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I sat down on the chair in the hut, hands buried in my face.

I had no way of finding out if Chan was ok or not, and I had to wait until the next day. I don't even know what happened to him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard people nearby.

"Where is it? Here?" I could make out the faint voice from the distance. "Shh, it's over there."

I widened my eyes in panic. I got up, opening the door and peeking out.

Just then three men came into view.

"There! Get her!"

I quickly ran in the opposite direction as fast as I could, my heart beating out of my chest from both fear and from running so fast.

I saw a little place I could hide, hidden by some vines. I quickly went over, hiding and praying that they wouldn't find me.

To my luck, they ran straight past me.

I got up once I was sure they were gone, and looked around.

I have to get back now. Who knows what could happen if I'm caught.

I started walking and out of nowhere something hit my head. I made an 'ow' noise and managed to catch the object.

It was a small fruit of some kind, its strange though. I've never seen something like this before. It was bite sized, like a cherry except it was a yellow/golden colour, with no stem.

I stared at it confused, until a golden leaf dropped on top of it.

'Eat it to heal. Only one chance, use it wisely'

What the hell is this? Why would I need-

I widened my eyes.

If I've been given this, it means Chan's in danger.

I started running back to the castle, as fast as I could.

I ran and ran until I saw something that made my heart drop.

It was Chan...

Eyes closed, his clothes completely covered in blood.

I ran over, dropping down and shaking his shoulders, my eyes tearing up.

"Chan...Chan... Chan!"

When I got no response, I got even more panicked. I cupped his face with one hand, calling his name.

A painful noise escaped his lips, and I froze.

But he didn't open his eyes.

I held onto his hand tightly and said, "Chan, if you're awake squeeze my hand... please..."

I waited for a moment but he didn't squeeze my hand.


His eyes opened.

By the slightest, they opened.

I sighed out in relief and then brought the fruit to his lips.

"Eat this, Chan" I whispered and his lips slowly parted, and I put the fruit in his mouth.

He easily swallowed it and for a second nothing happened, making me hold in my breath.

But then he snapped his eyes open wide, taking in a deep breath and then coughing.

"Chan... are you ok?"

He took a while to stop coughing then froze, looking down at his chest.

"What..." He was still panting to catch his breath, confused as hell.

Two Worlds // Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now