•~•Chapter 5•~•

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     I know I am in love with you because my reality is finally better than my dreams.

       Happy reading 😊!

     " Hello guys." Aurora said sitting down beside Xavier.
   " Guys, this is Iris a friend of mine." She said introducing me to everyone that sat in front of me and my ex boyfriend Xavier, I smiled at that thought sadly.
   " Let me introduce you to everyone Iris, This is Carl..." She said pointing over to the boy sitting opposite from Xavier. He had a long blonde hair that he packed into a ponytail leaving some down covering his left eye, he had pink lips, he was also muscular but not as mascular as Xavier. He flipped through the book he was reading obviously avoiding us. He later looked up at me, I waved at him.
    " The one sitting beside Carl is Sebastian..." Sebastian had a jet black hair that was jelled backwards. He looked to be the playboy type and he also looked more livier than Carl unlike Carl he seemed to be the quiet type.
    " Then you have Noah..." He smirked at me not removing his gaze from mine, my knees felt weak from the intensity of his eyes. He was beautiful almost as if he had been the one to carve himself; He had a prominent sharp jaw skillfully curved and the strength of his neck showed by the intertwining muscles that defined his whole body and Cheekbones that would make any Man and Woman jealous, straight nose and red lips that were tempting to touch. And his eyes were the best part of his face that captured me just by the sight of it. His eyes were ocean blue. It was the most intense yet cold eyes I had ever seen in my life. His midnight black hair looked disheveled as if he had just run a hand through it and his ocean blue eyes almost ready to glower at any poor soul stupid enough to glance his way.

       His eyes roamed my body making me regret my decision for putting on my white shorts that reached my mid- thigh, exposing too much of my skin. I should have thought of that earlier.
    " And this is Theodore, but everyone calls him Theo." He shifted his gaze towards me. I clenched my hands into a fist, my heart aching in pain as I thought back to how he once broke my heart. Why does it feel so impossible for me to hate him. I was confused at first on why he changed his name from Xavier to Theodore. He was not even surprised to see me, for once in my life did I feel so neglected. He acted as if I was nothing to him, that we did not hold any sort of relationship in the past.
    " Iris, aren't you gonna sit down you have been standing for a while now." Aurora said.
  " Huh, oh sorry." I Mumbled. It felt so awkward sitting down in front of people I didn't really know. I fiddled with my fingers, a thing I will always do when am nervous. Theodore stood up abruptly snapping everyone by surprise on the sudden posture.
       My head shots up to look at him but only to find him already looking at me. His eyes were burning with anger, his hands were clenched into a fist his knuckles turning white. His nostrils flared out of anger.
    I cowered a little in my seat Making me feel like a coward that I am. I gulp, he looked like he was ready to kill someone and I guess I must have just landed myself as the victim. His look was really scaring me to death, I lowered my gaze to the floor staring at it as if it was the most pleasant thing in the world.

    " Iris we need to talk." His deep italian voice spoke. They all gave me a confused look as he walked towards where I was sitting grabbing my wrist tightly.
   " You are coming with me." His voice held so much authority that I couldn't even utter a single word, my body responded to his gesture as he pulled me to my feet dragging me along with him.
   I tried wiggling my wrist from his ruthless grip but he held it tightly. He was hurting me so much that it was very obvious that he would leave a bruise there.
   " You are hurting me Xavier." I whimpered. " Let go of me Xavier, unless I will scream." I said fiercely trying my best to remove my wrist from his grip, he ignored me. He took long strides towards the door Making me not to keep to his pace. If he was not holding my hand tightly I could have fallen down.
   He slammed me against the hard wall I could feel my back vibrate with the impact as pain shot through me, my eyes welled up in tears. He has finally succeeded in hurting me again. I glared at him trying to stand my ground even though the fact remains that he was much more stronger than me.
      His mascular arms pinned at the side of my body, trapping me from making a move. His emerald green eyes bored into mine as I remained glued to my spot. Instantly my breath hitched at the intimate position we were in. His minty breath fanned against my neck making me shudder.
   " What are you doing here." He said angrily. I decided not to answer but to remain mute which made him more Angry.
  " I asked you a question Iris and you got to answer me." He raised his voice at the end and punched the wall making me shiver in fear. I closed my eyes as I wished that he could just leave me alone, tears trickled down my cheeks.
   " Open your damn eyes Iris, I don't want to repeat myself again." His voice sounded possessive. I listened to him, opening my eyes slowly.
    " What else do you want me to say huh! I can't b-believe o-over those years that we have b-been Apart you have totally changed a lot into a different person." I sobbed, His eyes softened at my words or so I thought.
   " I came to have a better life in italy Xavier, I didn't come for you."
  " It is Theodore not Xavier." He said fiercely.
  " You changed your name, why?"
   "You have no right to question me."
  He sighed. " Aren't you tired of chasing me around. Really, you came to have a better life in italy do you think italy is a better place to stay when am here. You really don't know what danger your putting yourself into Iris, there are so many things happening in this world that am very sure you are not aware about. What do you need money, if that is what you want I can pay you as much as you want if it is to keep a gold digger like you far away from my sight."
   " What! Do you actually think I am a gold digger."
   " What isn't that why you fell in love with me to be after my money."
    I can't believe he stooped this low to think that I am a gold digger.
     " All my feelings for you are long gone, now looking at it I wonder why I ever fell in love with such a heartless person that looks low on people, all my feelings for you died in the past. You were right I deserve someone better than you."
   " Good, that is so good to hear." At first I thought I saw pain flash through his eyes but I guess I was wrong.
    " It has been settled, hope you enjoy your miserable life here in italy." He glared at me as he turned his back against me. I watched his tall figure disappear down the hallway.
    I slide down the wall and brought my knees to my chest. My breathing was unsteady and shallow. I felt so heart broken, it hurt seeing the person I love with my whole heart break my heart into pieces. I gave him my everything hoping I could receive his love. I rested my head on the wall. I felt so weak as I cried my eyes out.
     I can't believe he was someone I once loved.
   So all those years we were together, our relationship was all a lie. He deceived me and used me as if I was just a piece of paper that he could throw away easily.

   No matter how much I try to act strong outside, I know that deep inside I am weak.

   See you in the next chapter.

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