Knight Is Too Manly

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Mary's POV
We were sitting while Marina, Alison, and Castiel checked on Sam. "Well?" I asked. "His soul is in place." Marina said. "Is he ever gonna wake up?" Dean asked. "We're not a human doctors, guys." Castiel said. "Yeah that would be too legal." Alison said. "Could you take a guess?" Ricky asked. "Okay. Probably not." Marina said. "Oh, well, don't sugarcoat it." Kara said. "I'm sorry, guys, but we warned you not to put that thing back inside him even if he got less torture than Mary did." Castiel said. "What was I supposed to do? Let T-1000 walk around, hope he doesn't open fire?" Dean said. "Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to kill your brother, you should have done it outright." Marina said. "But Mae said his soul was fine." Bobby said. "I said it looks fine not what it felt like." I said shrugging. We were now upstairs and Bobby poured us all drinks. "Like my daddy always said, just 'cause it kills your liver don't mean it ain't medicine." Bobby said. "I can fully agree." Ricky said as we drank including me. "Sam still asleep?" Ma asked as Dean walked up. Yeah." He said kissing Kara on the cheek. "He'll wake up." Pa said. "Yeah." Dean said. "You gonna say yeah to everything Deano?" Reece asked. "Yeah." Dean said. "Dean, he's been through how much? Somehow, he always bounces back." Bobby said. "He's never been through this." I said, remembering a nightmare where Michael and Lucifer tried to force themselves on me. "Job?" Kara asked seeing something. "Might be." Bobby said handing it to her. "Can I help? Send me to the library? Anything?" Dean asked. "Couple goes up in a light plane. Wreckage was just found in the woods." Ma said. "Couple of Buddy Hollys?" Ricky asked. "Doesn't really seem like News of the Weird." I said. "Pilot was found seventeen miles away, flambéed." Pa said. "Girl's just gone. No body, no nothing." Bobby said. "Okay, I'm not changing the channel." Dean said. "Mae?" Sam asked and hugged me. "Good to see you back." I said. "The demon deal worked." Sam said. "What demon deal?" I asked. "I made one to try and bring you back they said it would." Sam said. "Yeah that didn't happen. Zues has Hermes yank me out." I said. "That sounded so kinky." Evelyn smirked. "Okay no more spending time with Reece." Bobby said. "Bobby we live in the same house and mates. Stuff happens." Reece said. "Sam, are you okay?" Dean asked Sam looking at him. "Actually, um... I'm starving." Sam admitted. I made him a sandwich and he ate it. "So, Sam..." Dean trailed off. "Yeah?" Sam asked. "What's the last thing you remember?" Kata asked. "In a cemetery." Sam said. "Okay. And then?" I said. "I woke up in the panic room." Sam said. "That's it? You really don't remember..." Ma trailed off. "Let's be glad. Who wants to remember all that hell?" Pa said. "True." Dean and I said. "Well, how long was I gone?" Sam said. "It was technically your soul but about half a year." I said. "What? I was downstairs f— I don't remember anything. So, how'd I get back? Was it Cas and Rina?" Sam said. "Not exactly." Dean said. "Dean, what did you do?" Sam said. "Me and Death." Dean said. "Death?! The horseman?" Sam said. "Yeah turns out he likes fast food." Ricky said and I nodded. "I had leverage. It's done." Dean said to him. "You sure?" Sam asked. "It's over. Slate's wiped." I said. "Well, isn't this just neat and clean?" Ma asked, "Yes, it is—for once." Crystal said walking in. "Is there anything else I should know?" Sam asked. "You're with Crystal." We all said. "Okay anything that doesn't make me want to barf." Sam said. "No. Another beer?" I said, not wanting to bring up, abusive asshole grandpa. "Uh, yeah." Sam said. "Hey guys." Sammi said getting a water. "Who are you?" Sam asked. "Samantha Harvelle, I go by Sammi." Sammi said. "Dude you have another sister?" Sam asked Ricky. "Yeah she's also a werewolf." Ricky said. "Nice to see you not ready to kill anyone." Sammi said. Sam went to sleep and I was on my phone sitting on one of the cars outside. "Sam still asleep?" Ma asked Dean. "Yeah, let him rest. We'll call him later." Dean said. "Call me from where?" Sam asked. "Oh. Uh, there's this thing in Oregon." Ricky said. "Great. I'm in." Sam said. "Whoa, whoa. You just got vertical." Kara said. "Exactly. I'm up. I'm good." Sam said. "Well, a few more days of crap cable couldn't hurt." I said. "Right. Because that's what you and Dean did when you got back from hell." Sam said. "Hey I don't have memories of hell." I said. All right. The whole gang?" Alison asked. "Oh, you all go on ahead. You got this covered. I, uh, forgot I promised that idjit Rufus I'd work the phones for him, so..." Bobby said. "We'll help." Ma and Pa said. "You three sure?" I asked. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You guys enjoy catching up, okay?" Ma said and they left. "What was that?" Sam asked. "One part age, three parts liquor." Evelyn said. We were now in the cars and Dean had us on speaker phone. "Uh, you got it, officer. Thank you. You too." Sam said. "What's up?" I asked."So, get this—besides the crash, there were two other disappearances in town this week." Sam informed us. "Really?" Reece asked. "Yeah, last weekend, a college girl vanished from her apartment. On the seventeenth floor. Then, three days ago, another girl didn't make it home from school." Sam said. "They know each other?" Ricky asked. "No. No connection. Just young and female, like the plane-crash girl." Sam said. "What would disappear a girl out of the sky, anyway?" Kara asked. "Good question." Alison said. "So you never even tried, huh?" Sam asked Dean. "Tried?" Dean asked. "To go live a life... after. You do remember you promised Mae that, right?" Sam said. "Yeah and you promised to have a life with Marina." I said. "Yeah and Lucifer killed Marina. So, why didn't you try?" Sam said. "What makes you think I didn't?" Dean asked. "Cause look at you. Look at this. You're exactly the same." Sam said and I rolled my eyes due to us all still being through this group call. "Yeah, you're probably right. I was with them for a year—Lisa and Ben." Dean said. "Not with Kara and a year?" Sam asked. "Yeah." Kara said. "So then what?" Sam said. "Didn't work out." Dean said and I hung up my phone. "He pissed you off?" Evelyn asked. "Yeah." I said. "What's wrong Mae you look tired." Sammi said. "I'll just sleep." I said and fell asleep to a semi peaceful sleep. I was woken up by being shaken. "We're here." Ricky said. "Do I need to change?" I asked. "No, come on." Sammi said. We walked to the lady's sister. "You're, uh... Penny Dessertine's sister, right?" Sam asked. "Mm-hmm." Miss. Dessertine hummed. "Uh, we'd just like to ask you a few questions." Ricky said. "Look, the cops already came by. I'm tired. So, if you don't mind..." Miss. Dessertine trailed off. "I—I understand. Really, I do. I know how hard this must be. We'd just like to figure out what happened. This will be quick. I promise." I said. "Okay. Fine. Come in." Miss. Dessertine said. "Thank you." Sammi said and we sat down on her couch. "Penny was very shy. To herself. Not at all what you'd call adventurous." Miss. Dessertine said. "What, like flying through a lightning storm in a two-seater?" Dean asked. "She was terrified of that thing. She just did it for Stan." Miss. Dessertine said. "Stan?" Kara asked. "They were just starting to get serious. She didn't want to seem, you know...Not interested. I just wish I'd told her to stay home. We don't even have a body to bury." Miss. Dessertine said. We were back at the motel. "When did you start wearing skirts?" Sam asked. "Since half a year ago." I said. "What do you got?" Eveleyn asked. "Uh...Well, looks like those other two missing girls both baked cookies for the lord." Reece said. "What is that? Code?" Alison asked. "No. Church choir, bake sales, promise-ring clubs—the works. They were good girls. But Penny wasn't even a Christian, so..." Reece said. "I have another theory. Penny's diary." Sammi said holding it up. "Did you steal that from her room?" Sam asked. "I love that you even asked me that." Sammi said. "And why wouldn't I?" Sam asked. "No reason. So girl-nappings. What if it's not about religion, what if it's about purity?" Ricky said. "You mean you think they're all..." Dean trailed off. "Virgins, guys. Virgins." I said. "Penny was twenty-two." Kara pointed out. "Yeah, with a pink room." I said. "So?" Sam asked. "And stuffed teddy bears." Sammi said smiling. "Fine. But you really think..." Alison trailed off. "I've decided I'm going to give Stan my most precious gift." Sammi read. "Wow. That sounded really creepy coming out of your mouth." Ricky said to his little sister. "I think I delivered it." Sammi said. "You know, you—you could have led with 'the diary'. You know? Anyways, let's say you're right. Fine. Who would want virgins?" Sam said. "You got me. I prefer ladies with experience." Dean said. Another woman was attacked I stayed behind and did research with Reece and Evelyn and the other called us and filled us in. "So, what, you think Batman tried to rape her?" Reece asked. "Well, he does carry a lot of rage. But he rejected her because she was already dehymenated, huh?" Dean said sort of laughing. "You think?" Evelyn asked. "I think it just goes to show that being easy's pretty much all upside." Kara said. "So, what kind of thing likes virgins and gold?" Sam asked. "P. Diddy?" Ricky said. "You know, it's comforting." Sam said. "What's that?" Sammi asked. "I died for a year, came back, and Ricky's still not funny." Sam said. "Shut up. I'm hilarious." Ricky said. "You realize we're still on the phone." I said. "Where's Alice?" Kara asked. "Getting food." Evelyn said. "This can't be possible." I said looking at my laptop. "Try us." Alison said. "Um, I googled fire, claws, flying, stealing virgins, and gold, and it all takes me to the same place." I said. "Where?" Dean asked. "World of Warcraft fansites." Sam said reading over my shoulder. "I don't know what that means." Sammi said. "Dragons." Ricky said. "See? Told you. Not possible." I said. "Actually, it might be." Dean said. "How? In what reality?" Sammi asked. "It's been a strange year. We should get a second opinion." I said and called Ma. "Yeah?" Ma asked. "What do you guys know about dragons?" I asked. "What? Nothing." Bobby said. "Seriously." I said. "Well, they're not like the Loch Ness monster, Mae. Dragons aren't real." Pa said. "Could you make a few calls?" I asked. "To who? Hogwarts?" Ma asked. "Mae you realize that making superpowers real is more likely than dragons." Pa said. "Humor me." I said. "Fine." Bobby said. "You're a gentleman and a scholar." I said. "Yeah, yeah. Hey, how's Memento doing over there? He caught you in any lies yet?" Bobby asked. "Everything's fine. Sam says hey." I said and hung up. "You okay?" Sam asked me concerned, that felt nice. "Yeah." I said. "Bobby say anything?" Kara asked. "Nope." I said. "Dad never wrote anything about dragons. I promise. I'd remember if I read The Neverending Story in there also wasn't that in Mae's bag." Dean said and Sam put it back in my bag. "Hey, did we hunt a skinwalker lately?" Sam asked. "Doesn't ring a bell. Why?" Ricky asked. "I don't know. Just...déjà vu or something. Are you sure? I could have sworn..." Sam trailed off. "You've finally went crazy." Reece said. "No he hasn't stopped trying to diagnose people." Evelyn said. "You got to remember, your eggs are still a little scrambled, right? But, yeah, I'm sure." Dean said. "All right. Yeah. Never mind." Sam said and my phone rang. "Hey. What do you got?" I asked in the phone. "Can't believe she didn't jump right to mind. Dr. Visyak. Medieval Studies, S.F.U." Bobby said. "Dr. Visyak, S.F.U. Got it. Thanks." I said. "Good luck." Ma said as I hung up. "All right. Ricky, Sammi, I'm going to San Francisco, figure out how to kill these things. You figure out where they are." I said. "W-wait. D-did Bobby say where they like to park?" Reece said. "No." I said. "Great. Back to the lore." Sam sighed. "Which says what? That they live in Middle-Earth?" Sammi asked. "No. Caves." Evelyn said. "You're such a nerd." Reece said. "Not the time Red." Evelyn said. We got to San Francisco and knocked on the door and a lady answered. "Yes?" She asked. "Dr. Visyak. My name is Mae Winchester, that's Ricky and Sammi Harvelle." I said. "Office hours are Monday and Friday." Dr. Visyak said. "Bobby Singer sent us. Hello? Hi." Ricky said. "Bobby Singer. Tell him something for me next time you see him." Dr. Visyak said. "Hmm?" Sammi hummed. "Actually, just kick him in the jewels. That's more poetic." Dr. Visyak said. "No love lost between you two, huh?" I asked the woman. "No. Just the opposite." Dr. Visyak said smiling. "Oh?" Sammi asked. "That's his story to tell. He's the idiot. So, what's this about?" Dr. Visyak said no longer wanting to talk about her thing with Bobby. "Well, uh...Dragons." Ricky said. "Really?" Dr. Visyak asked. "What, no twelve-sided-dice joke?" I asked. "We can joke about them because they've disappeared. But they aren't funny. At all." Dr. Visyak said. "Well, one just flew in stateside." Sammi said. "Are you sure?" Dr. Visyak asked. "Fits the lore to a tee." I said. "But how? I mean, why? It's been seven hundred years." Dr. Visyak said. "Banner crop of crazy all the way around these days, doc." Ricky said. "So you want to know how to kill it." Dr. Visyak said. "That's right." I said. "Well, you need a blade." Dr. Visyak said. "Uh... Okay. What kind of blade?" Sammi said taking out a notebook. "One forged with dragon's blood." Dr. Visyak said. "So you need one to kill one, but you got to kill one to make one. How does that work out?" Ricky said. "Well, there aren't many dragon swords around anymore. Five or six, tops, worldwide. I mean, there's the sword of St. George, and, of course, there's Excalibur. And there's..." Dr. Visyak said. "You know a lot about this stuff, don't you?" I asked. "Well, I sure as hell better. I have one in the basement." Dr. Visyak said. "You have one." Sammi said. "Finding it took two decades, countless hours, and some really bad sex with an eastern European ambassador, but, yeah." Dr. Visyak said and we followed her to the basement and she opened the door and we saw a sword in a boulder. "That is not real. Is that real? Is it Excalibur?" I asked. "No. This... Is the Sword of Brunswick. Love of my life." Drizzle Visyak said smiling. "So, uh, what's with the cement shoe?" Ricky asked. "You know, binding sword to stone used to be all the rage. To protect them." Dr. Visyak said. "All right, well, how do we get this puppy out?" Sammi asked. "Well, come on. You all know this one. We need a brave knight who's willing to step up and kill the beast." Dr. Visyak said. "Right. All right, well, I'll, uh, give it a whirl. Do you mind?" Ricky said. "Oh." Dr. Visyak said and Ricky tried to pull it but failed. "You okay?" I asked. "Never better. Oh, son of a bitch! That's really on there!" Ricky said. "Yeah, afraid so." Dr. Visyak said. "Well, I have another idea." Sammi said. "What?" Dr. Visyak said. "Well, you're not gonna like it." Sammi said. I was confused until I learned Sammi's idea was dynamite. "You know what? I-I-I don't like this at all. You do realize that this is the single most valuable artifact you have ever touched." Dr. Visyak said. "It's also the only weapon we got. Look, we know what we're doing, okay? I actually learned it all from Bobby. Hey, whatever happened there, you know he's at least a genius at this. Do you want us to kill that dragon or not?" Ricky said. "Okay." Dr. Visyak said. "You rocks think you're so smart. All right. Welcome to the 21st century. All right, stand back." Sammi said and we heard the explosion, we walked in and still saw it stuck. "You've gotta be shitting us." The two Harvelle's said. I walked up and grabbed it and pulled it out and all it was a small sword. "Why didn't you do that before?" Ricky asked. "Knight is too manly." I said shrugging. We got back to where the others were and showed them the sword. "And what are we supposed to do with this, guys? Give it a booster shot?" Dean asked "It's what we got. All right? We're just gonna have to get a little closer. That's all. Where are we on the caves?" Ricky said them. "Nowhere. Sewers, on the other hand... Here. Check this out." Sam said. "So, two of the disappearances happened within a mile of here. So we think we start there and work our way around." Alison said. "Awesome. Who doesn't love sewers? Let's go." I said. Sam looked like he wanted to say something. "What?" Dean asked. "Nothing. Uh, yeah, let's go." Sam said. We were walking through the sewers. "Ugh! God. Just when I get used to a smell, I hit a new flavor. Dude, we have been here for hours. There is nothing. I think the lore is off. Hey, what if, uh...What if dragons like nice hotels?" Kara said. "What is that?" I asked. I shined my flashlight behind Reece and Evelyn. "What?" Reece  asked and turned around. "Holy crap." Evelyn said seeing a pile of gold. "Okay, maybe there are dragons here." Kara said and grabbed some gold. "Wait. Kara... Not now. Check this out." Ricky said and walked to an altar where a book was. "A little arts-and-crafty for a giant bat, right?" Sam said. "Hello? Is someone there? Hello?" A girl asked. "Hey. We're gonna get you out." Sammi said. "Quick. He's coming back." The girl said and I saw I was pulled back by the dragon. Sam took out the sword. "Where do you think you're gonna stick that?" The dragon asked. "Let me go." I said hitting him. "Aah! Where did you get that?" The dragon asked as Sam cut his arm. "You'd be shocked." Sam said and I kept hitting him. "If you weren't a virgin I'd murder you." The dragon said and knocked the sword out of Sam's hand. "Come on, come on." Sam said trying to grab it I kicked him back and pulled out my blade hopefully to cause some damage. "Nice cosplay blade." The dragon said. I threw it causing the lighting to strike him down. The other dragon got away. "You're leg is not good." Sam said pointing to my leg. We were back at Bobby's and I was bandaging my leg. "Hey, Grumpy Moose. Ask me what time it is." Ricky said. "Why don't you cut to the chase and just roll in it." Sam said. "We rarely have wealth." Kara said. "Guys." Sam said. "Yeah?" I asked. "I am so... so sorry. I can't even begin to say." Sam said. "For what?" Dean asked. "You know what." Sam said. "Did Bobby, Hades, and Persephone tell you?" Reece asked walking in. "Cas and Rin." Sam said. "Cas and Rina. Friggin' children." Dean said. "You should have told me, guys." Sam said. "You weren't supposed to know." I asked. "What I did? To you all? Of course I should know." Sam said. "Sam, Death didn't just shove your soul back in, okay? He put up the great wall of Sam between you and the things that you don't remember. And trust me when I say that the things you don't know could kill you. That's not a joke." Dean said. "All right. But I have to set things right. Or what I can, anyway." Sam said. "It wasn't you." Kara said. "You know, I kind of feel like I got slipped the worst mickey of all time... and I woke up to find out that I had burnt the whole city down. And you can say it wasn't me, but... I'm the one with the zippo in my pocket, you know? So I'm not sure it's that cut and dry. And, look, I a-appreciate you trying to protect me. I really do. But I got to fix... What I got to fix. So I need to know what I did." Sam said and I sighed. "But you don't know how dangerous that could be." I said. "What would you do? Right. Same thing." Sam said. "Sam, I don't remember hell, but I have damn nightmares of it. So don't say that to me." I said my eyes flaring purple as I went to Ma and Pa's place and saw Hermes and Athena playing chess. "You good Mae?" Hermes asked. "Yeah." I said and walked to the library and found Ma and Pa. I sat down next to Ma. "Hey Baby weren't you at Bobby's?" Ma asked. "Sam brought up not remembering and brought up that I did, even though I don't." I said. "Well we figured out who sent dragons." Pa said. "Who?" I asked. "Mother of all, and they were from Purgatory." Ma said. "Please tell me no Greek are there." I said. "Not that we know, all the myths are real except for the real odd ones." Pa said. "Like the Echo story?" I asked. "No that's real." Ma said. I rolled my eyes at that and relaxed a little bit.

A\N:New Update, I'm stressed with state testing, going to Boston on Wednesday, also my neighbors who are assholes who have chickens keeping coming over to my house and crapping and laying eggs. So that's basically an update on my life.

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