Who The Hell Is Camille and Dylan

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Mary's POV
I was in the living room. "Where's Bobby, Reece, Alice, and Evelyn?" Ricky asked. "In town, supply run." I said eating a pretzel. "In this?" Sammi asked walking in with more fire wood. "Yeah, their heroes. We were officially out of hunter's helper." I said showing the empty liquor bottle. "You drank the last of it?" Ricry asked me. "No Alice did." I said. Ricky nodded and we heard a crash. "Sam, Dean, and Kara are in there." I said, Ricky and I ran to the study and saw the window broken. "Bobby is going to kill you." Ricky said. "Camille, Dylan you aren't in this scene." Kara said. "Who the hell is Camille and Dylan?" We both asked.
Camille's POV
I was watching the scene with the others. "Cut!" Bob yelled. "Real good solid fall. Way to go." The crewmember said slapping Jensen on the rear making Dylan and I laugh. "Jared, Jensen, Danielle! Outstanding! That was just great." Bob said smiling, Dylan and I nodded. "Supernatural, scene one echo, take one. Tail slate. Marker!" Another Crewmember said. "So... No angels?" I heard Jared asked. "No angels, I think." Danielle said. "But that was great!" Bob said. "It's not a problem with the stunt. It's a problem with the... signal." Serge said. "Should we be killing anybody?" Jensen asked. "I don't think so." Danielle said. I decided to go see what they were talking about. "Running?" Jared asked. "Where?" Jensen asked. "Hey guys great scene." I said. "Mae where are we?" Jensen asked. "Are you method acting or did you hit your head, because last I checked I'm Camille." I said. "Moving on! That's a wrap on Jared, Danielle, and Jensen!" Kevin said and I smiled. "W-who the hell are..." Jared trailed off. "Dylan! Jared! Three minutes, okay?" Trish Evian said dragging Dylan and Jared. "Where are we going?" Jensen asked. "Jensen, Danielle, there you are! Let's just get you in the chair." The makeup artist said. "Chair?" Danielle asked. "Come on, Cam you too." My makeup artist, Kelly, said. I sat down smiling. "Okay, hon, we're just gonna get this makeup off your face." The makeup artist said. "Wha—I'm not wearing any ma... Oh, crap! I'm a painted whore!" Dean said. "That's one why to put it Jen." I said. "Cam you forgot you were wearing the wig." Kelly said. I smiled and took the wing off. "You wear a wig?" Danielle asked. "Uh yeah, of course it's a wig, I have dark blond hair while Mae's is lighter." I said.
Dylan's POV
I sat with Jared for the interview. "Trish Evian here with Jared Padalecki and Dylan Sprayberry from tv's "Supernatural." So, Jared and Dylan, season six." Trish said. Jared looked around confused at the set and back at Trish. "What?" Jared asked. "You all beat the devil, lost your soul, and got it back again. So tell us, what's next for Sam Winchester? And Dylan you broke up with Cas, got with Emmett, he died and got your baby sister back, what's next for Ricky Harvelle?" Trish said. "Look, I-I-I really don't..." Jared trailed off.  "Oh, and if you could include the question in your answer? Thanks." Trish said. "Well what's next for Ricky I think is to hopefully fix things with Cas and try to get to bond with Sammi but we know the fellow gay hunter doesn't get that before something happens to Mae or someone else." I said.
Mary's POV
I was now sitting at the coffee table with Ricky, Sammi, and the three hopefully amnesiacs. "So you three are telling us your names are Jared, Jensen, and Danielle?" Ricky asked. "Yes and you three are Dylan, Camille, and Shelley." Jensen said. "Wait why do I feel like angels are behind this." I said. "Explain." Ricky said. "Simple, they have thrown us stuff like this before like the alternate reality, time travel, is another dimension that different?" I said. "You're not wrong so what are we like in your universe?" Sammi asked. "Well Dlyan and Camille are super close and Shelley has become good friends with them too." Danielle said. "So why is Jared being silent?" I asked. "Him and Jensen don't talk." Danielle said. "We came as soon as Sammi texted us." Ma said walking in with Pa and Athena. "You texted the three gods?" I asked. "I panicked." Sammi said. "There souls are odd." Pa said. "Way to be cryptic." Jared said. "You're souls did a three sixty." Ma said. "Where's Bobby and the others?" Athena asked. "Getting supplies." I said. "Yeah you're all out of whiskey." Ma said. "Wow you guys are so different than Nicholas, Monica, and Jasmine." Danielle said. "The us in your universe?" Ma asked. "Yes, in our universe, Nicholas joked around, Monica is freakin british, and Jasmine mostly sings show tunes with Camille." Jared said. "At least he is talking." Sammi said. "Hey, we finally got back." Alison said. "Stupid umbrella!" Reece screamed and finally got it closed. "You are a powerful Nephilim yet an umbrella can defeat you, Red?" Evelyn asked. "Shut up." Reece blushed kissing her. "Why the hell is the window broken in the study you Idijits!" Bobby yelled. "So you all believe in alternate universes?" I asked looking at him. "Goldilocks you better have a damn good explanation." Bobby said, we told them everything we found out. "So do you guys know how to get the wall in Sam and Mae's head to stop breaking." Ma asked. "Haven't gotten a script, plus they avoid giving Jared ones due to him giving spoilers." Jensen said. "Like you're any better." Jared said glaring. "Boys, we both know Misha would give spoilers more than you two." Danielle said. "True." The two said. "Misha?" We all asked. "The guy who plays Castiel." Danielle said. "Can you tell us our names?" Evelyn asked. "Sure, Jim Beaver, Vanessa Morgan, Madelaine Petsch, and Sara Bareilles." Danielle said. "Cool." Alison said. "Yeah Mae's actress Cam almost passed out meeting Sara she was a huge fan, along with meeting Nicholas." Jensen said.
Camille's POV
I found Dylan after getting my makeup and wig taken off. "Hey has Jared been acting strangely?" I asked. "Yeah he didn't know where he was. Same with Dani and Jen?" Dylan asked. "Yep and you know what that means?" I asked. "Sherlock and Watson." Dylan said smiling. I laughed at my bff and we found Misha on his phone and Alessia walking away. "You guys! You really punked me! I'm totally gonna tweet this one. Hola, mishamigos. J-
squared... Got me good. Really... Starting to feel... Like one of the guys." Misha said typing. "Misha you good?" We asked. "Oh hey Dylan and Cam." Misha said. We found Jensen's trailer and walked in. "Oh. All right, who puts a 300-gallon aquarium in their trailer?" Jared asked. "Jensen does, so maybe you three can tell us, who the hell you three are." I said. "Listen we aren't from this universe." Danielle said. "I call Bullshit." Dylan said. "That's the truth." Jensen said. "Fine then tell us something about Mae that only Sam, Dean, and Kara would know." I said. "Cam, they play the characters." Dylan said. "The wall in my head is cracked and Mae's is close to shattered." Sam said. "It is them, the scenes I did for the wall breaking was by myself and Jared hadn't seen it yet." I said. "All right, here we go. Let's see who this guy is." Kara said getting Jensen's laptop and I put the password in. "Well, he's not a hunter, but he plays one on tv. Oh. Come on. Look at these male-modelin' sons of bitches. Nice blue steel, Sam and Kara." Dean said showing the magazine. "Hey. Apparently, it's our job like this one." Sam said showing us the magazine of all of us girls doing the Rosie The Riveter pose. "We are the main people for women empowerment." I said shrugging. "All right, uh, here goes. Um... It says you're from Texas." Kara said looking at the laptop. "Really?" Dean asked looking. "Yeah. And, uh... Oh. Says you were on a soap opera." Kara said. "What?" Dean asked. I looked and hit play on the the clip. "If I didn't have cancer, and I wasn't married, and I had plenty of money... Would you – would you want to run away with me?" The lady said. "Money? What, you think I really care about money, Nicole? I care that you're healthy." Jensen said. "Well, I'm no quitter, Eric." The lady said, Dean slammed the laptop as Dylan and I lost our shit laughing. "Don't like this universe, guys. We need to get out of this universe." Dean said as Dylan and I calmed down. "Awe but you haven't seen Jared in Gilmore Girls." I said. "I do not want to see that." Sam said. "No argument here. But I don't think our – our prayers are reaching Cas or Marina. Or the real Cas and Marina." Kara said looking at us. "Well, I agree. I think we are definitely out of, uh, soul-phone range. But..." Dean trailed off drawing. "What?" Sam asked. "If we can reverse Balthazar's spell... I watched every move. We just, uh, get the ingredients, right, get back to that same window, and... There's no place like home." Dean said showing the sigil. We were now sitting on the desk for Bobby's study set. "Backbone of a lesser saint. Got it. Uh... It's rubber." Sam said. "Check this out. Hey, look. It's fake." Dean said. "It's all fake!" Kara yelled. "Of course why would someone trust us with actual knives." I said and took the fake lighting bolt and poked Dylan with it laughing. I saw Bob looking at us, I waved. "Well, at least they're talking to each other." Bob said. "What are we supposed to do with this crap?" Dean said. "Course everything is fake. We're on a film set. We got to get back to the real world." Kara said. "Yeah, now you're talking. All right, we go round up the genuine articles, bring 'em here for the spell." Dean said as they got in the prop Impala. "Should we tell them?" Dylan asked. "Don't you dare." I said. "Mr. Ackles! Mr. Ackles, please!" The one Crewmember said. "How the hell are we supposed to get out of here?" Kara asked getting out. "We can show them." I said and we dragged them to where Clif was parked and we all shoved in the backseat. "You know whereabouts you want me to drop you off? Jensen, Danielle, Cam, Dylan?" Clif said. "Me? Yes. Um... I – I'll just tag along with, uh..." Dean said. "Jared." Sam said. "Jared... Jared here." Kara said. "Same." Dylan and I said. "Huh. Since when are Jensen and Jared talking?" Clif asked. "They made up." I said. "All right." Clif said putting the divider up. "Where the hell are we, anyway?" Dean asked. "Vancouver, Canada." I said shrugging. "Dude, we're not even in America." Kara said. "No shit, easier to flim than L.A." Dylan said. "Yeah considering I grew up here." I said. "Really cause it says here you were born in Nashville." Kara said looking at Danielle's phone on my Wikipedia page. "Yeah but moved here when I was just a baby." I said. We pulled up to the Padalecki mansion. "Nice modest digs, Jay-z." Dean said. "Wow. I must be the star of this thing." Sam said. "Yes you are." Dylan said. "Yeah, right." Dean said and we walked in the beautiful mansion. "Check it out." Kara said. "What am I, Dracula?" Sam asked. "George Hamilton Dracula." Dylan said seeing the tanning bed. "Oh. Now we're talking. Dude, you have a camel in your backyard." Dean said as I looked and saw the alpaca. "It's an alpaca, dumbass." Genevieve said at the top of the stairs. "Ruby?" Kara asked in shock.  "Ruby. right. That one never gets old. How was work today, hon?" Genevieve asked kissing Sam and I bit my lip. "Wait. You and Ruby?" Dean asked. "Do you honestly think that's funny,  Jensen?" Genevieve asked. "Right. Right. 'cause you're not Ruby. You... I mean,  how could you be? You... Of course! You are the lovely actress who plays Ruby. And you are, uh, in... Jared's house, Uh, because you two are..." Dean trailed off and I pointed to the marriage photo. "Married! You married fake Ruby?" Kara said. "What are you all doing? I mean I know we trusted Camille and Dylan to house sit for us tonight." Genevieve said. "Work. Work." Sam said smiling. "Yeah, just, uh, thought I'd pop in, say hey. Hey. Uh, and – and – and maybe run some lines. It's..." Dean trailed off. "You've never even been to our house." Genevieve said smiling. "Well, now that I know there's an alpaca out back, I'm definitely coming back." Dean said. "Well, alpacas are the greenest animal." Genevieve said. "Right. Right. That is so important." Kara said. "Well, there's that thing I have to get to." Genevieve said. "Oh, yeah. Of course, yeah. The thing." Sam said smiling not knowing they're animal activists. "The international otter adoption charity dinner?" Genevieve said looking at him. "Oh." Sam said. "Okay, well... Well, I'm glad you two are talking, anyway." Genevieve said. "Yeah." Sam said and Genevieve left. "Well, looks like you did all right." Dean said. "You're also married. Her name is Danneel she's nice." Dylan said. "Yeah. Yeah. I should figure out her name." Sam said. "Genevieve, that's her name." I said. "Wait I got married and it's not to the girl who plays Kara?"  Dean asked. "Yes and due to that jealous look, we are not looking for Danneel just toss me the phone." I said and Dean tossed me Jensen phone and I texted Danneel that he had late night fliming. "There she should be fine." I said. We were now in the library the others looking at laptops I was reading the latest script to see if there was anything on this. "Wrist bone of saint and holy reliquary. Museum-quality, from diocese in Oaxaca. Looks legit." Sam said. "All right. Auction house is in Mexico City. We could be there day after tomorrow. We, uh, case it, yank it, be back here by the end of the week." Dean said. "Or you could just buy it." I suggested. "What?! Dude, that thing's over a hundred thousand bucks." Kara said and Dylan held up black credit cards. "Hello, Jared Padalecki." The three said. "Cubrir a su amigo en la aduana. no? Bueno." (Cover your friend at customs. no? Okay.) Sam said in Spanish over the phone.  Triple rush. No problemo. Because money is no ob—This baby's maxed." Dean said. "Here." I said tossing him another credit card. "Wow. They said it should be at the airport first thing in the morning." Sam said smiling. "Money, man. There is nothing like it." Kara said. "All right. Couch. TV star. Beauty rest." Dean said falling on my lap. I shoved him off. "Let me move first." I said.
Mary's POV
I asked as ready to yank my hair out. "Okay do you know anything on how you might've got here?" Bobby asked. "No one minute we are fliming a scene next we are here." Danielle said. We nodded sighing. "Ugh I hate angels now we got model idjits." Bobby said. "I mean they are pretty." Reece and Evelyn said. "We look exactly like Sam, Dean, and Kara." Danielle said. "Wait if you three are here does that mean our Sam, Dean, and Kara are in your world?" Athena asked. "Oh shit, he better not sleep with my wife!" Both Jensen and Jared yelled.
Camille's POV
I woke up and changed for the day since I kept an extra outfit in my bag.

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