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The next few days went by pretty quickly. Time flies by when you're having fun, right? Though Chan couldn't stay for the whole day - for obvious reasons - we still spent a lot of time together. We didn't really talk about ourselves, whenever I asked Chan a question about himself he would just change the topic. I learnt to not ask him anything personal.

Anyways, during those few days I got to learn more about this world, I understand what it means by this world being 'magical' now.

Honestly, we were having so much fun that I might have even forgotten about the task, if it weren't for the golden leaves that fell daily. There were all blank though, perhaps it was just a reminder of the task I have to complete.

A whole week had passed by now, and I was starting to wonder how long I would be here for, and if I could go back. All my friends and my family are there, so of course I'd want to come back.


"What are you thinking about?" Chan asked sitting down next to me. I sighed and said, "Just life, you know." He hummed in response and it was silent after that.

We tended to be like that. Silent. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a comfortable one. We've only known each other for a week, yet we seem so comfortable around each other. Well, except for talking about personal things but I have my reasons, and I assume Chan does too.

As if he was reading my mind, he started talking, "We've both been avoiding telling each other about our personal life. I have a reason, what's yours?"

I looked at him but he was looking down, playing with a stone in his hands.

"It's just... my life is very different to yours, you wouldn't understand..." He sighed and said, "Me too, I guess. I also... I don't know. I've never spoken to anyone about myself other than to my cousin, Yedam. So it just seems..."

"Off?" I finished the sentence for him. "Yeah... It's not like I don't trust you, I mean... we've only known each other for a week but-" he sighed and went quiet.

"I think I get it. Well, not exactly but I get the jist of it. It's fine though, don't worry."

He sighed and stood up. "I'll get back now, bye." "Bye" I smiled, trying to cheer him up a little and I swear the corner of his lips lifted upwards a little.

He left, but I stayed there staring into the water. I undertand why he likes coming here, it really is peaceful. My lazy ass never goes out, but now that I'm seeing everything I love it.

I know one thing for sure. Once I get back I won't be the same lazy introvert I was.


The next day Chan didn't come, and it worried me a little. I figured he was busy, he is a prince after all.

Though the next day I realised that wasn't the case.


"Try to think of something else, come on." "I can't..." I sighed. I sat down and so did Yedam, still looking at me worried. "And stop looking at me like that, it makes me feel worse."

He sighed and asked, "Do you want some time alone?" "Yeah..." "Ok, I'll-" "Just head back, Yedam. I just want to be alone." He sighed but nodded, getting up and leaving.

I brought my knees to my chest and put my head in my arms, trying my best to not break down again. I didn't want to, I had already cried so much the day before.

"Oh, Chan!" I lifted my head and saw Y/n smiling at me. But I didn't smile. "How come you didn't come yesterd- what's wrong?" I sighed and looked away.

"...Chan..." "It was just a bad dream... and I'm tired too." "You said you had a nightmare before too. It's not 'just' a dream, is it?" I kept silent then Y/n sighed and got up. "Come on, I want to show you something."

I didn't feel doing anything but I figured it would be better to keep myself and my mind busy.

I got up and followed her and she went somewhere. She led me to the same hut as last time. But, this time it was decorated with flowers and everything. There was even a little place to sit outside by a tree, with a fire in the middle.

"I decorated a little, is it nice?" "Yeah, it is" I smiled unconsciously. She smiled and went to sit down on one of the logs. She grabbed two stones and started hitting them against each other, looking confused when nothing happened.

"It worked before..." she said confused. I laughed to myself and walked over, taking the stones out of her hand. "You can't just use any rock, it won't really work. Don't you know that?" "Umm..."

I shook my head and got up, coming back with two different stones. "Here, this should work." She scooted closer and watched me. After a minute a fire started and I dropped it on the pile of sticks.

"There" I looked at her and froze when I realised how close our faces were to each other. I quickly got lost in her eyes and only realised when she looked away, clearing her throat quietly.

Neither of us said a word, and the silence was killing me. I didn't know what to say either, when something crossed my mind. I think I can trust her by now, plus she's really understanding and nice.

"...Y/n..." She hummed in response. "...Can I tell you something?" "What is it?" "About... why I didn't come yesterday." She looked at me, and I looked down, contemplating a final time whether I should go ahead with it or not.

"I... I did have a bad dream. But it happens regularly, so I barely sleep anymore. It's not just a bad dream though, it's... flashbacks of when I was younger."

I let out a shaky breath, remembering the flashback I had yesterday. I hadn't seen it before, and it was... big.

"Is that why you seem so tired? You can't sleep?" "I don't really ever sleep to be honest... at first I was too scared to. Then I got used to the lack of sleep, and now I can't even fall asleep, even if I try. I do fall unconscious from time to time though, I'm human."

"...What kind of things do you remember?" I tensed up without realising and she quickly said, "Never mind, I don't need to know. I'm sorry."

I sighed and said, "I'll maybe tell you one day... just not now." I closed my eyes, resting my head on her shoulder. When she didn't say anything, I smiled to myself and relaxed, feeling comfortable.

They're warming up to each other ayyy~

Is the storyline ok so far? It'll get more interesting as it goes on, I promise :>

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