•~•Chapter 8•~•

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  I thought our bond was forever, I thought you were the one for me, I thought that we could have a future but you left leaving me in a state of sorrow.

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   I rummaged through my locker looking for my history text book.
Where on earth is that text book. There I found it. I flipped through the book and then a picture fell off, falling down on the floor. Huh! What is that, I picked it up confused on how it got here. It was a picture of Theodore. He was all dressed in a white tailored suit that suited him perfectly along with a white matching pants. His midnight black hair was jelled backwards, his forehead was creased into a frown as he looked directly at the picture with a blank expression.

While looking at it, it felt like those emerald green eyes where focused on me. I smiled at the picture, he still looked handsome as always but it was quite strange how this picture got here. I can't remember me ever putting this picture over here in my locker.
   “ What are you doing.” A deep voice said in my ear I flinched, I whirled around instantly to meet Noah's ocean blue eyes.
  “ Oh my goodness Noah, you scared me to death. ” I said my hand flying over to my chest were my heart was thumping wildly. I took in deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.
  “ Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.” he apologized.
“ Don't worry Noah it's no big deal but really you have got to stop scaring me like that.” I looked up at him smiling heartily. His height was very intimidating. He stood up to like 6'4ft overshadowing my 5'3ft frame, I felt like a little rabbit in front of his tall frame.

“What is that in your hand.” he asked.
“ Huh! Oh this it is nothing.” I said putting the picture back in my history text book hoping he did not see it. No one should know about my relationship with Theodore.
   “ Are you sure Iris, you look sad did Theodore say anything to you.”
   How did he know? I questioned myself.
  “ I am fine Noah.” I faked smiled at him hoping he will just believe.
  “ I can see it in your eyes Iris, you are lying to me.” his hand was placed on my cheeks, tingles run all over my scalp and down my spine from his simple touch.

   I instinctively wanted to run away at the huge effect he had on me but it will look so awkward at my sudden reaction.
  “Noah, I said I am fine there is nothing to worry about.” We just met so why does he care a lot for me. He removed his hand from my cheeks, stuffing it in his pocket. He looked like he did not want to believe me at first, so I decided to change the subject.
  “ So what are you doing here.” He didn't answer my question but kept on staring at me. The type of state that made me feel very uncomfortable.

  He smiled at me.“ You look so adorable Iris.” He said ruffling my hair.
   “ Em... Thank you.” I said feeling awkward. I looked anywhere else but him as I felt my cheeks heat up at his comment. His smile widened when he saw my already Redden cheeks.
   “ Would you like to go grab something to eat since school has not yet started.”
   “ Em... Am not really hungry I-” I was cut shut when my stomach growled in hunger. My cheeks flushed red like a tomato out of embarrassment. I wanted the floor to just open out of the blue and swallow me up, out from this embarrassment but it was clearly not even possible.

   He let out a laugh. “ I will take that as a yes.” He grabbed my wrist gently dragging me along with him.


“ What will you like to order.” Noah asked me.
  “Uh....” I said thinking of what to order.
  “Chicken hamburger.” I said after a long time of me scanning through the Menu.
  “Is that all?”
“ I think so.....”
“ Do you need anything to drink.”
“ uh.... Orange juice will be okay.”
“ Sure....” He replied moving over to the counter to get our order.
   After some while of waiting he came back with two bags of Chicken Hamburger and a glass of orange juice.
   I am starving. “ Thank you.”

   I took a huge bite of the hamburger moaning in delight, it reminded me of when I was still a little kid, I always craved for hamburger and my mum will always take me out to buy one. Later on she left me all alone without saying goodbye. I cried a lot seeing that I was now an orphan and she just left like that. I smiled at that thought sadly, when I found out she died of cancer I felt like the world ended right at that moment. She never deserved it but I really do miss her, she was my everything.

I noticed Noah staring at me making me give him a confused look.
   “ What is wrong? ”
“ Nothing just wondering how I ended up having breakfast with the must beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life.”
  I gulped blinking in surprise, he smiled at me showing off his beautiful dimples.
   “ Thanks for the Compliment.” I said looking down at my hamburger in my hands but I still felt his gaze on me.
  Gosh! Why do I feel so nervous around him, I have got to calm my nerves down.

  “ Where are you from Iris.” He asked out of the blue. What made him to ask that question.
  “ Where am I from.” I repeated his question again.
“ Yes.”
“ I am from Texas.”
“ Why did you come to italy then.”
  “Em... To visit a friend Lia and Aaron but now I don't feel like returning back to Texas. ”  it looked like I was in an interview and the person interviewing me was bombarding me with a lot of questions that I could not answer properly.
  “ Who is Aaron? Is he your boyfriend.” his jaw clenching and his face showing a sign of anger by the mention of Aaron's name.
  “ What no! Me and Aaron are just Childhood friends, nothing else.”
  “Oh...” He said, his shoulders heaved in relief as he sighed, rubbing his knuckles.

I took one last look at him and focus on my hamburger in my hands. I took another bite licking my lips.
    “ There is something on your lip.”
  “ Huh! Where?”
“ Stay still, I will clean it.” His slender fingers were placed at the corner of my lip. He wiped it off and looked at me in the eyes, his ocean blue eyes sparkled. He was so close to me his lips were just inches away from mine, I gulped as i felt my heartbeat increased within my ribcage.

   He held my stare for what felt like an eternity. I really had no concept of how long it was because my senses had begun to betray me. Mouth dry, vision tunneled, I felt every nerve in me reacting to his presence.
  He smirked at me, I move a little bit away from him maintaining my personal space. I broke eye contact with him looking down at my already leftover hamburger on the table. I took in deep breaths this doesn't feel right, I felt hot inside; I really need to get out from here.
  “ I would like to use the restroom, I will be back. ” I ran off without waiting for his response.

  See you in the next chapter.

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