•~•Chapter 18•~•

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  Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much than we are settling for.

      Happy reading 😊!

        NOAH'S POV.

“Why can't you do your work right.” I screamed in the phone. Maybe listening to Marcus to come to my own club was probably a bad idea. But this was the only way to catch James Montero, One of my Dad's men who was here to Kidnap Iris.
  “What do you mean he escaped.” I sighed running a hand through my hair in frustration.
   “If James should lay a finger on Iris or any of her friends, I promise you Jack I won't hesitate for a second before I kill you. UNDERSTOOD.” I snapped at him angrily as I hung up.

  I look over at Iris who was talking to her friend at the bar. She was so breathtakingly beautiful in that dress she wore. A red and black slim fitted lace gown that hugged her curves in the right places. Her curly brown hair styled up in a ponytail as some tendrils of hair fell over her delicate cheekbones, framing her heart shaped face.

  I smiled to myself as I knew she was safe but there was still no sight of James Montero. It felt like I was betraying her trust, I was on a mission to bring her to my Dad but I can't. I love her so much and I know my Dad wants me to kill her or bring her to him so that he will do it himself but I can't. I will keep her safe and protect her from my Dad. He wants to see Xavier and his father crumble to pieces, to destroy them and become the most powerful man in Italy and he believes the only way to that is Iris.

  She is Xavier's weakness and surely he would do anything to protect what he claim is his?

  But I won't allow that, I love Iris with all my heart and I won't let her go anywhere near Xavier.

  I watched her every movements staying in a dark corner a little bit far away from her so that she won't recognize me but I was wrong. Her grey eyes landed on mine as she seemed shocked to see me. Her big grey eyes stared back at me as I watched her carefully. She was drunk. Those innocent eyes that made me feel at ease while looking at her held a scared look in it. She was so beautiful, I wanted to reach over there and engulf her in my arms feeling her soft velvet skin pressed against mine and her small arm encircle around my neck as I dwell in her delicious scent.

  But I reminded myself sternly that this was a good option to keep her safe while I look round for any sign of him. I watched her swing her leg up and down as she kept on shaking her head. Her curly brown hair styled in a ponytail continued to bounce along with her. I smiled at how innocent she could be. How can she be so cute when she is not even trying.

  A man came up to her, sitting on the vacant stool that was in front of her. They seemed to be deep in their conversation as she kept giggling at what he was saying. My blood was boiling, I didn't like the fact that a man approached her when she is drunk and he didn't seem to be a good person.

  He led her to the dance floor, my body was aching me to go right there, punching him on the face for laying a hand on Iris but I retained myself. I clenched my hands in a fist, I could see red I wanted to kill him right there on how he was trying to take advantage of Iris being Drunk. He spinned her around making Iris to giggle. I didn't like what was going on. I could tell from afar that Iris didn't want this.

  That's it! I couldn't take it any more with him taking advantage of Iris. I punched him right on the face knocking him to the ground

  “Don't you ever dare touch her again.” I wanted to kick him more but I couldn't do that in front of Iris. She will get scared of me and probably run off. Gasps erupt from the people in the club as they stare at us expecting a fight but that was not happening.

   Iris look up at me, she was scared and instantly I regretted frightening her. I grabbed Iris wrist gently, glaring down at the man who was dancing with her.
  “Let's go Iris.” I softened a little when I lock my gaze with her confused big grey eyes.
   “Huh. ”
  “Iris you are coming with me, let's go.”
  “ But where are you taking me to, let go. ” I took her outside as she struggled to remove her hand From my hold. I let her go, she glared at me.

  “What do you think you are doing, you can't just drag me around L-like t-that now move out of my way. ” She hiccupped. She stumbled on her feet as I grabbed her arm to prevent her from falling. She tilted her head back looking up at me and then she hiccupped again. She was indeed very drunk.

   “Don't even think of trying anything stupid.”
  “You don't have any right over me to tell me what to do. What? Are you my Daddy, Boyfriend or Brother or something. No! So move I want to continune dancing. ” She said pouting, trying to stand probably while holding a straight face. I look deep into her eyes and for a moment she stopped talking.

   “ Your not going in there Iris, it is not safe for you and you need to go home you are really drunk.” She sniffed as her eyes glistened with unshed tears and I instantly wondered what was wrong.

   “It is not safe, why do you and Xavier always keep saying that. I don't want t-t-to g-go h-home anymore I want to stay here. ” She was heartbroken because of Xavier. I could see that in her eyes, those grey eyes held so much sadness as she looked up at me she looked so vulnerable and fragile right at that moment like she could break in any moment from now.

  It hurt so much to see her in pain and instantly I wanted to comfort her to make her smile once again but she took a step back. So she still loved him.

    “Please listen to me Iris. ” I said in a soft whisper.
   “But I don't want to. ”
  “ Let me take you home Iris please. ” I pleaded.
  “Fine but I want to drink some water, I am thirsty. ” She said, I didn't expect her to give in so easily.
   “Promise me one thing that you won't run away. ” I said not wanting to leave her all alone by herself.

  She nodded obediently. “Okay then, sit down on that bench over there I will be back. ”

  See you in the next chapter.

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