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One day 8-year-old Chan woke up as usual in the morning, excited for the day ahead. He would get to spend some time with his family for once in a very long time. He was so excited that he could barely fall asleep the night before.

He sat up but then frowned at the unfamiliar surroundings. He moved to get up but was pulled back by some cold metal on his ankle and he fell over face first on the floor.

He cried out in pain and was even more confused when no one came to check up on him. His parents care about him so much that the slightest cry or distress or pain coming from the boy and seconds later someone had rushed over to make sure he was alright. It was pretty annoying at first, but he's grown to appreciate it as he's never alone.

The boy was in distress now, trying desperately to pull his ankle free but it was no use. After a while the constant rubbing of the metal on his skin caused his skin to become irritated, so he stopped moving, not wanting to to get worse.

He went back on the bed and curled up into a ball, hugging his knees for his own comfort.

Hours passed, which seemed like forever to the boy, until the door opened. He hugged his knees tighter, too scared to look at whoever was at the door.

"Get up" a voice said, harshly pulling the boy up. "W... who are you..." he cried scared for his life. "You don't need to know" he simply answered, putting in the key on the chains, freeing the boy's ankle.

He dragged the boy who was trying to pull back, and after a few tugs he got sick of it, and slapped the crying boy right across his face. Chan immediately went quiet, not wanting to anger him any further.

He was dragged out of the building and he was immediately surrounded by trees.

He was pushed up against a tree and a blindfold was immediately put on him, so he was even more frightened now.

He couldn't even move because both his arms were being held being his back.

He tried to protest but his mouth was covered by a large hand, and he struggled even harder to get himself free. He was so scared of what they would do, he doesn't even know where he is or who these people are.

A few moments, later, the boy tried to scream in pain but it was all muffled in the man's hand that was covering his mouth.

A burning hot metal was put on the boy's left side of the chest. He couldn't take the pain and after a few seconds passes out.


He woke up god knows after how long.

He scrambled to get up and this time he wasn't pulled back. He ran over to the mirror in the room and his eyes widened.

There was a burn mark on his skin, a big patch of his skin being bright red and still stinging, it still hurting him.

He could tell it was a symbol of some sorts, but couldn't tell exactly what it was because of his skin being too red.

Tears welled up in his eyes and he just wanted to break down then and there, but he knew he had to stay strong to get out of wherever he was trapped.

He wiped his tears away aggressively with his sleeve and looked around the room.

The door was locked, and there was a window in the room.

He was expecting the window to be closed, but it wasn't. It opened, and he looked down seeing not that much of a jump. He could easily jump out and not get hurt.

So, he did so.

He landed on his feet, and started running but he was yanked back by someone grabbing his shirt from behind.

He screamed in fear, and he was thrown back harshly, hitting a wall.

"Trying to run away, huh?" The boy looked up trying to control his tears from falling from the pain and the distress that couldn't get back to where it was safe, with his family.

The masked man crouched down and got hold of the boy's hair, and even though he was wearing a mask the boy could basically see the smirk plastered on his face.

The man leaned over to the boy's ear, whispering, "I was ordered to give you a living hell, so let's do that, shall we?" The boy widened his eyes and shakes in fear, clenching his eyes shut, wishing he could be away.

But he couldn't. It was reality.

He received multiple punches and kicks all over his body, which seemed endless for him.

He cried out for help as loud as he could, but no help came. He didn't know how to feel. How come no one had found him? It's been so long and surely if people were looking for him they would've found him by now.

After a minute the boy had passed out. He was already too weak from not eating or sleeping in the last 2 days.


The pain didn't end there. In fact, it only got worse.

It got to a point where he thought that dying would be better, but it seemed that whoever was holding him captive didn't want that.

They fed the boy, to the minimum but enough to keep him alive.

And he couldn't do anything.

The same guy came every day, saying creepy stuff before beating him up, slowly but painfully until he passed out.

He still had hope though. He hoped someone would save him, and he could run back to his parents arms.

One day, he was found. After a month, he was saved.

But the pain didn't end there.

Two Worlds // Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now