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Me and Changbin were walking to the castle in silence. He had a blank expression on his face but it was obvious that he had cried.

And I was deep in thought.

I came here to save Chan, but now he's sacrificing his life to save everyone else.

Then what happens? Do I go back to my ordinary life? Before I ended up in the forest and met Chan?

I stopped in my tracks.

My task was to save Chan. So once I save Chan... it'll all end right? I'll go back?

"Y/n?" Changbin turned around and looked at me.

"...Changbin." He waited for me to continue and I sighed. "I'm going to try save him." "What?" "I can't just do nothing. He'll die alone."

He closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh before looking at me.

"You can't, you'll die too. I can't love with that. Chan told to me to keep you safe."

"Changbi-" he got hold of my wrist, pulling me with him.

"Let go" I tried to pull myself free but he wouldn't let go.

"No. You can't go." "I can do something. Just let me go, please!"

He sighed, and stopped walking.

He looked down so I couldn't see his face.

I sighed and said, "I know you want to do what Chan told you, but I can't do nothing. It's killing me."

He kept silent so I sighed again, before saying, "Go and do what Chan told you to do. You need to save everyone. I'll go and find Chan... so let me go, please" I pleaded, and he looked to his side at me slowly.

"It's my decision, so it's not your fault. Don't feel guilty because of me. Just go."

Slowly, he let go of my wrist, and I looked at him for a moment more before running in the direction we had came from.

I ran through the forest, trying to find Chan.

Eventually, I saw them in the distance.

Chan was being held down by two guards, and Yedam was on the ground, clutching onto his bleeding chest and glaring at Chan.

"Kill him."

I widened my eyes, running forward to try and stop it.

One of the guards pulled out his sword, and I lashed forward, pulling him away from Chan. I tried pushing him to ground but he was way stronger than me.

He turned around, lifting his sword at me.

I widened my eyes, not knowing what to do.

I stepped to the side as he swinged his sword in my direction, but he was quick to aim it at me again.

Before he could get to me though, I was suddenly pulled to the side.

I looked at who it was and saw Chan.

The other guard who was on the ground got up, with a death glare at Chan.

"You killed him" he growled, and I looked past him to see Yedam lying lifeless on the ground.

"That was kind of the plan."

The guard scoffed at his comment and Chan took a step back, pulling me behind him more and I couldn't see what was going on anymore.

"Listen. He was fooling you all this time so that he could kill me and take over the throne."

One of the guards rolled their eyes, walking forward and Chan walked backwards, but then my back hit a tree. He stopped too, his back pressed up against my front.

The guard got hold of Chan's neck, choking him.

"You did all of that shit then you think you can trick us that easily?! Do you think we're dumb?!"

Chan coughed and let go of my wrist, grabbing onto the guard's hand and pulling it away from his neck.

"It's the truth. Whether you want to believe me or not is up to you. Because you'll get in trouble either way."

He scoffed but then looked past us, and Chan hesitantly turned around, and I did so too.

It was the rest of the guards.

"Too bad you had to bring your little girlfriend here too, she's goinna have to die with you."

I was suddenly yanked away from Chan, and he turned around but the two guards got hold of him.

"Do you want die first? Or her?"

I struggled to get free. I knew Chan would of anything to keep me safe, and I couldn't let him get hurt because of it.

"Let her go. She has nothing to do with this." "She kinda does."

He clenched his eyes shut when a knife was put against his neck.

"What are you going to do if you kill one of us? Once the royal guards find you, you're dead."

"Stop being cocky when you're about to die. Now choose. You or her?"


"Fine. I'll choose. It's you."

I widened my eyes as the guard sliced right through his neck with the knife, making blood gush out everywhere.

The guard let of Chan who fell right onto the ground.

I increased my efforts to get free, yelling at the top of voice to let me go.

I couldn't focus on anything else but Chan.

A moment later I was finally let go, and I ran up to him, shaking his shoulders desperately.

"Chan" it came out broken and quiet, and I rubbed my eyes aggressively to get the tears out of my eyes.

He opened his eyes slightly, parting his lips. It looked like he wanted to say anything, but he clearly couldn't anymore.

As soon as he opened his eyes however, they closed again, and his head turned to the side.

It went quiet. He was no longer breathing, just like that. In that instant his life was taken away, and I couldn't do anything but watch.

"...Chan..." my voice broke the silence, and I hid my face in his chest, trying to keep my sobs silent but it came out broken and loud, so everyone could hear.

I had failed. Failed to keep him safe. Now he's gone, he's dead just like that. I loved him so such, seeing him die right in front of my eyes made my heart clench painfully and all I wished was that I could reverse time. So that I could do it right and save him. So that he wouldn't die. That second chance that could save him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my pounding head. My head felt heavy all of a sudden, my thoughts spinning like crazy.

Before I could process anything, darkness took over me. And I passed out.

Two Worlds // Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now