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Chan and Yedam were walking in silence in the forest. It had been like half an hour already and Chan had enough.

He stopped in his tracks, sighing annoyed. "I'll just get more sick at this point. I'm going back."

He turned around but was stopped by Yedam grabbing his arm.

Chan looked at him still annoyed, but Yedam just smirked at him. Confused as well now, he tried pulling his arm free but Yedam tightened his grip, and Chan was way too weak.

Yedam suddenly yanked Chan to the side, and his body crashed into a tree, his body giving upon him as he fell straight down.

He groaned, putting his hands on either side of body trying to lift himself up. He managed to lift himself him a little but fell back down again.

Yedam walked over, grabbing both of Chan's wrists harshly and putting them together behind his back. He grabbed onto Chan's hair, pulling it back so he would sit up.

"W...what..." Yedam raised an eyebrow at how scared Chan looked. He expected the older to be confused, mad or something similar. Not scared.

"You scared?" he smirked, tilting his head to the side and staring into Chan's eyes that were full of fear. Chan was silent - he couldn't say anything. He didn't want to believe anything that was happening.

"Hmm...how should I do this? There's a lake nearby...ooh, I could drown you!"

Chan widened his eyes meanwhile Yedam just started laughing like a psychopath, pulling Chan up and dragging him with him.

That's when Chan started to protest.

He moved around, trying to get Yedam's arm off him, doing whatever he could to get free.

They soon reached the lake though and Yedam pushed Chan onto the ground. Before he could even move he put his foot on Chan's chest - stopping his movements, and also knocking the air out of his lungs.

He leaned forward closer to Chan's face and smirked smugly. "Why...why are you doing this?" "You really don't know?" He leaned even closer so that their faces were only inches apart. "You. Your father. You're the reason my father's dead." "What?" "You know it's true!"

Chan flinched at the sudden yell and Yedam sighed and leaned back, staring at Chan for a moment before punching him in the face.

"You don't know how long I wanted to do this."


Yedam sighed, getting hold of Chan's hair with his fist.

Chan looked at Yedam, tears in his eyes. "I don't understand you. If you hated me why did you stay being so close with me?! Just kill me if you want to, and don't fake it for so long!"

Yedam was a little surprised by the sudden outburst, but he quickly masked it with a smug smirk and leaned closer to Chan's face.

"It was all part of the plan, not that you'd understand that."

He lifted his foot off Chan's chest, lifting him up harshly and bringing him closer to the water whilst he tried to get away.


Yedam sighed, pulling out a knife and putting it against Chan's neck, make him instantly go quiet.

Chan's breath hitched, and Yedam smirked at him. He about was about cut his neck but he heard a yell.

"YEDAM!!" He turned his head, still holding onto Chan. He saw Minho, Junhyuk and Changbin.

"Let him go. Now."

Yedam turned Chan around, still holding a knife towards his neck. The other three froze and widened their eyes. How could they make a move now?

Chan looked at them with a desperate look in his teary eyes, though he knew it was over for him. Yedam had him right where he wanted him.

"You think I didn't plan this through, didn't you?" Yedam smirked confusing the other three for a moment, but their questions were answered when at least 10 other guys came charging towards them. They started fighting them, trying their best to not get punched or kicked but it was hard considering how they were outnumbered.

Yedam turned Chan around, pushing him towards the lake. Chan stumbled right to the edge and nearly even fell in.

Before he could do anything Yedam got a grip on his neck, restricting the air from his lungs once again.

Chan could hear his friends' and cousin's yells in the distance from getting hurt, and he couldn't help but feel like it was his fault.

Yedam looked into Chan's eyes one last time, with that same satisfied smirk plastered on his face.

Before pushing him into the lake. 

The lake was pretty deep, and quite wide too.

Chan fell in, he struggled to get back to the surface of the water but it was impossible since his hands were tied together behind his back.

He felt himself loosing consciousness, and the last thing he could remember before completely going into darkness was a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.


I stayed a good distance, keeping watch like we had planned. Minho, Changbin and Junhyuk try to stop him while Nayeon goes to call someone, with me and Mina keeping watch from different places out of sight.

Yedam pushed Chan in the water, and the fast flow of water took Chan with it.

I ran to the river in the direction Chan was going. I jumped in without hesitation, diving in and wrapping my arms around his waist. I lifted him out of the water and to the grass.

I quickly caught my breath and shook his shoulders.

"Chan...Chan!! Wake up!"

Panicking, I checked his pulse and it felt really weak.

I quickly thought of what to do and then put my hands on his chest, performing CPR.

When nothing happened, I pinched his nose and smashed my lips against his. I went back to CPR on his chest when he finally opened his eyes.

He coughed out water and I turned him to the side, patting his back softly. I felt tears flowing down my cheeks, I couldn't help it.

He then looked at me, and froze immediately.


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