•~•Chapter 6•~•

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    The silence isn't so bad till I looked at my hands and feel sad cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.

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      I clutched my necklace that hanged around my neck tightly, sighing deeply. His words kept echoing in my head.
   Really! You came here to have a better life here in italy and you think italy is a better place to stay when I am here. You don't know what danger your putting yourself into Iris, so many things are happening in this world that am very sure you are not aware of.
     What am I not aware of and what danger is he talking about.
    Aren't you tired Iris of chasing me around.
    What do you need, money! if that is what you want I will give it to you just to keep a gold digger like you out from my sight.
   Isn't that why you fell in love with me just for money.
     I shook my head shakily, how could he think so low of me. He thinks am a gold digger, he lied to me.

      Honk! Honk!
I turned around to see a black small car in front of me.
   “Get out from the way young lady.” I bowed my head down in apology stepping away from the road. I should really watch where I am going, I should not take his words to heart, after all he means nothing to me.
    After a long walk I finally reached my working place, Binny's Café. I normally work here for my part time job with Lia. Lia Is a very busy person and some times she is not always around so I use to take her place when ever she is not around. She is the manager of a big restaurant and also a waitress in Binny's Café.

    I opened the door as the aroma of fresh coffee and cupcakes hit my nostrils. What I saw made me giggle. Lia was singing with a spoon as her mic and was dancing with a mop with her horrible dance skills.
   “ Cause baby girl, you got it girl, you got it girl.”
    I burst into Laughter clutching my stomach, trying to maintain my balance. Lia turned around to see who was laughing, her chocolate brown eyes widened in horror when she saw me.
    “Huh, Iris you are here why didn't you tell me, urghhh! This is so embarrassing and quit laughing it is not funny.” She huffed.
    “ oh my gosh, do you know how you looked like when dancing and gosh your voice is very horrible.”I giggled.
    “ yah, yah I know no need to tell me twice.”
   “ I should have videoed you and sent it to Social media am very sure you could have gotten a tons of likes.”
   “ Am just kidding.” I dropped my bag on the counter, straightening my Apron preparing to start working.
   “ How was school” she said after a moment of silence while Cleaning the tables and seats.
   “It was fine I guess.” I smiled sadly.
   “ did you make any friends?”
   “ I think so.”
She tossed the rag to me, I caught it mid air. “ Is it a boy or a girl.” she beemed at me hopefully thinking it is a boy.
  “ stop bombarding me with a lot of questions Lia, Geez you are totally behaving like a kid right now.”
  “ Oh please, I thought you will forever be a loner but I guess I am quite wrong.”
  I sighed.“ you are right Lia I will forever be a loner.”
  “ Oh come on Iris, I was just joking besides you have me and Aaron. We will always be by your side no matter what the circumstances are though Aaron is not here since he is quite busy." She said softly, wrapping one arm around my shoulders.
   “ Aw! Thank you that is so nice to hear seeing that I have such wonderful friends that will support me in what I do.” I smiled at her.

   I can't afford or even dare think of it that I will ever loose such a caring bestfriend who will always be there for me whenever I am sad.
  “ OH MY GOD!” She screamed.
“ What is wrong” I asked her seemly confused on why she just screamed.“ I forgot to show you something.” she muttered running into the kitchen. I shaked my head, how crazy can she be.
   She came back with a huge tray in her hands.
  “ Tada! This is our Special recipe for this week, Strawberry flavoured macaroons. Come on taste it and give me your reply."
  The aroma of the Macaroons smelt delicious itching me to take a bite. I smiled at her and then closed my eyes as I took a bite, reveling in the flavour.
   “ mmm... Who made it, you!”
“ Me obviously, is it Okay.”
“ It is more than okay, it is very delicious our sale this week would be a big hit when our customers have a taste of our special recipe.”
  “ Thanks for the reply Iris .”
“ Sure.” I said taking more from the tray, she slapped my hand when I wanted to take another one.
  “ Ouch!”
“ hey, the remaining are for the customers.”
  “ fine but you promise to make one specially for me.”
  “ Okay.”
“ And Iris....” she trailed off.
“ Yes.”
“ We need to talk.” Her tone sounded serious and by the looks of it, it seemed that she wanted to tell me a bad news.
       I sat down on the stool beside the counter, Lia did the same sitting down on the stool while facing me.
   “ What is there to talk about”
“ it concerns me Iris.” her Chocolate brown eyes held sadness in it. She looked down taking my hands in hers holding it tightly.
     She sighed.“ Don't get mad Iris, I will really miss you a lot so don't think am doing this for my own gain.” her voice cracked in the end, her eyes became watery.
   “ what is wrong Lia, what do you mean you will miss me a lot and why would I get mad. Answer me Lia.” Suspense was really killing me right here. Her eyes met mine.

    After what seemed like an eternity she spoke up. “ Iris I got a promotion from my boss, I will be moving to paris in the next two weeks.”
   “ What! You are leaving. ” I said dumbfounded.
“ I know Iris, but this is my dream and now I have the opportunity I don't want to miss it. I really need to leave Iris I am really sorry that I can't take you with me. Please try to understand.”
   I felt a wet substance on my cheeks and at that point I knew I was crying.
    “ so you are really leaving.”
“ Come on Iris cheer up a little you should be happy for me and don't worry I can always come to visit.”
    “ I will miss you a lot Lia.” I placed my head on her shoulder hugging her tightly.
  “ I will miss you so much Lia.” I sobbed.
   “ I will miss you too Iris.”

The one person that was always there for me, supported me in every way, I was just about to loose her.
     After so many things that has happened in my life, I never thought even for a second that a day will come when Lia will eventually leave me. I was about to loose my best friend even if it won't be forever.

   See you in the next chapter.

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