She's Alive and Amazing

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Mary's POV
Ricky, Emmett, and I were in Normal, Illinois hunting a possible werewolf case. I was at the morgue looking at the dead body. "Hey Mae find anything?" Ricky asked walking in wearing a suit. "A tooth." I said yanking out a tooth in the persons stomach. "And why is it so bloody?" Emmett asked. "Well it came out of a dead body." I said. "Yeah, but some of this blood looks dried." Emmett said. I looked and it did. "Huh maybe the werewolf is attacking more than one person." Ricky said. "It's a possibility." I said. We were now in the motel room, looking at files seeing that they attacked at night on any body in the woods. "I'll go in as bait." Emmett offered. "No you won't." Ricky said. "Ricky I'll be fine, Mae and you are experienced hunters along with me." Emmett said. "I just don't want you dead." Ricky said. "I know, Baby but remember I'm your strong Dom." Emmett said and Ricky nodded. "If you plan on doing the do let me get my own room first." I said sitting at the table, that helped them remember a teenager was in the room. "Fine." Ricky said and gave me money and shoved me outside with my research and bags. I looked and saw more money than for one crappy room and some food. I went to the clerk. "One room with a king sized bed." I said. "Sure thing ma'am." The clerk said, I went to the room walked in seeing it was nice.

" The clerk said, I went to the room walked in seeing it was nice

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I smiled and sat down on the ground spreading out the research. I had the reports next to each other and found a link all were just being assholes in the woods. "Mae come on we're going on a stakeout." Ricky said. I grabbed my wallet and phone. I got my blade and guns were in Ricky's car. We got in the car and we got to the woods. "So Mae what did you find. "They we're just being assholes in the woods." I said. "Great so I have to be an asshole in the woods." Emmett said. I nodded Ricky and I sat there and after around mid after midnight I heard Emmett running and dive in. "Drive!" He yelled, Ricky sped off. "Is it a werewolf?" I asked. "Yes, is there a werewolf cure?" Emmett asked. "I think so, let me call Ma." I said and found Ma's phone number. "Mae we know we're looking into it." Ma said, not giving me a chance to talk. "No, Ricky and I need to know how to make a werewolf human again." I said. "Hades will text you the serum." Ma said and hung up. "Odd, guess the others needed help on their hunt." I said. "When do we not need help?" Ricky asked. "True." I said, and my phone dinged showing a text.
Pa:Wolf's bane, tooth of the Wolf, and mistletoe, oh and you need to inject it like a shot.
I looked at the others. This is insane but we need wolf's bane and mistletoe oh and a thing doctor's use for a shot." I said. "This will be fun." Emmett mumbled, we got the ingredients and mixed them well and then put them through a blender they keep in the motel so we can use it like a shot. "This will be hard." Ricky said. "But we have to cure it." I said and they nodded. We went to bed and I woke up and changed in a normal hunters look.

We were making sure we had everything and asked more people around about the attacks

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We were making sure we had everything and asked more people around about the attacks. "So the werewolf just went after you?" I asked Emmett curious. "Yes they chased after me." Emmett said, we nodded. I drank the coffeee we bought and I made sure we had the shot and everything. We got to the woods the next night holding the shot and I had the guns. We looked around and heard growling. We spun around and saw glowing blue eyes. "Hey we don't want to hurt you." Ricky said they growled more and jumped to Emmett who got the shot in them right as their claws went right into Emmett's heart. "Emmett!" Ricky yelled and the wolf shifted to a human. I saw the human was a young girl around her earlier twenties. "Get them to a hospital." I said and Ricky helped me pick them up, we got to the hospital. "We need help." I said the doctor got them on gurneys. "Where did you find them?" The nurse asked. "The girl and man in the woods." I answered honestly. We got food from the hospital cafeteria and ate food from their, we slept and were woken by a doctor. "The girl's name is Samantha Harvelle any relation to that?" The doctor asked. "That would be me." Ricky said. "Name?" The doctor asked. "Ricky Harvelle." Ricky said. "And the girl?" The doctor asked. "My best friend, Mae." Ricky said. "Right this way." The doctor said leading us. "What about Emmett Picani?" I asked about our friend who got injured. "He died when you all arrived we tried everything." The doctor said, we nodded and saw the girl sleeping in a hospital gown. We sat there. "She's alive and amazing." Ricky said. "You haven't even talked to her." I reminded looking at him. "Doesn't matter I love her." Ricky said. She opened her eyes and looked at us scared. "Where am I?" She asked. "Do you remember your name?" I asked. "Samantha Harvelle." Samantha said. "Okay, I'm Ricky Harvelle your older brother." Ricky said. "Did I kill that man?" She asked. "Yeah but he changed you back to human." I said. "Okay." She said. "Sammi do you remember being taken?" Ricky asked, she was barely even 1 from what you told me so probably not. "This lady, she was mad and she made me a werewolf." Samantha said. "Damn." We said. "Yeah, I was ten when I became a wolf." Samantha said. "So you don't have a clue about the modern world?" I asked. "Nope." She said. "Bobby likes kids." I said. "We are not dropping my baby sister off at Bobby's like Evelyn and Reece." Ricky said. "Who's Bobby?" Samantha asked. "A friend of ours, I'll explain everything Sammi." Ricky said. "Okay, Ricky." She said and went back to sleep. "Emmett is dead but I get my baby sister back." Ricky said. "Cas is probably happy about the first one." I said and Ricky rolled his eyes I curled up in the chair falling asleep.
Ricky's POV
I woke up my stomach growling. I went to get food when I was shoved against a wall in the elevator and was kissed and I knew the lips. "Castiel." I said pulling away. "He's dead." Castiel growled happily. "Yeah, but still you left me." I said. "Little mate, I needed to." Castiel said. "Yeah, but it hurt Cassie." I said. "Hey I promised we would get married and have kids." Castiel said. "Don't blow it this time, if you do I have a werewolf for a baby sister." I said. "You found Samantha?" Castiel asked. "She's alive and amazing." I said and Castiel nodded. We got coffee, one thing Castiel learned to enjoy. We got back to the hospital room and Mae was showing Samantha how to use a laptop. "This is fun." Samantha giggled. "Yeah and that's only email let me show you YouTube." Mae said finding it. "Hey guys." I said. "Back with Castiel?" Mae asked. "Yeah, Sammi this is Castiel my boyfriend." I said. "Huh I thought guys weren't allowed to be with guys." Samantha said. "Nah, heck half of the people you'll meet that I'm friends with are hella gay." I said. "Yeah and I have to go, feel better Sammi." Mae said leaving. "Wonder what that was about." I said. "Probably something odd." Castiel said. I nodded, Samantha was free to leave the next day and I burned Emmett's body. "So this a hunter's funeral?" Samantha asked. "Yeah Emmett would've wanted it." I said. "Even though I hated him I'm sorry." Castiel said kissing me on the forehead. "Ricky are Mom, Dad, and Big sissy alive?" Samantha asked as I drove. "No Dad died on a hunt with Mae's Dad, and Mom and Jo died saving us from Hellhounds." I said frowning. "What are hellhounds?" Samantha asked. "Invisible demonic pitbulls." Castiel said remembering what I called them. We stopped at a diner to eat and I saw Mae sent me pictures and I looked and saw her and Kara infront of Castle's and the text said.
Mae:Went to Scotland and almost burned Crowley's bones, I talked Dean into a day of sight seeing.
"Well Mae is in Scotland." I said showing them pictures. "Looks nice." Castiel said eating, good thing I taught him to dull the grace in his mouth so he can enjoy human food. I ate my food and I started driving to Bobby's and knocked. Bobby answered and saw us. "No more orphan kids." Bobby said. "She's my sister Bobby who was a wolf for most of her life." I said. We all walked in and saw Reece and Evelyn asleep on the couch cuddled, Persephone and Hades also asleep. "Do you two need sleep?" Bobby asked. "Yeah." I said and went upstairs with Samantha to sleep.

A\N:New chapter and this seemed like a nice thing to add I needed to add Samantha and what better way than this.

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