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I sighed as I stared at the same leaf that I saw a couple days ago.

Don't wander from your true task. You can come to regret it later, don't take the time you have now for granted.

It's been a couple of days since I've seen Chan, he must be really busy. Which means all that time trying to get to know him better is wasted. I don't know what could happen and when it would happen, and I don't know anything now on how to prevent it.

Thinking of the last time I saw him my hand unconsciously moved to touch my lips.


As I connected our lips together, I felt Chan immediately kiss me back. Our lips moved slowly against each others, but it was really sweet. It was full of something I hadn't felt before, I could feel butterflies swarm in my stomach and my heart beating even faster than a few seconds ago.

Neither one of us pulled back. We didn't want the moment to end. Chan put his hand on the back of my neck and deepened the kiss slightly, and I was starting to run out of breath.

Before we could even pull back though, we heard a voice.

"Chan!" We immediately pulled away from each other and turned to look where the noise came from.

Yedam came running over and rested his hands on his knees, catching his breath.

"Chan...you have to come." "What is it?" "I'll explain on the way... come on." He sighed and looked at me, looking like he didn't want to leave but he had to. "I'm sorry... I'll come back as soon as I can." I nodded then he got up and left with Yedam.


I'm actually quite worried about him. What did happen and why did he have to go back?


Later when it was already dark, I was sitting on a log outside when I heard footsteps from behind me. I turned around and saw Chan running up to me. He put his hands on his knees to catch his breath and I got up worried, looking at him.

"Chan?" I asked and after a few seconds I realised a cut on his exposed shoulder from the loose shirt he was wearing. It was patched up, obviously attended to but it looked painful.

I held onto his arm and lead him to sit down, then he looked up at me. Before I could say anything, he pulled me into a hug, nuzzling up to my neck.

"...What happened Chan?" He didn't say anything but after a few seconds I started to get worried, so I put my hands on his shoulders, leaning back so we could look at each other.

I got even more worried when I saw his eyes a little teary. "What happened?" I asked again, gently. He was quiet for a moment before speaking up, "My father was murdered..." I widenes my eyes, waiting for him to continue. "Some people somehow broke into the castle and killed him, they ended up killing themselves after so we couldn't do anything... and everyone expects me to be king in less than a week, I'm not ready..." he choked on his sobs and looked down, tears flowing down his cheeks.

I stayed there still, in shock. All this happened... something could have happened to him. And something could happen soon... and I somehow have to save him. But how do I even do that?

"I've just been staying in my room most of the time, Yedam is even busy so I can't even talk to him... I just wanted to talk to someone so I came here... also... I kind of miss you" he whispered the last bit, but I heard it.

I pushed my wandering thoughts aside, knowing I just had to be there for him. I scooted closer, wrapping my arms around the crying boy.

He must be so overwhelmed, he's still so young and his father just died, now he has to take his place and become king only a week after his death. And he clearly doesn't feel ready at all, he said so himself.

After a few minutes he calmed down a little so I leaned back to look at him. His eyes were a little puffy by now.

"What do I do?" he asked quietly. I sighed softly and said, "You'll have to become king. The people need one." "I don't think I'm ready though..." "It'll be hard to adjust to, of course. You'll get the hang of it over time though, and you'll feel better by then. So don't worry too much, you can do it" I smiled and pecked his lips softly, trying to cheer him up a little.

He stared into my eyes then after a minute he said something I wasn't expecting at all. "Don't you hate me now?" "...Why would I?" "I..." He looked down and said, "I kissed you."

I sighed and held onto his hands, looking into his eyes even though he was looking down.

"Did you see me pushing you away? No, I'd didn't. Even if I didn't want it, you asked me, remember?" He looked up at me then I sighed and said, "I think I like you, Chan." He widened his eyes a little in shock.

I looked down and said, "Just forget about it, you'll be busy from now on. So-" I was cut off from his lips, and I froze in shock.

As quick as it happened, he pulled back and looked straight into my eyes. "I like you too... but I didn't want to admit because I thought it was one sided."

I smiled a little, staring into his star eyes, getting lost in them. Him doing the same thing.

How I wanted us to just be like this, happy and nothing going wrong. But I knew that wouldn't happen. Something definitely will happen, and Chan could maybe even die if I can't save him. So I have to be on guard.

But for now, just staying here for him is what's important. So he can get through it all, I need to help him as much as I am limited to.

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