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It was the next day and when I woke up I finally realised.

Why am I not hungry? I haven't eaten in days.

I got up but widened my eyes when I saw some clothes just laying there on the desk. I got up and looked at it. It was clean, and looked new.

What is this? (tiny hand uwu)

After staring at it for a good minute, I decided to just put it on. Oh yeah, I found a way to wash myself with some water and a bucket.

I walked out, walking back to the spot I saw Chan the last 2 days. I smiled when I saw him there, but then frowned when I got a closer look of his face.

He seemed different than before. As in, he had a sad expression on his face, and he wouldn't stop staring at the ground.

After realising that staring at him for so long like that made me sound sort of like a freak, I decided to approach him.

I walked over to him and sat down next to him, he didn't look up the whole time.

So he wouldn't get uncomfortable, I stared off into the water and comfortable silence filled the atmosphere.

After what seemed like forever, he broke the silence. "You here again?" he asked. "Yeah... you too? How come?" "I always come here. It's... calming. Like a break from all the mess going on."

I turned my head to look at him and he noticed so he got up and went to get something.

"You said you stay in the forest right? So you'd probably know all there is to know about these woods." "I mean... not really to be honest."

He raised an eyebrow then signalled me to stand up. I did so then he walked over to the water, crouching down near it and opening his balled fist. A cherry blossom fell into the water, and pink sparkles surrounded it and the water slightly tinted pink too.

I widened my eyes in amazement and I heard Chan chuckle lightly. "How do you not know this? Loads of cherry blossoms fall every spring."

"I... guess I was never really around water..." He suddenly got hold of my chin with his hand, making me look at him. I panicked mentally seeing this close up again.

"...You're funny, you know that?" I furrowed my eyebrows confused then he said, "I mean... no one's ever acted this comfortable with a Prince before... you lied to me, that's normal, but you came up to me today and you seem pretty comfortable with me."

My lips parted to say something but no words would form. I didn't know how to respond.

He slowly let go of my chin and continued staring at me, so I averted my eyes somewhere else.

"You know what though... I don't mind it at all." I looked at him a little shocked and confused then he suddenly smiled and asked, "Do you wanna know more about this place then?" "Um... yeah, why not?" His smile widened and he started walking somewhere, but stopped and turned around looking at me confused. "You coming?" "Oh, yeah" I went up to him and he turned around again and started walking.

"So... do you know everything about this place?" I asked trying to start a coversation. "Pretty much" he shrugged. He walked a right and I stopped seeing that he walked straight place that hut place I've been staying in.

"Hey Chan.." He turned around and asked, "Yeah?" "Don't you know about this place?" I pointed towards where the hut was. He walked over confused and looked where I was pointing but still didn't see anything.

I sighed and without thinking I got hold of his wrist, walking through the trees to the hut. I stopped once we had a good view of it and turned towards Chan, who was staring at the hut in awe.

I then realised that I had hold of his wrist and quickly let go. I was expecting him to say something about it but he just walked past me, going towards the hut. I followed him and he opened the door and walked in.

"Woahh" he said then turned to look at me. "Have you been staying here?" "For the last couple of days, yeah." He nodded and turned around, and walked towards the desk.

From the open door another golden leaf came in with the breeze and I caught it. I looked at it but was confused that it was empty. There was nothing written on it at all.

"Why are you staring at a leaf?" I flinched a little of how close he was then turned to look at him. "It's... you know golden, it's kinda cool." "Golden?" he said dumbfounded. "...Yeah, it's golden..." "...It's just as ordinary leaf, what are you talking about?"

What? So... only I can see these golden leaves with messages and not him? Not anyone else then?

"Oh yeah, what were you thinking about earlier? You seemed down" I slapped myself mentally at my failed attempt to change the subject.

"It's just a nightmare" he responded and turned around, walking to grab something. I looked at him and frowned. It didn't seem like 'just a nightmare' to him, he looked really sad earlier.

"Let me show you something" he said holding my wrist and leading me out.

He lead me back to that river stream and crouched down again. He put part of the stick he was holding into the water and I gasped as leaves started to grow on the stick, making it almost look like a mini tree. What was even more astonishing was the fact that the leaves were pink, the same colour of the cherry blossoms from earlier.

"If you put a stick in tinted water, it grows leaves of that colour. Well, I've only seen it work for cherry blossoms but there might be more things, who knows." (Lee knows huehue)

He got up and looked at me, smiling a little. "I should get back now, you'll be here tomorrow right?" "Yeah, what about you?" "Me too" his smile widened as he walked off, disappearing from my sight.

Two Worlds // Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now