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I stood in front of all the chefs as they were stood in a line.

"Today the Prince, soon to be king was poisoned, and the only one who's been around him has been Yedam. So it must have been the food... who did it?"

The room was silent, no one spoke up.

Junhyuk let out a deep sigh, no one clearly was going to own up. So what can he do?

But, to his surprise, someone spoke up.

"I..I don't want to accuse him... but I saw Yedam putting something in his soup" they said hesitantly.

"...What?" I stood still for a minute, before snapping out of it and walking closer to the person who spoke up.

"How do I know if you're just not trying to cover it up?" "...I have no reason to... I'm just saying what I saw."

Just then Changbin came running up to me.

"...Junhyuk. I found this." He handed me something and I looked at it. It was an empty tiny bottle.

"...That...that's what he put in it" the chef widened their eyes.

"Huh?" Changbin asked clueless of the situation.

"...W...wait... are you sure?" I asked with a shaky breath. "Yes, it's the same bottle."

Changbin looked at me confused but I ignored him, running past him.

It can't be... he wouldn't.

I slammed open Chan's bedroom door, and I felt my world stop when it was empty.

"Junhyuk? What-" Changbin stopped, seeing the room was empty. "Wasn't-"

"It was Yedam."


"Yedam. He poisoned Chan... and... he took him somewhere... he's going to kill him."



I snapped my eyes open, hearing footsteps coming closer. I immediately hugged my knees, terrified I would get beaten again. I already couldn't feel my body anymore, everything felt so numb.

The footsteps stopped, my fear only increasing as I heard the keys being put into the lock.

"Father!!" I could no longer hear the keys anymore so I assume he stopped.

"Junhyuk... oh Yedam. I need to tell you something important."

The voices got further away but I could still make out their conversation.

"There's something dangerous I have to do... but if I can't do it, you're going to have to finish it when you're older."

"What is it?" one of them asked. "I can't tell you, but you'll find out." "But-" "Please. Promise me you'll finish the job if I fail."

"...I promise, father..." one of the voices said.

"...And you, Junhyuk?" It went silent and I almost thought that they had walked away.

"...I...I promise" Junhyuk replied hesitantly.


I snapped my eyes open wide.

Junhyuk and Yedam... they... their parents mission... what was it? To kill my parents? They succeeded on killing my mum... but my father... how did he-

"Promise me you'll finish the job if I fail."

One of them killed my father...

And if both my parents are dead...

There's only me.

And if I'm gone...

The throne would be empty.

That was their parents mission. To take the throne.

But...who is doing all this? Yedam wouldn't... it must be Junhyuk...

I then realised the situation I was in.

There was rope tying my body against a tree, but no one around that I could see.

I tried to get free but groaned at the painful headache I had.

"He's awake, get the boss" I heard a voice say, making me snap my head up.

The guy revealed himself, walking over and standing nearby.

"...Who are you?" I asked glaring at him.

He only glared back at me, keeping silent. I also saw that he was staring at something.

I looked down to where he was looking, and widened my eyes.

That burn on my chest from when I was young was clearly revealed, I was wearing such a revealing shirt that you could see it.

But... I don't even own any clothes like this.

I looked back up when I heard footsteps nearby. The guy was wearing a mask and hat so I couldn't see his face.

He walked over, crouching down and grabbing onto my hair, staring into my eyes.

I stared back, trying to figure out who it was.

He took off his hat, then his mask and threw it to the side.

My world stopped when I saw who it was.


"Y...Yedam..." I managed to whisper.

"Shocked?" he smirked. "It was so easy, and you're so gullible" he chuckled and looked down at my chest, then looked back into my eyes and whispered, "These people only believe me because of this mark. If only they knew the truth."

I clenched my fists, feeling pathetic in this situation. He knew everything about me, he knows my weakness and now he has me right where he wants me.

He sighed, pulling out a knife. "Let's just get this over and done with, shall we?"

"Y.. Yedam..." He raised an eyebrow and I looked deep into his eyes, hoping to find any source of sadness or guilt. But no. It all looked evil.

He tricked me all my life. I did this. I brought him to the castle when my father despised him, and got him to trust him.

I brought him away from Junhyuk when he clearly didn't want him to go with me. Is that the reason? He knows about this all... so he tried to keep Yedam away from me. So... he's been on my side all this time? And Yedam was the fake one all this time.

"You can't do this... after all that time... you're just gonna kill me?" "And?" he scoffed and came closer to my face. "I told you, you're too gullible. It was all an act. I'm glad I can finally drop it."

"You... did you kill my father?" "Had to" he shrugged like it was no big deal. "And Minho, he found out about me."

"Anyways, enough with the talk."

He looked down at his knife and back up at me, with an evil smirk on his face.

"You... you can't do this..."

"Why not?" "You must care about me, even in the slightest. If you can do it, look me in the eyes and do it."

He can't be that heartless... can he?

He sighed, tightening his grip on my hair, staring right into my eyes.

Before he stabbed me right in the chest.

Two Worlds // Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now