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"Y/n, hurry up, you wanna be late or what?!" "Alright, alright!" I ran up to them and gave my luggage bag to the teacher to put away. I went into the coach and sat next to my two friends who just sighed at me.

"What?" I rolled my eyes when they started staring at me with a bored expression. "I woke up and it was already nearly 8, give me a break" I huffed and crossed my arms, leaving back on the seat. Mina slapped my arm for being such a dramatic ass.

"So apparently they're actually gonna let us roam around the woods by ourselves" Nayeon said. "Oh my god, really?!" "Yeah, as long as we stay in groups they said they'll allow it!" she smiled. "Finally they're not treating us like babies anymore" I muttered. Mina sighed and grabbed my head, shoving it on her shoulder. "Sleep you stupid zombie, you know we're gonna do a lot today in the evening. I sighed and closed my eyes, knowing she was right, drifting off to sleep.


Mina woke me up and we went to drop off our stuff at our dorms, then they gave us some time to wander around and get familiar with the place. We took the chance and decided to explore the forest.

It was kind of hard to navigate through because of the trees, but we all stayed together. Well, I did manage to loose them at one point, making me panic.

"Guys?" I called out but there was no response.

Worried that I would get lost, I quickly ran back and around the place trying to find them. But I couldn't.

I stopped for a moment and sat down beside a tree to catch my breath. Then something fell into my hands. It was a leaf. But just not any leaf. It was a golden leaf.

What shocked me even more was that there was writing on it.

This magical world is not just fantasy, but one which you have an important task. Save him.

I stared at it in confusion. Magical world? A task? And save who?

I snapped my head up when I heard shuffling, but widened my eyes when I saw that the surroundings were different from a moment ago.

Before it was late afternoon, starting to get dark and trees were everywhere. Now there were still lots of trees, but not as many. And it was really bright all of a sudden.

I got up slowly, looking around and hiding behind a tree when I spotted someone, peeking over to look at whoever it was.

It was a boy... man? He was sitting by a stream, staring off into the distance. He was wearing quite fancy clothes, ones which I haven't really seen before. He had wavy red hair that was blowing in the air from the wind.

I ended up staring at him for god knows how long, I couldn't help it, he looked like a human angel.

"Hyung!" someone ran up to him, snapping me out of my stare.

"Hey Yedam" he smiled and 'Yedam' sat down next to the older. "So... you're gonna be king, huh?" He sighed and said, "I came here to get my mind off it, you know."

"Why? Your mood seems down" he frowned. "I don't want to be king, you know." He grabbed a pebble and threw it into the river, and it bounces multiple times on the water.

He sighed and said, "My father is forcing me to be king, and I don't have a choice. I just want to live normally, not with all this... responsibility."

"Chan" he sighed. "You know no one can live normally these days. We're struggling, and we need a better leader. You father is sick and is getting older... this place won't hold without you."

"Why me though?" Before the other could say anything, he got up and said, "Don't worry, I'll become king. And I'll get used to it, eventually. Bye Yedam" he patted the younger's shoulder before walking away.

Yedmam sighed and walked away, and I sat down leaning against the tree, even more confused. "Ok they're definitely not from here... and this is definitely not the same place I was before. That means...

I looked down at the leaf that was still in my hands.

This magical world is not just fantasy, but one which you have an important task. Save him.

Is this a different world then? What am I saying, I sound crazy right now...

I was interrupted of my thoughts as someone popped out of nowhere, holding out a sword right at me. "Who are you?" a cold, demanding voice asked and I looked up to see that Chan guy from earlier.

"...Well? What are you? A spy?" I shook my head in a 'no' manner and he raised an eyebrow at me. "Who are you then?" "Umm... no one... I was just exploring the forest and got here..." "You'd expect me to believe that?" "It's true though"

He stared straight into my eyes for a couple of seconds, making me a little uncomfortable. He had a cold glare and his eyes seemed scary for some reason.

"Fine, you're lucky I have to get somewhere" he said pulling his sword back. He then walked away and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.


That 'important task. Save him.'

That wouldn't be... this person would it?

Save Chan... the Prince... who's soon to become King?

Just then another golden leaf fell from the tree and I looked at it.

One man that holds many secrets. To carry out your task, you'll need to find out what they are. To save him, you need to know him. Know the Prince, know what's going on around him.

It is him. I need to get close to him, I need him to trust me, so I can help him.

So I can save him.

Two Worlds // Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now