was she going somewhere?

  I groaned seeing that she just interrupted me from my book I was reading. I was really close to the mystery part.
  “Why aren't you ready Iris, we are running late.”
“Ready for what?” I said closing my book while staring up at her with a confused look.

  She face palmed herself while shaking her head at my response. “Oh come on Iris don't tell me you forgot about our plan tonight.”
  “What plan I guess I have forgotten about it.” I said praying that she could just leave me and my book alone. She threw a pillow at my face. “Hey.”

She folded her arms, glaring at me.“ Remember I told you we were going to a club tonight with Aaron and you willingly agreed.”
  “I am really sorry to disappoint you Lia but I am quite busy right now, you can go on without me. Have fun. ” I smiled at her, pulling the covers over me as I opened my book to where I last stopped. A grin crept on my face when I finally found the page.

  “Oh my goodness Iris you can be so frustrating at times, quit being a nerdy freak by reading this book over and over again. Too much reading is not good for your health and besides you really need serious help, it is like you are an addict or something.” She jerked my book from my hand running towards the door. A victory smile played on her lips as her hands were placed on her hips.

  “Hey, I was just at the interesting part and how could you think I read too much for my own good.”
  “ Yah right you rarely even come out from this house but to sit on your bed all day doing nothing but to read like your life depends on it. You read this book over and over again, aren't you bored of it already.”
  “ Pass me the book Amelia, I want to know what will happen next.” I said stepping on my tiptoes trying to get it from her hand that was raised up in the air out of my reach. But because of my short height comparing to her tall frame I couldn't get it.

  “ You will not know what will happen next until you finally decide to come along with me, besides it is the weekend you have got to loosen up a little and have some fun.... Please you agreed before why the sudden twist.” she huffed.
  “ I never said I wanted to go ahead with your plan for tonight Lia, when I have got other things to do.”
  “But you said yes.”
“ Because you kept on persurasing me.” I retorted.

  She sighed. “Fine I will give you back your Novel until you agree to come with me to the club, there simple.”

   I did not want to agree at first, this was not how I planned on spending my weekends.
  I planned on staying on my bed reading a book then later when I have finished the book that I was reading, I will watch a movie while eating lots of popcorn and snacks but I guess this weekend would be different.
  “Fine.” I said after a moment of hesitating but I really need to get my book back, and since this is the only option, then fine.

  She squealed.“ Really, but I won't give you back now so that you don't just run away while breaking our deal.” She smirked.

  “That is so not fair.”
“ It is definitely fair sweetheart, now go and dress in something hot.”
  “Seriously.” I shaked my head, wondering why I have such a crazy bestfriend. I got some clothes from my wardrobe going into the bathroom, locking the door behind.
  I sighed, maybe Lia is right, I read too much for my own good, I need to loosen up a little and have some fun after all we only live once, and I need to live my life to the fullest as so many opportunities lay ahead of me. I rested my head on the door. Ever since Xavier broke my heart I have been totally engrossed in my own books than facing reality that he was no longer with me, it felt like all those years we were not together he took my heart along with him living me in dark where I feel nothing but sadness that engulfs around me.

  I look at the clothes in my hands, it was just a simple plain pink crup top, with a high waisted black skinny jeans. I think this will do.

  I came out from the bathroom seeing Amelia on my bed, typing something on her phone. She looked up at me, noticing my presence. I folded my arms, eyeing her warily.
  “ How do I look.”
“Gross, please don't tell me this is what you are wearing to the club.” My hands fell at my side, I looked down at myself.

  Do I really look that bad than the way I thought I looked good!

  She stood up from my bed, shutting her phone. “Wait here, I will be back okay.” I nodded sitting on my bed while waiting for her. So much for a good weekend.
   She came back with some clothes in her hands and some accessories. She dropped everything on the bed, she picked one that she thought was good enough and showed me the one of her choice. “ Oh no! I am so not going to wear that.” I said shaking my head in disagreement, knowing where this was leading to.
  “What, but this dress looks so sexy don't you think? This is the best one I have got in my wardrobe and it will do a whole new look on you.”

  “No I don't think it is sexy or whatever but note one thing in mind, that would be the last thing I will ever think of wearing.” I said proving my stubbornness even though I know that I will still end up wearing it at the end.
  “Come on, don't chicken out on this one, This will totally do the trick, now go and get dressed so that I will see how you will look.” 

   I glared at her. “ I so hate this side of you.”
“I won't give you your book back if you don't agree.”
  “Fine but only for this night.” I shrugged, I had no other option.
  “Maybe.” She muttered looking up at me with a huge grin on her face.
  “What is that supposed to mean.”
  “Nothing.” I gave her one more curious glance before shutting the bathroom door. What a weirdo,she is definitely up to something. Maybe going was probably not a good idea.

    See you in the next chapter.

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