Why Did You Drag Me Here

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Mary's POV
I was at Ma and Pa's hanging out with Reece and Evelyn. "This is fun." I said. They nodded my phone rang and I answered it. "What Kara?" I asked. "Meet us in PA a town called Easter." Kara said. "Okay Reece and Evelyn will be coming." I said and hung up. "I'll be driving." Evelyn said. "You got your license?" I asked. "Yep." She said. We walked to Bobby's and she showed us a Ford.

 We walked to Bobby's and she showed us a Ford

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"We're coming." Alison and Athena said. "Good." We all said. I got in the back while Evelyn drove holding Reece's hand. We got to where they told us to meet. We got out. "Waiting for Dean." Ricky said. "Okay I'll ride with you now on." I said. "Okay." He said. We saw the Impala pull up and Dean come out wearing a suit. "Ben... I know you're lying. Because I lie professionally, that's how. Now tell your mom that you broke the damn thing and take it like a man. Okay? Ok-- okay." Dean said hanging up. "Wow." Alison said. "What?" Dean asked. "You -- molding the minds of tomorrow. Who knew?" Athena said shocked. "Yeah, tell me about it." Dean said. "How'd it go?" Crystal asked. "With?" Dean asked. "You and Lisa. How'd she take it when you bailed?" Sam asked. "Shockingly cool, actually." Dean said. "Better for everybody." Sam said. "And you men still don't know how women work." Reece said. "What do you mean?" Dean asked. "We may seem like it's okay when actually it hurts us." I said. "Yeah, why do you think I'm a lesbian." Evelyn said. "Still driving the plastic piece of crap, huh?" Dean asked Sam going away from our conversation knowing we are all right. "What's your mileage, again?" Ricky asked. "Shut up." Dean said. We got to the police station walking to the morgue. "Officer Gerald Hatch, 17-year veteran, found dead in the ready room three days ago." Kara said and Ricky looked at the file. "Whoa. Somebody was over-hydrated." He said and Dean looked also laughing reading it. "Basically, yeah. The guy just... liquefied. Most of the meat, bones, dense tissues -- they just turned to blood." Sam said. "Okay, I don't get it." Reece said. "Nobody gets it." Crystal said. "No. I mean, I get that. I'm saying, if the guy was a mop job, then what are we doing in the morgue? What's left of him to look at?" Reece said. "Not here to look at him. Here." Sam said showing us a boiled covered cop. "Ooh. Bad news." Alison said. "Officer Toby Gray. They just brought him in. Found him dead in his patrol car, sitting at a speed trap on the outside of town." Sam said. "Extreme allergic reaction." Athena said. "Yeah. Boils. Covered from head to toe." Kara said. "Yeah, on the inside, too. It says his airways are chock full of them. This startin' to look a little witchy to you?" I said. "That was my first instinct, but I found zero signs of hexwork anywhere. Far as I can tell, witchcraft was not involved." Sam said. "Who said witches need to use hexes?" Evelyn asked. "There's got to be some sort of link between, uh, skid mark and bubble wrap here." Ricky said thinking. "No question." Crystal said. "All right, well, can I get a witness?" Dean asked. "Yep. Uh... Officer Ed Colfax. Saw Hatch go from a solid to a liquid." Sam said. "Another cop?" I asked. "Hatch's partner." Kara said. I pushed the body back into the drawer. I got in Ricky's car and he pulled up to the place and saw Sam drive up but Dean cut him off. They got out and I rolled my eyes. "Were you, uh... were you racing us?" Crystal asked. "No. I was kicking your ass." Dean said. "Very mature." Sam said. We walked up to the house and knocked. "Hello? Officer Colfax?" Athena asked. The door opened to reveal him in full uniform. "Whoa. Lookin' sharp, Kojak." Alison said smiling. "Who the hell are you all?" He asked. "We're the Fed, Ed. We're here to ask you a few follow-up questions about your partner's death." Sam said, wow way to be gentle about it. "Don't worry about it. It's nobody's business." Ed said. "Officer Colfax." Ricky said. "Don't worry about it!" Ed said slamming the door in our faces. I sighed and we watched Sam kick the door in. "Damn is Sam PMSing?" Reece asked. "Dude!" The rest of us yelled at Sam following him we saw Ed scratching a face out of a photo, I sighed seeing his pain. "Officer Colfax?" Crystal asked. "Hey, man, you all right?" Ricky asked. "Don't worry about it." Ed said. "Right. Look, Officer Colfax -- Ed. We think that your partner died of unnatural causes." Evelyn said. "Did he have any enemies that you know of?" Dean asked. "You might say that." Ed said. "Oh, yeah? Who's that?" Sam asked. "They both had it coming. Me too. I'll be the next to go, and then it'll be over. And God will be satisfied." Ed said, okay maybe this dude needs mental hospital. "Why does God want you all dead?" Crystal asked. "Cause of Christopher Birch. Oh, damn it." Ed said as he split whiskey. "Who's Christopher Birch?" Kara asked. "He has no face." Ed said. "Ed?" Alison asked worried. "Officer, you all right?" Athena asked. Ed put the bottle up right. "Who is Christopher Birch, Ed?" Ricky asked. "Ed!" Reece yelled. "Christopher Birch is a kid with no face... and a planted gun." Ed said. "Uh, you, uh... you got a little something..." I said pointing to his bleeding head. "Damn. My head's been itching like a dirty jock." Ed said and fell coward breaking glass. "Ed?" Kara asked and Sam kneeled down checking his pulse. "Dead." Sam confirmed. We heard buzzing. "You hear that?" Crystal asked and moved the hat seeing Locusts crawl out. We were at the hotel room and I was doing research on my phone. "Sweet. Blood, boils, locusts." Dean listed off. "Three of your more popular Egyptian plagues." I said. "Yeah, but these guys... ate their way out of a cop's melon. I don't quite remember that in the King James." Ricky said shrugging. "Meanwhile, a kid named Christopher Birch was shot in the head last month after a vehicle pursuit. Hatch, Gray, and Colfax were the three officers involved, and they all filed the exact same police report." Dean said. "Suspect exited vehicle brandishing a firearm. We were forced to fire. Just a kid with no face and a planted gun." Athena read the report. "Bunch of dicks. So they pop the kid, plant the piece." Alison said. "Maybe Colfax is right. You know, maybe heaven has a hate-on for bad cops." Sam said. "So we're listening to the guy with the bug in his custard? That's -- that's the, uh, the theory you want to go with?" Reece asked. "Guys, angels got to have something to do, right, now that we're post-Apocalypse?" Kara said. "So do demons but you don't see me making deals." Crystal said. "We should call Cas and Marina." Dean said. "You're kidding, right? Dean, I tried. It was the first and second and third thing I did, soon as I got topside. Son of a bitches won't answer the phone." Sam said. "Well, let's give it a shot. Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here." Ricky said. "You're an idiot." Evelyn said. "Stay positive." Ricky said. "Oh, I am positive your an idiot." Evelyn said. "Come on, Cas! Don't be a dick. We got ourselves a... plague-like situation down here, and... do you...do you copy?" Ricky said . "Like I said... son of a bitches don't answer -- they're right behind me, aren't they." Sam said. "Yeah." I said seeing the two angels. "Hello." The two said. "Hello?" Sam asked. "Y-yes." Castiel said. "Hello." Sam said imitating Castiel. "Uh, that is still the term?" Marina asked. "I spent all that time trying to get through to you two to get Mae. Ricky calls once, and now it's Hello?!" Sam blew up. "Yes." Castiel said. "So, what, you -- you like him better or something?" Sam said. "You're my mate so no." Marina said. "Ricky is my mate so yes." Castiel said. "Cas, I think what he's trying to say is that... Mae went to Hell for us. I mean, she really took one for the team, and Sam just wanted her back. And now Mae is randomly back and he wants answers." Dean said. "So he's banging Crystal due to grief?" Marina asked and I started laughing at Marina's bluntness. "If I had any answers, I might have responded. But I don't know, Sam. We have no idea who brought Mary back from the cage... or why." Castiel said. "So... it wasn't God?" I asked the two of them. "No one's even seen God. The whole thing remains mysterious." Marina said. "What the hell does that mean?" Sam asked. "What part of I don't know escapes your understanding?" Castiel said. "Guys, look, if Sam calls, you answer. Okay? You wing your ass down here, and you tell him, I don't know. Just because we are mates." Ricky said. "Why did you even look into who brought me back?" I asked, Sam looked away. "You think I came because you called? I came because of this." Castiel said. "Oh, well, it's nice to know what matters." Ricky said. "It does help one to focus." Marina said to Ricky. "Wait, so -- so you and the Halo Patrol, you guys aren't the cause of these killings?" Crystal asked raising an eyebrow. "No. But they were committed with one of our weapons. There's only one thing that could have brought this into existence. You call it the Staff of Moses." Castiel said. "The Staff?" Alison asked. "It was used in a dominance display against the Egyptians, as I recall." Marina said picking up the jar of locusts. "Yeah. That one made the papers." Evelyn said. "B-but I thought the Staff turned, like, a -- a river into blood, not one dude." Reece said. "The weapon isn't being used at full capacity. I think we can rule Moses out as a suspect." Athena said. "Okay, but... what is -- what is Chuck Heston's disco stick doing down here, anyway? I mean, don't you guys put away your toys?" I said. "Before the apocalypse, Heaven may have been corrupt, but it was stable. The staff was safely contained. It's been chaos up there since the war ended. In that confusion, a number of... powerful weapons were... stolen." Marina said. "So Heaven got robbed." Kara asked smirking. "Wait, you -- you're saying your nukes are loose?" Dean asked. "Yeah, I'm afraid so. But you've stumbled onto one of them. We must find the weapon that did this. We need your help." Castiel said. "That's rich. Really." Sam said. "Guys, our people skills are rusty. Pardon us, but we have spent the last year as a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent. But believe us, you do not want that weapon down here. Help us find it. Or more people will die." Marina said glaring. "All right. Okay. Well, if the angels didn't pull the trigger, then that brings us back to motive." Ricky said. "What?" Castiel asked confused. "Back to the case. Right now, we got three dead cops. Only thing linking them... is this. Father of slain suspect calls for investigation." Alison said. "Well time to hitch a ride." Ricky said and Castiel teleported Ricky and Kara, Marina teleported Sam and Dean, Reece teleported her and Evelyn, Athena and I did after we grabbed Crystal. We got to the house. "Oh, guys, a little warning next time." Dean said. "What the... how'd you get in here?!" Mr. Birch asked. "Mr. Birch, settle down. Federal agents." Sam said showing the badge. "But you can't just walk in here!" Mr. Birch said. "Quite a collection you've got there, huh?" Crystal asked about the newspaper clippings. "What are you trying to --" Mr. Birch started to say but Sam cut him off. "Look, we know the truth, all right? Chris didn't have a gun on him when those cops shot him. They set him up." Sam said. "Yeah. They're all getting theirs." Mr. Birch said. "And who's giving it to them, Darryl?" Crystal asked. "Darryl? Did you kill Toby Gray and the others?" Kara asked more nicely than the demon and my brother. "Me?! I didn't kill anyone! Look at how they died!" Mr. Birch defended. "You smote them with the Staff of Moses!" Castiel said, way to be subtle about it people. "The hell kind of Fed are you?" Mr. Birch asked confused. "We don't have time for this. Where is it?" Marina said. "Leave my dad alone!" A kid said pointing the staff at us. "Is that...? Yes." Castiel said. "Shouldn't it be bigger?" Alison asked. "Yes. It's -- it's been sawed off." Marina said. "Leave him alone! It wasn't him!" The kid yelled. "Aaron, get out of here!" Mr. Birch yelled and Castiel knocked the man unconscious. "What did you do to him?" Aaron asked. "It's all right. He's just sleeping." Reece said and Aaron pointed the staff at her. Castiel teleported next to Aaron and took the staff. "Cas, take it easy!" Ricky yelled. "Listen, we're not here to hurt you, okay? But we need to know... where did you get this thing?" Athena asked. "Please don't kill my dad. It was me. I did it." Aaron said almost in tears. "Okay, nobody's killing anybody. What's your name?" I said. "Aaron. Aaron Birch." Aaron said. "Okay, Aaron Birch, where did you get this?" Evelyn said. "You won't believe me." Aaron said. "Try us." I said. "It was an angel." Aaron said to us. "An angel?" Dean asked. "Those liars, they killed my brother, and nothing bad even happened to them. It's not fair. So I prayed to God every night he would punish them. God didn't answer. But he did." Aaron said. "His name -- did he give you a name?" Marina asked. "No. He just said I could have justice, but I was gonna have to take it myself. He... he gave me the stick." Aaron said. "He just... gave it to you? Ah, come on. He didn't just give it to you, did he, Aaron?" Kara said. "I bought it." Aaron said. "You bought it? With what? What's your allowance?" Sam said, damn did him and Siren switch places. "What did the angel want for it? What did you give him for it?" Athena asked. "My soul." Aaron said. "You sold your soul to an angel?" Ricky asked. "Can that even happen?" I asked the two angels."It's never happened before. An angel's buying souls. That could explain why he cut the staff into pieces." Castiel said. "Why?" Crystal asked. "More pieces, more product." Marina said. "More product? Who is this guy?" Dean asked "We'll find him." Castiel said and knocked Aaron unconscious. "What did you do that for?" Ricky asked. "Portability." Castiel said, and teleported us to our motel room. "Cas, you realize you just kidnapped a kid?" Evelyn said. "If the angel we seek truly bought this boy's soul, when a claim is laid on a living soul, it leaves a mark, a brand." Castiel said. "What, like a -- like a shirt tag at camp?" Sam asked. "I have no idea. But I can read the mark and find the name of the angel that bought the soul." Castiel said. "How?" Reece asked. "Well, painfully for him. The reading will be excruciating." Marina said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on." Ricky said. "Ricky." Castiel said. "He's a kid, Cas. A ki-- guys?" Ricky said. "Any permanent damage?" Sam asked. "Dude!" We all yelled. "Physically, minimal." Castiel said. "Oh, well, yeah, then by all means, stick your arm right in there." Ricky said sarcastically. "Mate! If I get the name, I can work a ritual to track the angel down." Castiel said in a voice that no one has ever heard out of Castiel and it made Ricky bow his head in submission. "Cas, kids do bounce back quickly. But come on. There's got to be another way." I said. "There is no other way." Marina said. "You're gonna torture a kid?" Dean asked. "I can't care about that, Dean! I don't have the luxury." Castiel said and Ricky looked like he wanted to fight back but a look from Castiel made him stop. Castiel put his hand in Aaron's chest making Aaron scream and Castiel finally finished. "He'll rest now." Marina said. "I'll get him back home." Alison said. "Did you get a name? What is it?" Sam asked. "I thought he died in the war." Castiel said. "What, he -- he was a -- he was a friend or something?" Reece asked. "A good friend." Castiel said. "Yeah, well, your frat buddy is now moonlighting as a crossroads demon." Dean said. "Balthazar. I wonder..." Castiel trailed off. "Balthy?" Marina asked and Castiel nodded. "So we can find him now, right?" Evelyn asked and an angel appeared. "Balthazar. Thanks, Marina and Castiel. We'll make good use of the name." The angel said and attacked them. "Get away from them!" Sam and Ricky yelled. "And by the way, Raphael says hello." The angel said. The three angels fell through the window with Crystal in the way and landed on Sam's car. "My car." Sam said. "Okay. Silver lining." Dean said. "He's gone." Crystal said walking back in along with Castiel and Marina. "Alright guys, who was that guy?" I asked. "A soldier of Raphael. He must have followed us when I answered your call." Castiel said walking to a cabinet. "Raphael? The archangel? I'm sorry, what's going on here?" Ricky asked. "I can explain later. Right now we have to find him." Castiel said. "No, not later. Now. Stop, all right? Too many angels, Cas! I don't know who's on first, what's on second." Ricky said pissed. "What is second?!" Marina asked. "Don't start that." Dean said. "It is simple: Raphael and his followers, they want him to rule Heaven. I -- and many others -- the last thing we want is to let him take over. It would be catastrophic." Castiel said. "You're talking civil war." Sam said. "Technically, yes. Which is why we have to find Balthazar and his weapons before Raphael does. Whoever has the weapons wins the war." Marina said. The two angels pulled Sam's weapon bag from under the bed. "Help yourself." Sam said. "And what happens if Raphael wins? What -- what does he want?" Kara asked. "Well anyone in a war wants power." Athena said. "What he's always wanted -- to end the story the way it was written." Castiel said shrugging. "You mean the Apocalypse, the one that we derailed?" I asked. "Yes. That one. Raphael wants to put it back on the rails." Marina said. "Why?" Evelyn and Reece asked. "I need myrrh." Castiel said. "Myrrh?" Alison asked as Castiel disappeared and came back. "Freakin' angels." Crystal said. "Why does Raphael want to bring back all this crap?" Kara asked. "He's a traditionalist." Marina said. "Why didn't you tell us this?" Ricky asked. "I was ashamed. I expected more from my brothers. I'm sorry. Now I need your blood." Castiel said looking at Dean. "Whoa, whoa! Hey! Ahh! Why don't you use your own?" Dean asked. "It wouldn't work. I'm not human plus I having a feeling the others would stab me." Castiel said. "You're not wrong." The rest of us said, I heard a siren sound. "Uh, Cas, how long does this spell take?" Sam asked. "Got him. Let's go." Castiel said and got us to a mansion. "Huh. I was expecting more Dr. No, less Liberace." Dean said looking around. I followed Marina. "Why did you drag me here again?" I asked. "Well we are the most peaceful." Marina said. "I'm not the most peaceful." I said shrugging. "Rina. You're here and brought a friend." An angel with an accent said. "Balthazar." Marina said. "It's so good to see you. He told me you were floating around." Balthazar said. "He?" Marina asked. "I believe you two have flown together. Oh, you know, the old frog in the throat." Balthazar said and the angel from before jumped out of the and a frog jumped out of his throat. "Even I know that that's a bad joke." I said. "I grieved your death." Marina said. "Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry about that, you know. I wanted them to think, you know, so... they wouldn't come looking for me?" Balthazar said smirking. "What... is all this? What are you doing?" Marina asked. "Whatever I want. This morning I had a ménage à -- what's French for 12?" Balthazar said. "Douze." I said. "Thanks Blondie." He said. "You stole the Staff of Moses?" Marina asked. "Sure, sure. I stole a lot of things." Balthazar said. "You were a great and honorable soldier. We fought together." Castiel said walking in. "Yes, too many times to count." Blathazara said. "You know why don't you three fix your family dynamics I'm gonna head back." I said walking out of the room. "She seems nice." Balthazar said. "Her mate hasn't even been born yet." Marina said. I somehow got lost in the mansion. "Oh little Winchester." An angels aid and tried to attack me I dodged and started using my telekinesis which when I used it it shockingly came out in purple like mist, sorta like Scarlet Witch's. I pushed them back and stabbed them with my lightning bolt blade. I got out finally and found the others at their cars. "What happened to you?" Ricky asked seeing me. "Rather not say." I said. "Yeah, well I didn't realize I had this much stuff back here." Dean said in his trunk. "Well, I need some space. Kind of picked up some stuff along the way." Sam said, oh right car got destroyed. Dean put the false bottom down and Crystal picked up a costume. "What the hell is this?" She asked. "Oh, it's, uh, Ben's Halloween costume." Dean said. "Wendigo?" Kara asked. "Yeah." Dean said. "Accurate." Alison said. "Well in all fairness I went as an Angel and Evelyn went as a witch." Reece said. "Kid you are anything but angelic." Athena said. "Hey, so, uh... are you okay?" Dean asked. "Me? Yeah, I'm great." Sam said shrugging. "Really? 'Cause there's been a few times that you got me wondering that you and Siren body swapped." I said. "Come again?" Sam asked. "Well, like where were you when Cas was, uh, giving the Holy Taser treatment to that kid?" I said. "I was right there." Sam said. "Really? 'Cause honestly, we felt like the the only ones raising a card." Ricky said seriously. "Right. Uh, I mean, I was with you, but...I don't know. W-we needed the intel." Sam said. "I'm a demon torture and scream is what I'm used to." Crystal said. "Yeah, I know, but we tortured that kid to get it." Athena said. "I just didn't get the feeling that you -- that you even cared." Dean said. "Y- you're all wrong." Sam said. "Hey man, we're just trying to figure this out because... something's different with you. You know that." Alison said him shrugging. "Yeah. Yeah, I know." Sam said. "Really?" Kara asked. "Yeah. I mean... I've been hunting non-stop for the past year, kind of... kind of on the wild, you know? So, yeah, I suppose I'm a little rough around the edges." Sam said. "Yeah, I get that. I just don't think I'm getting the whole scoop. You went to hell, Sam. And believe me, I know what that does to a guy." Dean said. "To you." Kara said. "What?" Dean asked. "You know what it does to you. It -- it tortured you. You know? I think it still does. But, Dean... Sam is okay." Kara said. "So you're saying, what, that -- that Sam's stronger than me?" Dean asked. "No. Just saying we're different." Sam said and got in the impala. "Investigation Sherlock?" Alison asked Ricky. "Yes Dear Watson." Ricky said. I sighed at some of the two first gays in our friend group.

A\N: New chapter that I worked hard on but still had no motivation, but that's from school kicking my ass. Also Samantha Harvelle will be coming in an original chapter after Weekend At Bobby's.

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