I Have No Problem

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Mary's POV
We were now trying to find Crowley and I was on the phone with Castiel. "Hello, Mae. Are you and Ricky all right?" He asked. "Yeah, everyon's fine. How are you?" I asked. "Just wanted to check in." Castiel said. "So, any word on, uh, Satan Jr being alive?" I asked. "I'm... looking, believe me. I just don't understand how Crowley could've tricked me." Castiel said. "Well, he's a tricky son of a bitch, that's how. Doesn't matter. But if he is up and kicking, then what does matter is finding him, ripping his head off, and shoving it up his ass." I said. "What about you? Have you found anything?" Castiel asked and heard a book being thrown. "By the thrown book, no." I said. "Where's the others?" Castiel asked. "They're keeping busy. Sam and Alice are tracking a Djinn in Omaha as we speak, Reece and Evelyn are in Los Angeles, and Sammi, Ricky, Dean, Kara, and I are here." I lied. "Mae, Kara and I are gonna find Sam and Alice." Dean said going outside in his car with Kara. "Okay." I said. I walked downstairs to the basement and saw Ma and Pa torturing a demon. "I got to tell you, Redd...for a filthy, lower-than-snake-spit Hellspawn, you seem to have turned yourself into a damn fine hunter. I don't know whether to kill you or kiss you." Ma said. "Oh, please, kill me." Redd said. "That was you that dug out that nest of vamps back in Swan Valley, wasn't it?" I said. "That was nice work." Pa said. "Eight of 'em in one go, roped and tied." Redd said. "And then you brought them to Crowley, right?" I said. "Read the papers, Princess. The king is dead." Redd said, Ma three holy water on the demon. "Crowley's alive. You prove it just by being, you poor, dumb jackass. Crowley's alive. His nets are still out. Except now he's using you schmucks to hunt his monsters." Ma said. "Up yours." Redd said. I took my blade getting ready to stab her. "Redd... Where's Crowley? No? Nothing? Oh, okay, then. Here, hang on to this for a bit." I said and stabbed her leg. We walked outside of the room and saw the others. "What's the hubbub?" Pa asked. "I saw Cas and Rina. They popped in on us about two hours back." Dean said. "What'd you tell them?" I asked curious. "Nothing, all right? Told him we were on some crap monster hunt. He doesn't know that we're getting close to Crowley. You know, they're our friends... And we are lying to them through our teeth." Dean said. "Well I lied about us splitting up." I said. "But how did Fergus trick him." Evelyn said. "He's an angel it should be impossible." Reece said. "He is the Balki Bartokomous of Heaven! He can make a mistake!" Dean yelled. "Nobody's saying nothing yet." Sammi said. "You think that Cas is in with Crowley. Crowley?" Dean said. "Look, I'm just saying I don't know. Now, look, I hate myself for even thinking it. But I don't know." Pa said. "Look, Dean, he's our friend and the girl is my soulmate, too, okay? And I'd die for him. I would, but...Look, I'm praying we're wrong here." Sam said. "But if we ain't...If there's a snowball of a snowball's chance here...that means we're dealing with a Superman who's gone dark side. Which means we've got to be cautious, we got to be smart, and maybe stock up on some Kryptonite." Bobby said. Dean looked at me in the eyes. "This makes you Lois Lane." He said. "I have no problem with that." I said. "Look, one problem at a time here. We got to find Crowley now, before the damn fool cracks open Purgatory." Ma said, we walked back downstairs. "Where's Crowley?" I asked. "Up yours. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahh! I don't know where Crowley is!" Redd yelled. "Are you sure about that? 'Cause we can twist again all the way to next summer." I said twisting my blade. "Oh, God! I never even met him! I don't deal with Crowley direct." Redd said. "Well, who do you deal with?" I asked. "The dispatcher. A demon named Ellsworth." Redd said. We got to Ellsworth house and we walked in and it was empty. "Hey. Clear from the back." I asked Ricky and Dean. "Demons get tipped and bugged out?" Ricky asked. "Maybe they run from us now. I mean, that would be a nice thought, right?" I asked. "Yeah, if that's what happened." Pa said. "Yeah." We all agreed. We looked around. "Hey... The place is clean." I said. "Yeah, but it's...It's like Mr. Clean clean, you know? It's kind of OCD for your average demon." Ma said. "Yeah. So what now?" Reece asked. "We'd call Cas and Rina." Dean said shrugging. "What?" I asked. "This is usually the point where we would call Cas and Rina for help." Dean said. "We talked about this." Bobby said giving Dean a look. "Yeah, Dean." Ma said. "No, you talked. I listened. This is Cas, guys. I mean, when there was no one... And we were stuck - and I mean really stuck - he broke ranks. He has gone to the mat cut and bleeding for us so many freakin' times. This is Cas! Don't we owe him the benefit of the doubt at least?" Dean said. "Castiel... This is really important, okay? Um... We really need to talk to you." Ricky said and Castiel didn't come. "Marina?" Sam asked and Marina appeared. "Yes Sammy?" She asked kissing his cheek. "Where's Cas?" Ricky asked. "No clue." Marina said. "So, Cas is busy." Dean said shrugging. "That's all right. We are, too. Come on." I said. "Back to square one." Bobby said. we were looking around and a demon started attacking us. "Crowley says hi." He said and I saw him get smited and saw Crystal and Castiel. "It is good to see you, Cas." Ricky said. "Hey Crystal where have you been?" Kara asked. "Trying to get rid of Crowley's demons." Crystal said. "Great." We all said. "You all right?" Castiel asked. "Yeah. Perfect timing, Cas." Sam said. "What happened?" Marina asked running in with Alison. "Demon." I said. "I'm glad I found you. I come with news." Castiel said. "Yeah? What?" Dean asked. "I firmly believe Crowley is alive." Castiel said. "Could've told you that." Alison said shrugging. "Yeah. You think, Kojak? Well, Bobby, Hades, and Persephone what do we think about Cas saving our asses... Again?" Dean said. "I think we owe you an apology." Bobby said. "Why?" Castiel asked. "We've been hunting Crowley and Siren this whole time... And keeping it from you." Kara said shrugging. "We thought... You were working with them." Sam said. "You thought what?" Castiel asked confused. "I know. It's crazy, right?" Dean said. "It's just that you torched the wrong bones. It doesn't matter. We - we were wrong." Ma said. "You know... You could've just asked me." Castiel said. "And we should have. We never should've doubted you. It's... I just hope you can forgive us." Ricky said smiling at his boyfriend. "All is forgiven I mean why would I be like Superman and go dark." Castiel said. "Thanks." We all said and he left with Crystal. "It is a little absurd, though." Marina said. "What do you mean, honey?" Sam asked her confused. "Superman going to the dark side. Castiel is still just Castiel." Marina explained. "I guess we can put away the Kryptonite, right?" Reece said. "Yeah get the holy oil." I said. We finished along with the Devil's trap for Crystal. "Castiel and Crystal, uh... We need you for a little powwow down here, so come on down." Ricky said. "Hello." The two said. "Oh, Johnny on the spot." Pa said. "You're still here." Crystal said looking at us. "Yeah, we had to bury the bodies." Evelyn said. "And we found a little whiskey. Thanks for coming." Dean said. "How can I help?" Castiel asked. "Oh, look. We, um - we have a new plan. We think we've finally figured out a way to track down Crowley and Siren." I said. "What is it?" Crystal said and Ma lite a match and put it on the holy oil and Crystal looked up seeing the Devil's trap. "It's you both." Ma said. "What are you doing?" Crystal asked glaring. "We gotta talk." I said. "About what? Let us go!" Castiel yelled. "About Superman. And Kryptonite." Ricky said. "How'd you know what we said?" Bobby asked. "How long you been watching us?" Alison asked. "You know who spies on people, Cas and Crystal? Spies." Dean said. "Okay, just wait. I don't even know what you mean." Crystal said. "What about this demon craphole? How is it so, uh... Next to godliness clean in here?" Marina asked. "And how exactly did Crowley trick you with the wrong bones?" Pa asked. "It's hard to understand. It's hard to explain. Just let me go. Let me out and I can explain." Castiel said. "He promised me an actual soul." Crystal said. "You got to look at me, man. You got to level with me and tell me what's going on. Look me in the eye and tell me you're not working with Crowley. You son of a bitch." Ricky said. "Let me explain." Castiel said. "You're in it with him? You and Crowley have been going after Purgatory together? You have, huh? This whole time." Ricky said. "I did it to protect you. I did it to protect all of you." Castiel said. "Protect us how? By opening a hole into monsterland!" Kara said. "She's right, Cas. One drop got through, and it was Eve. And you want to break down the entire dam?" Ma asked. "To get the souls. I can stop Raphael. Please, you have to trust me." Castiel said. "So all this to stop Raphael, I get he's a dick but seriously." Marina said. "Trust you?! How in the hell are we supposed to trust you now?" Sam said. "We're still us. We're still your friend." Crystal said. "Mae... I'm the one who raised you from Perdition." Castiel said. "What? Well, no offense... But you did a pretty piss-poor job of it. Wait. Did you bring me back with no memories... On purpose?" I said. "How could you think that?" Castiel asked. "Well, I'm thinking a lot of things right now, Cas." I said. "Listen. Raphael will kill us all. He'll turn the world into a graveyard. I had no choice." Castiel said. "No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one." Alison said. "You don't understand. It's complicated." Castiel said. "Can I leave?" Crystal asked. "No." We all said. "No, actually, it's not, and you know that. Why else would you keep this whole thing a secret, huh, unless you knew that it was wrong? When crap like this comes around, we deal with it... Like we always have. What we don't do is we don't go out and make another deal with the Devil!" Dean said. "It sounds so simple when you say it like that. Where were you when I needed to hear it?" Castiel said. "I was there. Where were you?" Dean said. "You should've come to us for help, Cas." Ricky said. "Maybe. It's too late now. I can't turn back now. I can't." Castiel said. "It's not too late. Damn it, Cas! We can fix this!" Dean said to him. "Dean, it's not broken! Run. You have to run now! Run!" Castiel said. We ran out and got to Bobby's house. I was sitting on the couch when Castiel and Crystal arrived Crystal was stuck in a Devil's trap. "Hello, guys." Castiel said. "How'd you get in here?" Ricky asked. "The angel-proofing Bobby put up on the house -- he got a few things wrong." Castiel said. "Which Sam and I are fixing." Marina said. "Well, it's too bad we got to angel-proof in the first place, isn't it? Why are you here?" Ricky asked. "I want you to understand." Castiel said. "Oh, believe me, we get it. Blah, blah, Raphael, right?" I said. "I'm doing this for you, guys. I'm doing this because of you all." Castiel said. "Because of me. Yeah. You got to be kidding me." Ricky said. "You're the one who taught me that freedom and free will..." Castiel trailed off. "You're a freakin' child, you know that? Just because you can do what you want doesn't mean that you get to do whatever you want!" Ricky said. "I know what I'm doing, Ricky." Castiel said to him. "I'm not gonna logic you, okay? I'm saying don't... Just 'cause. I'm asking you not to. That's it." Ricky said. "I don't understand." Castiel said. "The people in this room are my family, you are my boyfriend and if I ask you not to do something don't do it." Ricky said. "Or what?" Castiel asked. "Or I'll have to do what I have to do to stop you." Ricky said. "You can't, Ricky. You're just a man. I'm an angel. Oh and you're my mate." Castiel said. "I don't know. I've taken some pretty big fish." Ricky said. "I'm sorry, Ricky." Castiel said. "Crystal?" I asked. "I want a soul, I want feel happiness, love, and be with someone so I'll do what I have to do." Crystal said. "Well, I'm sorry, too, then, please leave." Ricky said, Castiel left with Crystal. "Want ice cream?" I asked. "Yes please." Ricky said. I went to get it.

A\N:And here's the new chapter. Crystal is a double crosser, I found it would be intresting. Only three more chapters left of this book.

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