
264 15 10

Chan is here. In this world.

He's exactly the same. From his warming laugh and star-like eyes to his red dyed hair, with bangs that were parted in the middle.

He smiled with his arms around two of his friend's shoulders. Minho and Changbin. Yedam was there too, watching the fire.

I started to wonder... if they look and sound exactly the same... are their personalities the same? Is Yedam... fooling Chan? Putting up an act?

I knew I shouldn't focus on them, but I couldn't help but worry. I failed in helping Chan, and even if this is a different Chan to the one I fell in love with, it would still hurt to find out that something bad happened to him.

"Y/n?" Mina nudged my shoulder gently. "Huh?" I tore my gaze away from Chan to look at her. She sighed and said, "Once this is done you're telling me everything. You don't have a choice."

I nodded, sighing in defeat. I knew Mina, once she was set on something she wouldn't give up. I felt guilty for making her worry like this and ruin the fun, but it's not as if I could suddenly act ok when I'm not.

The minutes past, and the campfire was dying down slowly. I reached my hands out closer to the fire to warm them up, still staring at Chan. I couldn't help it, he just looked so beautiful and ethereal to look elsewhere.

It clenched my heart that he wouldn't know anything about me. This is a different Chan we're talking about. I'm a stranger to him.

I quickly swatted my hands around the place when I felt something land on skin, thinking it was a bug.

But when I looked down at the ground, I saw a leaf.

But just not any leaf.

A golden leaf.

My eyes widened, as I stared at it in shock. I quickly picked it up, seeing wording engraved on the leaf just like all those other times.

Parallel worlds, a second chance. Don't put it to waste.

I snapped my head up to look at Chan, but didn't see him there anymore. Neither was the rest of the group. Or... a lot of people apparently. People were leaving.

"Y/n, let's go" Mina said, holding onto my arm to pull me up.

I stood up, walking with her and Nayeon back to our sleeping areas.

We went in our shared room and sat down, the two of them staring at me waiting for me to start talking.

I sighed, altering my gaze to the floor.

"You won't believe anything I say because it sounds absolute crazy. It is absolutely crazy. So there's no point in telling you."

A soft sigh was heard in the silent room before Mina spoke up. "I don't care if it sounds crazy, but I'm worried about you, Y/n. It'll only make it worse to keep it bottled up inside. We'll believe you, so let it out. Please."

I sighed again, looking up slowly at the two.

"You found me passed out, right? It wasn't that long." They nodded, and I continued, "It was way longer for me. I was walking in the woods lost and all of a sudden the scenery around me changed, the trees, the time of day... I was somewhere else."

They had confused expressions on their faces, but stayed silent, listening carefully.

"It sounds crazy, and it is. I was so confused, not believing what was going on at first. I kept getting those strange golden leaves that had messages on them. They basically told me that I had to save someone. It was someone called Bang Chan. He's the Prince there, oh yeah, the time period is different there. Anyways, I spent a lot of time with him so I could get him to trust me... and eventually we um... fell in love with each other" I scratched the back of my neck, feeling awkward telling my friends about this.

"Things happened. His father died, and so he was going to be king in a couple of days. His cousin took me to the castle to help him, but because I couldn't leave the castle for long I had to go back to the woods. To sum it up, his cousin betrayed him, and Chan sacrificed himself to save everyone. I tried to save him, but he ended up dying anyways... I failed. I..."

I sniffed, trying to keep my tears from falling. "I came back here after that, and you remember those people who threw a ball over by accident?" I asked and they nodded slowly.

"They're close to Chan. They're the same people, they look the same, have the same name and have the same voice. But they don't know me. Chan is also here, I saw him by the campfire. Also... I got one of those golden leaves things saying something."

I pulled the leaf out of my pocket and said, "It looks normal to anyone else but to me it's golden and has wording on it."

I looked down at the leaf and read it out, "Parallel worlds, a second chance. Don't put it to waste."

The room went silent, and I looked up, seeing my two friends deep in thought, looking a little lost.

I sighed. I don't know why I explained all of that when it sounds all crazy anyways. I probably look like mentally ill or something.

"Y/n..." She sighed and looked at me. "Is there a way to tell Chan apart? Like did he have any scars or anything on this body? Anything."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused on why she was asking.

"He had a burn on his chest... it was a symbol of something."

"Hmm... well, that leaf talks about parallel worlds, right? Maybe heteh Chan here has the same mark."

"What? I mean... you believe me?" I asked, shock evident in my voice.

She sighed and said, "It sounds absolutely crazy, but that's why I'm trusting you on this. I know you would never lie about something this big, especially to us. And the way you've been acting today is explained by what you just said."

She got up, sitting next to me and patting my shoulder with a soft smile on her face.

"I want to help you, Y/n... let me."

Nayeon got up too, sitting on the other side of the bed next to me, smiling too. "Me too."

I smiled back at the two, really grateful for having such awesome friends. They believed me with such a crazy sounding story, and are willing to help me too. I couldn't be more appreciative right now.


hey everyone :)

sorry for the delay on this story, I started writing much worse so I deleted what I wrote already in this chapter and re wrote it all. Sorry if any previous chapters are badly written, but I'm going to try my best to get it better again 👍🏻

is anyone still reading this though? I feel like I'm writing this to myself, and I loose motivation easily too because of it

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