
364 23 14

2 days have passed and I haven't seen Chan since. I was worried, but I knew that he would be busy.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned around swiftly, expecting to to be Chan.

But it wasn't.

"Yedam?" I asked confused. "So you've seen me before, huh?" I widened my eyes a little. "N...no..." I slapped myself mentally for stuttering, oh such a good liar I am.

He chuckled and sat down next to me. "I saw you then, there's no point in trying to cover it up." I looked down then he sighed and said, "Chan misses you, you know."

I looked at him then he said, "He wants to come see you, but he's been so busy." "He... talks about me?" "I was talking to him yesterday and he told me." "Oh" I looked down sadly.

"...I wanted to ask." He took in a deep breath before asking, "Can you come to the castle?" I looked at him in shock.

"I mean... it hurts to see Chan so... down... maybe you can help him a bit, emotionally? I can't really do much" he explained rubbing the back of his neck.

I thought about it. But then remembered.

I can't leave the forest for long.

How long is that though?

Will a few days be ok?

I can come back here if I need to anyways, so I think I'll risk it, for Chan. I can't help him if I'm not around.

"...So...?" "...Ok." "...Huh?" he asked a little taken aback, he probably wasn't expecting me to agree straight away.

"It's not as if I'm doing anything here anyways... so I might as well try to help him."

He smiled a little relieved and asked, "Can we go now then?" "Now?" He hummed in response. "...Ok, yeah let's go."

He nodded and got up, and I got up too. I followed him until he stopped by... a horse?

Right. This time period is different.

He got on the horse and extended his hand out, and I held onto it before he pulled me up.

"Hold on" he said and whipped the horse (however you say it). I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist as the horse went off, it was pretty fast.

It didn't take too long to get there, and I stared around in awe at everything and everyone.

Some people were giving confused and weird looks, but after remembering that Yedam was Chan's cousin I understood. They're probably wondering who on earth they are.

He stopped by the castle and got off the horse, helping me get down. He led me into the castle, which was huge by the way. I've never seen something like this in real life, I was more of an introvert anyways so I didn't like to go out before.

He suddenly stopped someone by grabbing their arm. "Minho, do you know where Chan is right now?" "In his room, why?" He looked at me confused.

"I'll explain later" he patted the other's shoulder and gestured me to follow him.

I followed him through the hallways, this place looked even bigger from the inside of that even made sense.

He stopped by a large door and turned to face me. "You'll be ok, right?" I nodded then he said, "You can tell Chan or me of you need something, I'll introduce you to everyone around here later." "Ok."

He then left and I took in a deep breath before knocking on the door. Hearing no response, I tried again but again, it was silent.

I opened the door slightly and saw an enormous room, Chan laying curled up on the bed in the middle of the room.

I closed the door quietly behind me and walked over, looking at him.

His eyebrows were furrowed, and he was gripping on a pillow tightly. His lips were also parted, taking in shaky breaths.

Quickly realising that he was probably having a bad dream, I shook him to wake him up. "Chan... Cha-" He suddenly flinched hard, sitting up and snapping his eyes open. His breathing was heavily and a little unstable.

"...Chan?" I asked. He didn't seem to realise I was here.

He looked at me and widened his eyes. "Y... Y/n... how are you here?" "Yedam brought me here... are you ok?"

He sighed and nodded, making me sigh too. I scooted closer, wrapping my arms around him. He slowly hugged me back, calming down.

After a minute he pulled back and stared at me, a smile slowly forming on his lips. "I missed you..." He whispered. "I know" I smiled. "Yedam told me." "He be out there exposing me" he sighed dramatically. I smiled and pecked his cheek quickly.

He smiled but then looked down his smile disappearing. He sighed and asked, "Can I tell you about my dreams now?... I want to tell someone... I haven't told anyone yet, not even Yedam." I nodded, signalling him to continue.

He sighed before starting...

(continues in next chapter)

Two Worlds // Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now