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"Y/n!! Y/n, come to your senses! Wake up!"

I shot up with wide eyes, panting heavily.

"Y/n, are you alright?! What happened?"

Right in front of me was Mina and Nayeon looking at me worried.

I'm back to this world.

"What happened?" Mina repeated getting even more worried.

I kept silent though. I couldn't process what was happening.

What happened with Chan? I suddenly blacked out and now I'm here...


My task was to save Chan...

But because I failed...

I came back because there's nothing else to do.

I covered my face with my hands, groaning.

Was it even real?

It felt so real.

I snapped my head up suddenly making Mina and Nayeon flinch a little in shock.

"How...how long has it been?" "What do you mean?" "How long was I passed out for?" "We lost you so came back, I think it's been like 10 minutes, I'm not sure."

So...time didn't pass by here?

It all then hit me.

Chan is gone.

Everyone and everything in that world is gone. Or maybe I'm just gone?

Can I go back? But Chan is dead...

The memories made my eyes tear up without realising and Mina suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"What happened..? You're worrying me."

A quiet sob left my mouth, and I clutched onto Mina's shirt, trying not to break down.

She ribbed circles on my back to calm me down and I bit my lips trying to keep quiet, my face dug in her shoulder. But occasionally quiet sobs left my mouth, I couldn't help it.

I couldn't stop thinking about Chan. I don't even know if it was all real, if he was real. Even if he was, what can I do? He's dead, and I don't even have a way of getting back there.


I froze at the voice. It sounded way too familiar.

I heard someone running over then he said, "I'm sorry, my friend here was being an idiot. Can I have it back?"

I finally looked up and saw him bowing apologetically to Nayeon who had a ball in her hands.

"Ok" she sighed and gave him back the ball.

He lifted his head and flashed a small smile, taking the ball and running off.

It looked exactly like Changbin. His facial features, his height (huehue😈), his voice was the exact same too.

He ran up to someone, and I widened my eyes even more.

It looked exactly like Yedam. And Minho next to him.

...Wait... does that mean...

"Y/n?" Nayeon asked but I kept my gaze on the three who were walking away.

"...Those three... do you know who they are?"

"Them? I don't know. Probably from the other school that's here. Why? Do you know them?"

I know them way too well.

"...No I don't. They just looked familiar."

Mina sighed and patted my shoulder. "Tell us, seriously. What happened?"

I sighed and got up to stand on my feet.

"I think I'm sick, plus I'm still tired. I'm gonna go back and rest for a while."

"Do you want one of us to stay with you?" Mina asked, the worry expression on her face never leaving.

"I'll be fine, I'm just going to sleep. Bye."

I walked away, going back to the building where our sleeping areas were.

I collapsed on the bed, staring at the bottom of the top bunk deep in thought.

They definitely looked the same. And Changbin sounded the exact same too. What is this? They're all here.


Does that mean Chan would be here too?

And what about Junhyuk?

They wouldn't know me though. They'll think of me as a stranger.

So even if Chan is here... he won't know me. He won't have those memories we shared, good and bad.

They're different people. Parallel beings from two different worlds. (this reminds me of the King: eternal monarch lol)

I blinked my tears away and got up, deciding to go find my friends.

There's no point moping around when I can't do anything, so I might as well try to get my mind off it.

I walked around the place, searching for my friends. I noticed it was starting to get dark.

"Y/n!" I turned around, hearing my friends calling me.

They stopped running and Mina asked, "I thought you were going to rest?" "Oh about that... I'll just sleep later. I can manage. Plus, don't we have stuff to do?"

It's been a while so I can't remember anything we were going to do.

"Oh yeah, there's gonna be a campfire in a bit! Let's go" Nayeon smiled, holding onto my wrist and running off.

Mina sighed and followed us from behind.

We got comfortable on the logs, not many people were here as there was least half an hour before it would officially start.

I sighed, leaning my head on Mina's shoulder and closed my eyes. She let me, knowing I was exhausted.

The next half an hour went by, and people slowly starting coming and gathering around.

Three staff came in the middle and started the fire, and I sighed, moving my head off Mina's shoulder, feeling my neck ache a little.

I looked around briefly, but then froze.

It was Changbin and Minho.

Someone pulled Minho away and stood infront of them, and I recognised them as Yedam. He laughed as Minho smacked him but what happened next made my heartbeat accelerate, and my eyes widen.

Yedam was pulled away, and there was Chan, standing in front of Yedam laughing.

He looked the exact same. His laugh looked the same. The same spark in his eyes was there.

Chan is here. In this world.

Two Worlds // Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now