•~•Chapter 3•~•

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   When I don't see you, I'm perfectly fine and I can move on but the second I see your face, I'm back to wishing you were mine again.

       Happy reading 😊!


" Gush! How can this Chicken be so expensive, come on isn't it too much,$4.28 for one Chicken." It shouldn't be that high right. Arghh! I really hate doing grocery shopping I wonder why it has to be my turn.
I huff, putting the chicken in the basket. I walked over to the counter ready to pay for the few things that I bought.
"How is my favourite customer doing." Andy said with a grin.
Ever since I started coming here for grocery shopping Me and Andy grew close.
" Am fine Andy, but really I hate doing this grocery shopping it is really annoying."
She giggled." Yah! I know."
" What about Mason, why has he not come to visit." I asked, referring to her 5 year old son.
" Am really sorry Iris but I am kinda busy and don't really have time to come and visit, my son is really giving headache."
" You can bring him over, I can babysit him."
" Sure thing."
She typed on her computer, scanning what I just bought.
" That would be 25 dollars, hun." She smiled at me.
" Here you go." I gave her the cash taking the already purchased items with me.
" See you later Iris."
" Bye Andy."
I looked up at the already dark sky. Rain was about to fall and outside was cold and chilly making me regret my decision of not bringing my Coat along with me.I waited at the bus stop, wondering why the bus was wasting time. I was getting tired of waiting so I decided to call Aaron to come and pick me up.
Later, A car pulled to a stop in front of the Bus stop. The car door opened revealing Aaron. My mood lightened up when I saw him. I ran over to him giving him a slight hug.
" Aaron, I am really sorry for yesterday, I shouldn't have overreacted like that it was wrong of me."
" No biggie Iris, I was not really Angry, I can understand how you feel and I know it is also hard for you. I shouldn't have said that."
" Really, so I am forgiven."
" Yah, have you gotten all the things we need for dinner tonight."
" Yes, they are over here."
" Come on let's go, outside is really getting cold."
" Sure."


I groaned, turning to the other side of my bed, trying to fall asleep again.
" Urghhh! What is that annoying sound." I groaned again knowing that it is my stupid Alarm clock that is disturbing my beauty sleep. I hate that alarm clock so much but I had to keep it with me because it was my only source of waking up.
My eyes fluttered open but I closed it back due to the sun rays that reflected on my face. How could I forget again to close the curtains before I sleep in the night.
I stood up from my comfy bed walking towards the bathroom door. I opened the door putting on the light. I stared at myself in the mirror and heaved a sigh. I look like a total mess with my chestnut brown hair tangled into a bird nest, my lips looked dry from the mirror and my face looked pale. Did I really sleep that much. I took my toothbrush from the rack, placing little toothpaste on it.
Okay now that I am done brushing my teeth I now have 30 more minutes to get ready.
I stripped off my clothes putting it in my laundry basket, remembering myself to wash it later.

After getting dressed in a yellow crop top with a white shirt that reached my mid- thigh, pairing it up with my white flat shoe that had a red flower on top of it. I brushed my chestnut curly brown hair letting it cascade down to the length of my shoulders. I put on my silver flower studs and applied a little bit of lip gloss.
I ran down the stairs in a hurry to make little breakfast for me to eat. I entered inside the kitchen and was shocked to see Aaron already preparing breakfast.
"Aaron." I said, he turned around and a huge smile crept on his face when he saw me.
" So you have finally, woken up."
"Yes, but what are you doing here, I thought you went home last night."
"Nah! I slept in the visitor's room." He said mixing the flour that was in the bowl he was holding.
" You want some pancakes?" Is that a question, of course.
" Yes, I am really hungry." I said taking the plate that was filled up with pancakes from the table. I applied some syrup on the pancake and took a bite. I moaned seeing how delicious the food tasted. " This is very Delicious Aaron, how come you can cook so much better than me, gosh you really have to teach me your amazing skills, this is superb...." I blurted out, stuffing more pancakes into my mouth.
He chuckled which made me smile. " Well all the credits goes to kim, she taught me."
" Whoa! You guys are the best." I gushed out. I looked over at the clock on the wall. It was 8:39 and school started by 9:00 and I needed to get there 10 minutes early to get my things ready and I was running late.
I jumped off from the seat carrying my bag from the kitchen counter. " Aaron am running late I would be leaving now, see you later." I said in a hurry, before leaving I hugged him and gave him a peck on his cheek.
He gave me a boyish grin. " Goodbye Iris and by the way I like your choice of clothes, you look beautiful in it." I felt my cheeks flush red at his comment. I ran outside, out of embarrassment. I could hear his laughter from behind.
He won't stop doing that.

" Here is your schedule Mrs. Patelle." Mrs. Gloria, the principal said.
" Thank you Mrs." I replied politely. I gave her a slight bow, she smiled sweetly at me and waved me off.
After my first two period of History Class, I went outside to clear my head a little. I sat down on the grass resting my head on the tree behind me. The wind caressed my face sending slight goosebumps to my skin.

Dangerous Love, my favourite Novel, I took it from my bag flipping to the last page I last stopped. After some time I was getting tired of reading, I closed it back putting it in my bag. I closed my eyes, resting my head on the tree. I hummed to myself a thing I always do when I am alone.
" Ahhhhhh!Ahhhhhh!" I heard people screaming. I opened my eyes immediately to see people running out from the front door, leaving me confused on what the fuss was all about.
" They are here." A feminine voice screamed.
Who is here?
I decided to follow still wondering what was going on. My eyes fixated on a black sleek car that looked so expensive, the expensive looking car came to a halt in front of the walk way.
Four hot boys came out from the expensive looking car.
I gasped.
My heart was thumping wildly against my chest. I stood there like a statue. It was like at that moment my legs couldn't function anymore. I felt all the emotions I was trying to hide from the whole world come back to life.
Tears filled my eyes.
The one person I dreaded to see in the entire world even though my heart still beats for him, stood in front of me. The one person I thought would be my forever, the only person in my heart who didn't hesitate for a second before breaking my heart into pieces.
Xavier Knight.
I never thought we would ever meet again.

  See you in the next chapter.

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