•~•Chapter 17•~•

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    I cried a lot because of him, I laughed a lot because of him, I believed in love because of him. And now I am heartbroken because of him.
      Happy reading 😊!

          IRIS POV.

   So many opportunities awaits me but why? Why was I still thinking of him. He made me to believe in love, He made me happy, I cried a lot when I almost lost him but now I was heartbroken because of him. But tonight I will leave does memories behind and think of having so much fun.

    My eyes roamed everywhere in the room looking for Amelia, but she was nowhere in sight. Maybe she will come looking for me if I just wait for her at the bar. I was already getting tired of dancing and decided to sit down a little, as everywhere was spinning around me. I have never felt like this before, it felt so weird. Is this how it feels to be drunk? I stumbled on my feet as I walked over to the bar. My legs was wobbling so I held the counter for support.

   I look back once again at the dance floor but I still couldn't find Amelia. I sat down on the stool sighing deeply. I ordered another drink as I wanted to drink all my pains away and for once forget what is happening around me.
   I took the Tequila in one go, shaking my head trying to stop myself from getting dizzy.
   “Aish!!!! This is so bitter.”

  Just like the bitterness in my life.

  At that moment all my emotions started hitting on me. Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I hiccupped while wiping my tears  angrily. I took another gulp of the Tequila coughing immediately when I dropped the glass.

   But why me?
Why does bad things always have to happen to me. I loved him so much, he loved me or so I thought but all those things we shared were all a lie.

  The day he told me he loved me I believed him. I t-t-thought he actually l-loved me. I hiccupped once again. I felt my heart clench in pain. I placed my hand on my chest beating it frantically to stop my aching heart for feeling any such pain.

  He lied to me, I felt like my world was slowly crumbling into pieces the very moment he broke my heart. But his l-love for me felt so r-real. How could I be so deceived so easily, was I not perfect for him?

  I took another gulp of the Tequila and I immediately regret it as I was coughing out of control but there was no water. I spotted a glass with white liquid in it which I assumed it was water. I drank the water not hesistating if it was water or not.

  The water tasted really weird, I stared at the remaining water that was in the glass hoping I didn't drink something else. But I could care less as I was already pretty much drunk to think straight.

  I sniffed, wiping my tears that kept falling as I tuck a hair behind my ear. You have got to be strong Iris, he wasn't worth your tears. My subconscious comforted me.

  My eyes roamed around staring at the people watching their movements. I felt alone right there and hoped that someone will just come and take me away from here. The dance floor was not empty as people kept dancing as if they were crazy and at the corner people were drinking and talking to other people. I felt odd as I was all alone and nobody was willing to talk to me.

I swinged my leg up and down to keep myself busy. I was totally drunk and this headache wasn't helping at all. I decided not to take another Tequila as that was enough for today.

  I continued looking around until my eyes finally landed on those ocean blue eyes that held mine in a haze. Those eyes seemed so familiar as it stared at me intensely. I pouted trying very hard to figure out where I have seen those eyes before. Those ocean blue eyes were as cold as ice ready to glower at any poor soul stupid enough to glance his way but for some reason I wasn't scared Instead I felt safe and for some reason it felt like I couldn't breathe.

   I gasped, shocked when I finally realized who that was, It was Noah. His gaze bored into mine as if if he was searching for my soul. I felt my cheeks burn red at the intensity of his eyes. I looked away immediately and look back at him squinting my eyes to see if that was really him or I was just imagining things.

   Nope! I don't think that is him, why on earth would he be doing here anyway. But why is he staring at me like that.

  I stared at my empty glass on the counter, I wanted to go home but Lia wasn't here and I couldn't go home alone I was too drunk to do that. What if something bad happens to me without Lia being there! Who would I then call for help.

  I shaked my head frantically, No I should not think of that right now am not thinking straight.

  “What is a beautiful girl like you  sitting here all alone.” A voice said behind me startling me from my trail of thoughts. The boy sat on the stool in front of me not removing his gaze from mine. His eyes roamed up and down my body and a smile of approval tugged his lip as he showed up his pearly white teeth.

   He had a messy brown hair, electrifying blue eyes and stood up to be at least 5'10 not to tall but definitely taller than me. He was very attractive but I didn't seem to feel anything for him, he looked to be smart, rich and so proud of himself as girls would lay down on their feet to just have one night stand with him. His aura screamed Bad but I was too drunk to notice that.

  “Who a-a-are y-y-you. ” I uttered in a soft whisper, hiccuping at the end of my sentence. I guess I drank too much.
  “Lets say I am your prince charming that you have been waiting for all night long. And would love to have just one dance with this beautiful lady sitting down here.” He smirked.
  “Prince charming, I think I like the sound of that.” I giggled.
  He smiled at me, his eyes burned with desire and I felt the first slight of fear in my stomach but I pushed that feeling aside looking up at the stranger who claimed to be my prince charming.

  I giggled probably loosing my senses. “Would you like to dance with me.” He extended his hand outward for me to take. I nodded with a small smile tugging at my lips as I placed my small hand on his outstretched one. He held my hand firmly leading me to the dance floor. The music that erupted from the speakers were a blast. I couldn't think of anything at that moment.

  “You didn't tell me your name princess.” He said in a low voice. His breath smelt of alcohol, he too was drunk.
  “It's Iris....” I trailed off.
“Iris, hmmm what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you.” I giggled at that same cheesy pick up line.

  I let out a small gasp when his hand trail down my back and squeeze my butt. He spinned me around and pulled me closer to his body. He nuzzled his head on my neck and I could get a clear smell of the first hint of alcohol. For a moment it didn't feel right but my drunk self was taking over my whole body to the point I couldn't be sure of what exactly I was doing.

  He spinned me around and around and pulled me back close to him. I giggled I was totally enjoying this when I was turning around and around. I hiccupped again, I needed water.

   He wrapped his arm around my waist as he brought me impossibly close to him. He brought his face close to mine in for a kiss. I tilted my head back not wanting to kiss him. I tried to wriggle myself away from his hold when things I think was already getting too far. He tightened his grip on me not allowing me to go.

   “ What? Are you suddenly scared princess.” He whispered in my ear. I cringe my nose in disgust at how disgusting he was right now.
   “Let me go. ” I said trying to push him away. His breath really did stink of alcohol.
  “But why? When the fun has only begun princess. Just you and..... Me.” His gaze burned with desire as he looked down at my body. He smirked at me when he saw how scared I was of him right now as I stared at him in horror trying to push him away from me.

  Oh no! What have I gotten myself into now.

  See you in the next chapter.


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