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There was four days left until Chan would become king.

There was a lot of things to organise, and Chan had to do all of it. Yedam helped a little when he had the time, but he was busy himself with god knows what.

Anyways, it's night now and I'm in a guestroom, just laying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

I was feeling a little weak, which is strange as I've eaten plenty today and gotten enough sleep. After thinking I realised that it probably has something to do with the fact that I shouldn't leave the woods for long. Which means that I'll most likely have to go back in a while.

My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened, but I stayed where I was, assuming it was Yedam as he had come in earlier to talk. He had said that he was worried for Chan, and told a bit about their past too. Not in much detail, but I got the jist of it.

I yelped in surprise when Chan was suddenly hovering over me, smiling widely.

"You scared me" I muttered and he chuckled.

He moved to lay down next to me and sighed. "Aren't you going to sleep? It's really late." "Aren't you?" I asked. He sighed and said, "I'm not tired."

I turned to lay on my side looking at him.

I knew he was lying, he looked exhausted. I knew he was just scared to fall asleep again.

"Chan, you need to get some sleep. I'll stay with you in case you have a nightmare."

He sighed again then turned to his side so we were both facing each other.

He stared into my pleading eyes for a minute before scooting closer, wrapping an arm around my waist and resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Alright... Only because you told me to."

I smiled a little, about to close my eyes but then I swear I saw something.

Something like a red mark on his chest. But I only got a glimpse of it.

I was contemplating whether I should ask him about it or not, but after I heard some soft snores I decided to just let him sleep. I'm tired anyways, so I may have just seen things.

I closed my eyes, letting darkness consume me as I slowly drifted off to sleep in Chan's arms.


I woke up to Chan shuffling in his sleep. I could hear his heart race and his breathing was a little heavier than usual.

Before anything could get worse, I pulled back and shook his shoulders to get him awake.

After a few moments he snapped open his eyes wide, letting out shaky breaths.

He quickly hugged me tight and sighed in relief.

"You woke me up before it happened, thank you" he whispered.

I smiled a little in relief, and wrapped my arms around him too.

He calmed down after a minute and pulled back to look at me.

He smiled after a while then asked, "Do you want to go to the woods?"

I smiled back and nodded, and he got up, bringing me with him as he went out of the room and to a particular part of the castle.

But we were both surprised to see Yedam there, sitting down and writing something on a piece of paper.

"Yedam?" Chan asked confused. It was nearly 6am in the morning so he was confused on what he was doing here that early when they stayed up late the night before.

"Oh, Chan. What are you doing here?" "We're gonna go out for a bit in the forest, what about you?"

"The forest?" he asked and Chan nodded confused.

"There's no time, you know." "I thought we finished organising?" He sighed and stood up, patting the older's shoulder. "There's a lot more, get ready and come. Sorry."

He walked off, and Chan sighed sadly.

"It's fine, we'll go another time" I said trying to cheer him up. He nodded and turned to face me. "I'll make sure we go" he pecked my lips but as he pulled back I cupped his face with my hands and kissed him sweetly, making him smile in the kiss.

After a moment we pulled back and he quickly gave me a hug. "I'll see you later." "Yeah, ok, now go" I laughed slightly. He nodded and stepped back, walking away.

I went back to the guestroom and went back to sleep, I was still tired.


I woke up much later than I had expected.

Chan woke me up and when I opened my eyes he was frowning.

"Are you ok? Have you been sleeping all day?" "All day?" I mumbled confused, rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah, it's the evening now." "Huh?" I asked quietly, confused.

He sighed and sat on the bed, holding my hands in his.

"You're hiding something from me, aren't you?"

I finally woke up properly, and he was staring right into my eyes.

I sat up but frowned when I realised how weak my body was feeling. I was still tired too.

So that's what happens, huh? When you leave the forest for too long, you get weak and tired.

I need to get back there.

"When can we go to the forest?" I asked him, totally ignoring the question he asked a moment ago.

He sighed and said, "Now, I guess. I'm done with the stuff." "Can we go then?" He sighed again and was about to speak but I cut him off by saying, "Let's just go, I'll answer your questions later, I promise.

He stared at me for a few seconds before nodding, standing up and saying, "Freshen up, I'll-"

The door was slammed open and Chan turned around in surprise. Everyone always knocked before entering, even Yedam.

It was Changbin. He was panting and he had tears in his eyes.

Chan went over and put his hands on his shoulders in concern. "What happened?"

"I... it's Minho..." "What?" "H... he was found dead..."

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