Already Be Dead

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Persephone's POV
I was helping Hades and Bobby with research and Bobby's phone rang. "Yeah?" Bobby asked having it on speaker phone. "What happened, you fall and can't get up?" I heard Dean ask. "Hilarious." Bobby said. "What's up?" I asked. "We're in Wisconsin." Kara said. "Six bodies, chests cracked wide open. No EMF, no sulfur, no hex bags." Crystal said. "We did find this though – hold on." Dean said and heard my phone beep. "Alright, check your phone." Kara said. They looked at it. "That's a new one." Bobby said looking at it. "Yeah. We need an ID ASAP. This thing is on a rampage. Call us as soon as you dig something up." Crystal said. "Guys, we're a little busy." Hades said. "Well then, kick Bo Derek out of your bathtub. We gotta case here." Dean said. "I'll call you back." Bobby said hanging up. "Why do you put up with them?" I asked. "Don't know." Bobby said, I saw Evelyn and Reece walk in holding hands, smiling. My phone rang I answered. "Mae we know we're looking into it." I said. "No, Ricky and I need to know how to make a werewolf human again." Mae said. "Hades will text you the serum." I said and hung up. "What's going on?" Reece asked. "You two and I need to go get a book, Hades and Bobby will get Mae and Ricky the serum." I said, they followed me. I got in the car and drove to the local college waving at people who knew me. We got out and looked at the library. "I think it's closed." Evelyn pointed at. "I have the key." Reece said and chucked a rock through the window. "That's works." I said. I crawled in falling on the ground hard. "Oh mother of Zues that hurt!" I yelled. "You good Persphone?" The two girls asked. "Just a small bit of pain." I said and got the book. Reece and Evelyn helped me out the window, we got in my car and I tried starting it and it wouldn't start. "Come on. Come on." I said and it wouldn't start. "I know a spell that will fix this." Evelyn said, I shrugged letting her try, Evelyn's magic isn't so bad she only set Bobby's kitchen on fire once. The car started. "You are a miracle." I said and drove to Bobby's place. "Here's the book." I said. "Good are you okay?" Hades asked. "Just had to crawl through a window to get the book." I said. "Okay, I texted Mae the serum wonder why she needed it." Hades said. "Probably something her and Ricky had to hunt." I said. I made a quick dinner of veggie burgers and fries, we ate while researching and drinking lots of coffee or in Reece's case eating a bunch of candy. We were sitting around 5 am, I was leaning against my husband, Evelyn was asleep on the floor after we tried shaking her awake and she just fell on the floor still asleep, Reece was drooling on a research book. "A Lamia!" Hades yelled. "A Lamia they don't live outside of Greece." I said. "Well they are adapting like us Greeks with the time period." Hades said. "You're hunting a Lamia." Bobby said calling Dean. "Come again?" Dean asked confused. "It's a monster. Juices hearts, chugs the blood." Hades said. "Never heard of one popping up outside of Greece though." I said. "Yeah, well, looks like this freak is immigrating. It's snacking on cheese heads." Crystal said. "How do we gank it?" Kara asked. "There's a couple of ways. Easiest is a silver knife blessed by a padre." Hades said. "Gotcha." Dean said. "Also where is my kid?" Hades asked. "Oh her, Ricky, and Emmett went hunting a werewolf case in Normal, Illinois." Crystal said. Dean hung up. "You're welcome." We said. We yawned ready to sleep. "Hey, I'm still here!" The female demon we put in the panic room scream. "Let's go down there." I said. The three of us walked down and saw her tied up. "Hey there, cranky. You were gone so long, I just assumed alcoholic coma." She laughed. "Where were we?" Bobby asked. "Your soul." She said. "Right. Talk." Hades said taking out his blade. "Look at you, all in a rush. Foreplay and in front of your own wife scandalous." She said. "We want Crowley's name." I said. "His real name, back when he was flesh and blood." Bobby said. "Does tying up demons in your basement make you feel better about that time that you killed your wife?" The demon said. I threw holy water at her. "What's that?" The demon asked as Bobby held up a bag of her bones. "You don't recognize them? They're yours." Hades said and stated the flame thrower. "It won't work. It's a myth." The demon said, yeah and so are vampires it does work how do think Hades and I killed demons in hell. "Then you got nothing to worry about." Bobby said as Hades pointed the flame towards the bag. "I can't. You don't know what he'll do to me." She said. "Right now you better worry about me." I said. "You don't get it. He made himself King." She said. "King of the Crossroads. I've heard the speech." Hades said starting to inch closer to the bones. "No. King of Hell." She said and I looked shocked, Hades and I were greiveing Mae and Crowley just took over Hell. The doorbell rang and we sighed blowing out the flame thrower. "You three gonna get that or what?" The demon asked. We walked up and made sure none of us looked bad. Bobby opened it. "Marcy." He said. Reece and Evelyn were awake eating muffins I made. "Bobby Singer and the gang. How long have we been neighbors?" Marcy asked. "Six months?" Bobby questioned not knowing. "Well, don't you think it's time you welcomed me to the neighborhood? My famous ginger peach cobbler." Marcy said handing it. "Thank you." I said. "Take a whiff. Seriously, I'm a genius." Marcy said. I smelt it. "Amazing, you'll have to give me the recipe." I said. The demon sceamed for help. "It's stupid horror flicks. Guilty pleasure." Bobby said. "I love scary movies. Hey have you seen, Drag Me To Hell?" Marcy asked. "Yep." Hades and I replied. "Trying to avoid it." Bobby said. "But it's fantastic. Saturday, seven o'clock, my house. I'll fix you dinner and I'll whip up a batch of my famous white chocolate popcorn and we'll watch it. Deal?" Marcy asked. "That sounds super, Marcy, but..." Bobby trailed off. "Okay, no worries. Um, hey, one other thing. Uh, my wood chipper – it's a piece of crap, you know. It just broke down on me and – and I hear that you're quite handy. Maybe you could come over and take a look. You know, just whenever." Marcy said. "Yeah. I'll see what I can do." Bobby said. "Well, okay, I'll see you soon." Marcy said and waved leaving. Bobby smiled. "Bobby has a date!" The two teens squealed. "I can ground you two right?" Bobby asked. "No." I said. We walked back down and The demon smiled. "Aww. She sounds nice. Are you going to make sweet love to her before you stab her to death, Bobby? That is your usual thing, right?" The demon asked. Hades started burning the bones. "I want Crowley's name now. Crowley's name!" Bobby yelled pissed off. "Okay, okay. MacLeod. Fergus MacLeod. I swear. We call him Lucky the Leprechaun behind his back." The demon said and I held in a laugh. "MacLeod's Scottish, Einstein." Bobby said. "You got what you want, now send me back. No! We had a deal." The demons said as Hades poured oil on the bones. "We gave it our best effort." I said. "No!" She screamed as Hades burned them. We were sitting at the tables. Reece and Evelyn took a nap from staying up for twenty four hours. My phone rang and I picked up seeing it was Garth. "Yeah, Garth, what do you got?" I asked. "A vamp case, they rape the victim than cut off the head and no blood is found." Garth said, okay that's strange. "Never heard of a vamp doin' that. It doesn't sound like our kind of thing. Better drop a dime to the FBI." I said. Bobby's FBI line rang and he picked up. "Willis, FBI. No, Garth, not me, the FBI. The real FBI! How are you still alive?" Bobby said hanging up. The CDC line rang and Hades answered. "Yeah, Castle." Hades said and another line rang. "Yeah." Bobby said. And then the FBI rang so I answered. "Willis. Uh huh. Of course she's one of ours. And if she says she's got to dig that grave up, you better damn well let her." I said hanging up. We were relaxing and someone was banging on the door, who could that be. We looked and saw Rufus. "Oh, good, you're home! Listen. You gotta help me bury a body." Rufus said, the three of us stated at him. We followed him outside to his truck. "Why'd you bring it here?" I asked. "The law is on my tail! What was your guess? What, what, what? They got lucky." Rufus said as we gave him amused looks. "Yeah, or you're getting slow." Hades and Bobby said. "Yeah, I'm getting slow – says mister sits on his ass all day taking calls and mister has wife taking care of him." Rufus said. "Well if I don't he would already be dead." I said, knowing if I wasn't around demons would have already murdered Hades. Rufus revealed a dead Asian woman. "Vamp, shifter – what?" Bobby asked. "None of the above." Rufus said showing us her fangs. "Okami? Where'd you shiv it?" Hades asked. "Get this. Billings." Rufus said closing the mouth. "The only time I ever saw one of these was in Japan." I said. "Duh. No one's ever seen one of these except in Japan." Rufus said. "For what it's worth, Sam, Crystal, Kara, and Dean are tracking a Lamia in Wisconsin." Bobby said. "Get out. I thought they never leave Greece." Rufus said. "Monsters lately. Is it me, or is it weird?" I said. "Yeah well, it's definitely something. So, you all got a shovels?" Rufus asked and Bobby smirked. Bobby was working his mechanical digger digging the hole. "It's easier." Hades replied smirking. "Man, I know what I want for Hanukkah." Rufus said. We walked up to the hole and Rufus put the body in. We were filling the hole while telling him about Crowley. "So the son of a bitch's name is Fergus McCloud?" Rufus said shocked. "That's the son of a bitch's name, it also explains why Evelyn calls him Fergus." Bobby said to Rufus. "Where are you gonna look?" Rufus asked. "Scotland. Crowley let slip that he likes Craig. It's, uh..." I said trying to remember what I read. "It's Scotch. Only made and sold in a tiny area on the north tip of Caithness county. It's peaty and sharp, with a long finish of citrus and tobacco notes. Hey, what? What am I, a heathen? I know what Craig is." Rufus said getting defensive. "Well, I got a hunch that that's where Crowley lived and died back when he was a human, a few hundred years before he got the big squeeze in hell and came out a demon." Bobby said. "You know I've got contacts over there. I could make a few calls." Rufus said. "Well, I ain't askin' for no help." Bobby said. "I ain't askin' for your permission." Rufus said. We finished covering the woman. Hades, Evelyn, Reece, Bobby, and I were about to eat the cobbler when my phone rang playing Dean's ringtone. "Yeah." I asked in the phone. "What's another way to kill a Lamia?" Dean asked. "Well, what happened to the silver knife blessed by a priest?" I asked. "That didn't pan out. What's plan B?" Dean asked as I heard Crystal scream, 'You asshole!' in Latin. "Police!" We heard police say outside. "Balls!" Bobby yelled. "Come on Persephone, get the lead out!" Dean yelled. "Where are you?" I asked. "In a church. In a rectory." Dean said. "Is there a kitchen?" I asked. "Yeah." Dean said probably now in a kitchen. "Find salt and rosemary." I said. "Open up, Singer!" One of the cops yelled. "I'll get it." Bobby said I was still on the phone and Bobby answered. "Mr. Singer. I'm Agent Adams. I believe you know Sheriff Mills." Agent Adams said, they walked in. "Her mom. Just a sec." Hades said as Reece and Evelyn were eating the cobbler looking at the chaos. "Rosemary! I got it!" Dean yelled happy he found it. "Great, great. Now blend the herbs saute over a high heat. Cook well." I said and Dean dropped the phone and the Lamia screeches and the others look at me. "My mom owns a farm." I lied with a half truth. "Sammy!" Dean yelled. "Fire in the hole!" Crystal yelled. "Okay. Great. Great. Enjoy the roast, Mom." I said and hung up looking at Agent Adams and Jody. Z"Have you seen this man? Rufus Turner, aka Luther Vandros, aka Ruben Studdard." Agent Adams asked showing us Rufus's picture. "No, we've never seen that dick." Hades replied. "How do you know he's a dick?" Agent Adams asked. "Lucky guess." Hades said. "Kinda like how you are one." Reece said to Agent Adams. "Funny. 'Cause I got a couple of guys working the highway said they saw him pull in here. Carrying a body." Agent Adams said, Rufus you moron. "Well, that's ridiculous. Look, it's a workday, I gotta..." Bobby said but was cut off. "I just want to take a look around." Agent Adams cut Bobby off. "You got a warrant, sonny?"
Bobby asked. "Well, do I need one, sir?" Agent Adams said. "Funny coming from a guy who basically should follow the law." Evelyn said smirking. "Okay fellas, put the rulers away. Zip up. Look, Bobby here is a kind of a crank. And he ain't what you call a fan of big brother, but me, him, the Theodroropoulos couple, and the two girls– How long I been arresting Bobby now? Ten years?" Jody said defending us. "Thereabouts." Bobby said. "Dragging us away when I beat the crap out of some homophobic person." Reece said. "Yeah, we got a history, so... what do you say just let me scope the place out? That okay? You could just wait outside." Jody said. "Five minutes." Agent Adams said going outside. "Why did you send him outside?" I asked seeing as we had a dead body out there. "Cause I didn't think you'd all want him in here." Jody said to us. "We don't. We've got a body in the basement." Hades said. "My point." Jody said. "Yeah, but we've got another body buried in the yard." Bobby said and Jody looked at us. "Damn it." Jody said. Evelyn ran and looked out the door. "He's not there." She said worried. "Balls!" Bobby said. "I don't want him to call Child Services to take Evie and I." Reece said. "I should be dead due to my actual age." Evelyn said, Agent Adams walked back in. "Mr. Singer, Mrs and Mr. Theodroropoulos come with me, please." Agent Adams said. We all shared a look and followed Agent Adams outside. "It'll be okay." Hades reassured me and I nodded. "Do any of you mind explaining this?" Agent Adams asked. "What, you never had a septic tank explode on you? I got it pretty well cleaned up, but watch where you step." Bobby said. Hades called Rufus and had him on speaker. "Get back here!" Hades yelled. "Get back – I'm two states over, Hades. I can't." Rufus said. "The Okami ain't dead." I said getting a bag ready to kill it. "Of course it is." Rufus said. "Did you use a bamboo dagger?" Bobby asked. "Yeah." Rufus said. "Blessed by a Shinto priest?" Hades said. "I'm not an imbecile, Hades." Rufus said. "Well, did you stab it seven times?" I asked, thinking of the last thing. "Five times." Rufus said. "It's seven!" I said. "No, I'm pretty sure it's five." Rufus said. "Well, clearly it's seven times." Evelyn said filling a shotgun. "The damn hole is empty." Reece said. "What was it feeding on when you found it?" I asked. "Single white females. While they slept." Rufus said. Hades hung up. "Marcy." Bobby said. We got her place and Bobby kicked in the door all of us holding shotguns, I think we might have given her a heart attack. "Guys?" She asked confused and shocked. "Where's your bedroom?" Bobby asked. Marcy pointed scared and we went into her bedroom looking. "Guys, I'm trying to keep my cool but, what are you all doing in my house with shotguns?" Marcy said. "Well if we tell you, you'd put us in a mental hospital." Reece said. "Have you seen anything weird?" Hades asked. "You mean besides the Singer gang?" Marcy asked. I looked and saw the Okami. I shot it and it lunged at me. "Persy!" Hades yelled and used his powers and the Okami decided Bobby was a better opponent so Bobby and it fought while falling out a window I jumped out to help Bobby. "Bobby, no! Look out!" Marcy yelled and Bobby rolled out from underneath and I shoved the Okami in the wood chipper killing it. "I, uh – I thought your chipper was broke." Evelyn asked while Marcy and I were covered in blood. "I just said that to get Bobby to come over here." Marcy said. "Oh. Well, I guess I could come over for dinner some night. Might be fun." Bobby said. "I don't think so." Marcy said. "Story of my life." Bobby said. We got back to Bobby's place. "I'm so glad I'm not like Bobby." Hades said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well for one you are still alive and love me even though I basically gave you Stockholm Syndrome." Hades said. "Nah you made me the most happy woman, even though my Mom said different." I said kissing my husband. We went home and went to bed. We woke up and got dressed for today.

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