Twilight Saga Parody

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Mary's POV
Samantha and I were in Ricky's car heading to meet with Dean, Kara, Sam, Crystal, Alison, Athena, and Hermes. We got there and saw them. "Who's the chick?" Dean asked. "My baby sister Samantha." Ricky said. "Wasn't she kidnapped as a baby?" Kara asked. "Yeah, she's back though." Ricky said. Samantha smiled. "Whattya got?" I asked my brothers. "Six girls in seven days, which is more disappearances than this city has seen in over a year -- all about the same age." Sam said. "And cute. Hey, ice cream comes in lots of flavors." Hermes said as Sam scoffed. "Right. Sure. Well, half a dozen girls, late teens, a shower away from greatness. Sounds like a profile. I mean, what else they got in common?" Ricky said. "Well...six directions to go here. Pick a number." Crystal said. "Seven. Another call just came in today." Kara said. We got to the girl's house talking to her dad. "Kristin's a good kid. A little naive, sure... You try to be a good parent. Girls are hard." Kristin's Dad said. "Right. Well, we'd just like to find your daughter." Athena said. "Last door on the left." Kristin's Dad said. "Thanks." Dean said. "So we lie to get answers?" Samantha asked. "Yes, Sammi we do." Ricky said. "Whaddya think he was talking about?" Crystal asked. "Drugs?" Hermes suggested. We walked in and turned on the light seeing vampire galore. "Oh, it is so much worse." Alison and Dean said in unison. "Vampires?" I questioned amused. "Ah, these aren't vampires, guys, these..." Kara trailed off not knowing what to say. "These are douche bags." Dean finished. "Yeah." Sam said. "Wow." Samantha said flipping through the book. "Let's see what we can see. All right." Crystal said getting the girl's laptop. She turned it on and a fake looking vampire popped up scaring the boys. "Th-that's just... uncomfortable." Ricky said looking at it. "What's he so bummed out about?" Dean asked. "Man up you morons." Alison said. Hermes was looking at the book. "He's watching her sleep. How is that not rape-y?" Hermes asked. "I gotta concentrate here, Hermes." Crystal said rolling her eyes. "He could hear the blood rushing inside her, almost taste it. He tried desperately to control himself... Romero knew their love was impossible." Hermes read. "Romero? Really?" Athena asked looking at it. "Guys. Shut up." Crystal said. "This is a national bestseller. How is that possible?" Athena asked. "It's a twilight saga parody." I said. "Hey, try, uh -- Lautner." Dean said. "Wait -- he's a werewolf. How do you even know who that is?" Crystal asked Dean. "Are you kidding me? That kid's everywhere. It's a freakin' nightmare." Dean said. "Hey, how many T's are there in Pattins." Sam said trying it and it let us in. "That's it. We're in! Ha!" I said. "All right." Crystal said looking through a Facebook page and Hermes and Athena walked up. "Well?" They asked. "Well, her inbox is full, from some guy claiming to be a vampire." Crystal said. "A real vampire?" Alison asked. "Well, uh... I can only meet you at night...I don't trust myself with you...the call of your blood is too strong... Vampires fishing for victims?" Sam said reading it. "Probably just a human mouth-breather, right?" Ricky said. "On the other hand -- talk about easy prey." I said. "For actual vamps." Kara said. "Why do they write vamps and wolves as enemies?" Samantha asked still reading the book, Ricky took the book shaking his head. "Yeah. I mean, these chicks are just throwing themselves at you. All you gotta do is...I dunno. Write bad poetry." Alison said. "Huh!" Dean said. "Wow. This guy wanted to meet her at a place called The Black Rose." Crystal said. "Gimme a break..." Kara trailed off. "Just reporting the news." Crystal said. "It's probably just your standard-issue perv, right?" Dean asked, Crystal closed the laptop. Sam called Samuel when we were at the motel. "Okay. So now, you're sure it's vampires? A hundred percent?" Sam asked. "Definitely. We got a pattern now. Kids go missing, blood bank van gets jumped. This is the fourth town. Clincher is, this last hit? Driver was found, throat ripped out." Samuel said. "Okay. They grab kids, that's food, right? But if they already got a bunch of walking, talking juice bars...why bother with the blood mobile? It doesn't add up." Kara said confused. "Find the nest. Figure it out." Samuel said. "Girls get your dresses on." Athena said and I sighed and got in a long sleeved black crop top, red tight mini skirt that reached my mid thigh, and black heels.

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