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"There they are!!" I woke up to the loud voices. I shuffled around, and froze when I realised I was trapped in someone's arms.

Everything quickly came back to me. "Chan... wake up." He groaned, pulling me closer to his chest.

The door swung open, and I pulled Chan's arms off myself before sitting up. I looked up and saw two people looking down at us. "Are you injured?"

I quickly looked down at Chan and saw his face was really pale, and his nose was pink. "I think he's sick, I'm feeling fine though."

The two nodded before crouching down and trying to wake Chan up. Eventually his eyes fluttered open and sat up with a quiet groan.

"The rain has stopped, but it's dark out. You'll have to be careful. Can you walk?" Chan nodded slowly in response, slowly getting to his feet.

One of the people brought Chan's right arm over his shoulder, and led him out. I followed and the other guy followed from behind, probably so I wouldn't get lost.

As the guy said, it wasn't raining anymore but it was pitch black. The two guys had flashlights so we could see where we were going.

We weren't too high up the mountain, so after half an hour we reached the bottom. They led us to a building I haven't been in before.

As we entered, Chan was attacked by hugs from his friends. "Oh my god, are you ok?!" "We were so worried!" Chan sighed, hugging them back.

I smiled softly at the group of friends before I heard my name being called out. "Y/n!!" Nayeon screamed, running up to me. She immediately engulfed me in a big hug and soon Mina ran over and joined the hug.

After a minute they pulled back and looked at me worried. "How are you feeling? Do you feel sick-" "I'm fine, don't worry" I smiled softly to reasurre them that I really was ok.

Mina sighed and grabbed my arm, pulling me back somewhere. We sat down and she began talking," What are you going to do?" "...Huh?" "Chan definitely knows you... oh, right, you wouldn't know... We were waiting and worrying about you, and Chan heard when he came down and ran straight back."

"...H... he did?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down. It's my fault then that he got sick like that... But how does he know me?

"Are you sure it's a different Chan?" Nayeon asked. "I don't know..." I whispered.

I widened my eyes suddenly remembering something.

Parallel worlds, a second chance. Don't put it to waste.

I stood up abruptly, scaring the hell out of Mina and Nayeon.

"...It's the same Chan... and that note saying I have a second chance... it means that something bad will happen to him."

I ran out, but stopped in my tracks when I saw a door being opened. Minho came out dragging Yedam with him.

I quickly hid behind the corner, and watched as Minho dragged a groaning Yedam out of the building.

I decided to follow them - Yedam was no good and Minho could be in danger.

Minho slammed Yedam against a tree, glaring into his eyes. "What are you doing?" Yedam said pushing Minho's arms off himself.

"It was you, wasn't it? You pushed him by that ledge. What were you trying to do, kill him?!"

I widened my eyes.

Parallel worlds. It's the same. Yedam is trying to kill Chan here too...

Minho. That's why he died. He found out about his plan, and Yedam killed him.

"Yah. What do you take me as? Chan's my freaking cousin for gods sake, why would I try to kill him?" "You tell me that. Why did you push him by the ledge, and why did you pull us back when he ran back by the mountains?"

My eyes widened even more watching the two. It didn't look like it would end well.

Yedam sighed, staring straight into Minho's glaring eyes.

Before punching him right in the face.

Minho stumbled backwards, and Yedam took the chance, grabbing him and slamming him against the tree with full force. He grabbed both of his arms, holding them above his head with one hand, and got a tight of grip of his neck with the other hand.

Minho immediately started choking, trying to pull himself free but he was too weak, and Yedam was way too strong.

I need to do something.

"Minho! Where are you?!"

Yedam quickly let go of Minho with widened eyes, and Minho coughed, catching his breath back.

I walked over and sighed. "There you are, God. I told you I needed to talk to you, come on." I grabbed his wrist, pulling him away from Yedam and back to the building.

Once we were inside Minho pulled his wrist free and I turned around to look at him. "Who are you? Why did you drag me back here?"

I sighed and said, "I need to see Chan, it's important." "He's asleep, but that's not the point. Who are y-" "Stay away from Yedam, he'll kill you if you're alone." "...How-" "I saw what happened. I need to go."

I turned around but then stopped.

The trip ends tomorrow, right? What if... what if Yedam is planning to kill Chan here? In the forest? Like in the other world.

I sighed, going back to where Mina and Nayeon was. I need to get my thoughts together.

"Y/n-!" "No time for that. Listen. Remember I told you that Chan's cousin betrayed him?" They nodded, confused on where I was going with this.

"Long story short, the same thing is happening here. Yedam wants Chan dead. And he almost killed one of his friends just now." "HE WHAT?!" "Listen! I... I think it's happening all over again. I need to stop it, but none of them know me. Maybe Chan, I don't know. But he's asleep right now anyways. I think Yedam is planning to kill Chan tomorrow, and I don't know what to do!"

The room went silent, and I sighed, putting my face in my hands. "None of them know me, so they won't listen to me or believe what I say. I have no idea what Yedam is planning, I... I can't let Chan die. Not again..."

Suddenly, the door opened, and I snapped my head up and looked over.

It was Minho.

Two Worlds // Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now