•~•Chapter 2•~•

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       I still don't know how to act, don't know what to say, I still wear the scars like it was yesterday but you're long gone and moved on.

        Happy reading!

               IRIS POV.

   I thought from that day on I will hate him but my feelings for him remained the same.
          I still loved him.
    " IRIS!!!!IRIS."
    " Where are you." I heard my name being called. I stood up from the floor, wiping my face with my palms. I straightened my Apron as I continued washing the remaining dishes that were left on the sink.
      The back door creaked opened, Revealing my best friend Amelia but 'Lia' for short.
     " Are you okay Iris, is anything wrong, gush I have been calling your name for a very long time I thought something happened." She said  worriedly.
     I sighed." I am sorry Lia for not answering am not just in the mood." I said sadly looking down at the already clean dishes.
    " Are you still thinking of him." She said in a whisper.
     " I—" I stammered thinking of what to say, to deny that it was not true. But I could not find the right words to say.
    I shrugged, my shoulders slumped down in defeat.
    " It is him right." That is Lia for you, she can read me like a book. My eyes became watery when I thought of him again.
       No Iris Don't!
I looked up at the ceiling trying to prevent the tears from flowing. " Why is it so hard Lia." I questioned as I felt a wet substance on my cheeks, realization hit me I was crying again.
        The scars still remain.
" I tried so much Lia." I sobbed, she pulled me into a comforting hug, I cried my eyes out in her shoulders.
     " Oh come on girl, you have got to be strong I know it is hard but that jerk does not deserve a drop of tears from you." She said softly releasing herself from the hug. Ever since that day I told Lia about the story of how me and Xavier broke up she has always hold a sort of hatred for him.
     I sniffed." What an Asshole, how could he stoop so low to cheat on you and think that he could go Curt free."
   " He does not deserve you Iris. He really made a big mistake by cheating on you and am very sure he should have realized that by now. Look at you, you are too perfect for him, he is not worth your tears. So please don't cry, it breaks my heart a lot."
   I sniffed again." I will try."
The bell rang signifying that a customer just came in. " I will get it, you should rest for now I will see you later." She chirped in, running off.
     I smiled, am so happy to have such a great best friend like her that would do whatever it takes to put a smile on my face.

" Have you gotten the snacks ready." Amelia asked me, putting on the TV.
  " Yes, Everything is ready." I shouted as a smile crept up on my face. I packed the popcorn into a bowl holding it in my small hands, the chocolates that Amelia bought from the grocery store, the caramel popcorn, and the orange juice that was on top of the kitchen counter.
     I walked slowly into the living room, trying to balance the snacks in my hands so that nothing will fall on the floor and it will all get ruined.
    " Oh my word Iris! Be careful."
    " Sorry." I Mumbled as Aaron, my childhood best friend, he seniors me with 4years and I mostly consider him as my big brother. He took it from my hands as he placed it on the small table in front of the sofa. I flopped down on the sofa seemly tired.
    " What movie are we watching." I asked.
   " Pride and Prejudice." Aaron said. " Really." I chirped in with a grin.
    "I knew you will like it."
    " Aaron you are the best, I have been waiting for a very long time to watch that movie again."
   " Sssshhh! The movie is starting." Amelia said. I giggled.
   " Sorry."
Time passed by, and soon the movie came to an end. I have watched that movie countless of times and I still I have not gotten tired of watching Pride and Prejudice. Sometimes I wished that I had a boyfriend like Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy in the movie, someone who will love me for who I am and would be faithful to me, but I should stop daydreaming those imaginations could never come true. A hand wrap round my shoulders snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to meet Aaron's Hazel brown eyes that stared down at me. Concern lingered in his eyes.
      " Are you okay Iris, you have been unusually quiet, wanna talk about it?"
      "Nah! I am okay Aaron no need to be worried over nothing." I replied.
    " So...... What about Kimberlyn." I asked about his girlfriend kim, changing the topic. Aaron and Kim have been dating for 5years now and I really adore their relationship. They are the best couple I have ever laid my eyes on, they totally fit to be together. I am really happy for him, him and Kim really deserve to be Happy.
     " She is fine Iris, she also asked for you and told me to report back to her if you were okay and how things were going on for the few days she was not around."
     " Really, is she coming to visit."
    " Anytime soon but she is quite busy for the main time but she will definitely come before Christmas."
    " Aw! That is so sad to hear that she is very busy with work."
    I turned around, facing him with a surprisingly grin on my face.
     " What about your Job, Did you pass the interview."
    " Yah I did!" He said casually, as if it was nothing.
    " Really! You passed the interview and you did not tell me anything about this. Are you for real." I said bouncing on the sofa still not believing that he passed the interview. I mean, he has waited for years, for this great opportunity to get this Job.
    " It was supposed to be a surprise Iris, but anyway Surprise."
   I punched his Chest playfully as he groaned.
   " My word Iris, that hurt a lot.."
I smirked at him." That suits you right for telling me your stupid surprise late, am not really fond of hearing surprises but anyway when are you starting."
    " Next week."
    " OH MY GOSH!" I squealed.
   " I can't believe you got the Job, It sounds unbelievable, no offence." I giggled.
   " Is this really how your friend sleeps with her mouth gaped open." I looked over at Lia laying on the sofa her mouth gaped open and her legs sprung on top of the sofa. A laugh escaped my lips as I noticed how funny she looked. Silly!
   " Yah, but much worse than this."
   " Forget about this for now Iris, but are you ready to start school next tomorrow in Rochester University, to start a new." His tone sounded serious now, his eyes looked worried. I paused seemly speechless. He held my hands in his and immediately I could feel a friendship bond from within.
     It totally escaped my mind.
But why did he bring this topic now.
     " Why can't you forget about him Iris, it hurts me a lot seeing that my little sister is broken inside, you really don't deserve this pain that you are going through."
    I won't agree to cry again, it is high time I stop. I stood up abruptly. " Aaron, please don't bring up that topic I am tired of hearing that topic over and over again. Goodnight. I will be going to bed." I felt bad for using that tone with him but I ignored that feeling.
    " IRIS!" I ignored him, running upstairs to my room closing the door behind me.
      I slide down the wall and brought my knees to my chest. My breathing unsteady and shallow. I slowly wipe the tears away from my face with my palms but more tears kept flowing. I am so tired and sick of crying, maybe what people say about me are true that I am weak and fragile. I put my head in between my knees hoping tomorrow could come by quickly.

   See you in the next chapter.

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