It's Official I'm Insane

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Marina's POV
I was with the others looking for a woman named Eleanor. "Where is she?" Dean asked. "She said to meet her here. I'll try her again." Persephone said and dialed the number and we heard a phone ring nearby. "El?" Bobby asked and we ran around the corner and saw I guess Eleanor. "Hey. I guess I could've used your help after all." Eleanor said. "Just be still." Hades said. "What happened?" Mae asked. "They took me. I got away." Eleanor said and opened her jacket and it was full of blood. "Oh, Ellie. What have they done to you?" Bobby said. "Everything. The demon and doppelgänger I could've handled, but when the angel stepped in, I told him, Bobby. They have enough to crack Purgatory wide open." Eleanor said, I felt overwhelming rage to hurt Castiel, he hurt the people I care about and would loose my grace for. "Tell me. I need to know." Bobby said. "They need virgin blood. That's a milk-run for them. And they need the blood of a Purgatory native, and well, they've got plenty of that now." Eleanor said. "Have they opened it yet?" Kara asked her concerned. "Tomorrow. The moon - an eclipse. I'm sorry, Bobby." Eleanor said. "No, it's okay. It's okay." Eleanor said. "I'm sorry, really sorry." Eleanor said and I could see she was dead. "Tell us where they are. El?" Bobby said and looked heartbroken and closed her eyes, I felt horrible and put my fingers on her temple. "She's in Heaven." I said. "I'm sorry this had to happen. Crowley and Siren got carried away." Castiel said. "Yeah, I bet it was all Crowley and Siren you son of a bitch!" Bobby yelled and went to fight Castiel but we held him back. "You don't even see it, do you? How totally off the rails you are!" Dean yelled. "Enough! I don't care what you think. I've tried to make you understand. You won't listen. So let me make this simple. Please, go home and let me stop Raphael. I won't ask again and maybe I'll let Marina keep her grace." Castiel said. "Well, good, 'cause I think you already know the answer." Ricky said. "I don't care about my grace." I said. "I wish it hadn't come to this. Well rest assured, when this is all over, I will save Sam and Mae, but only if you stand down." Castiel said. "Save them from what?" Sammi said. Castiel appeared behind Mae and Sam and touched their temples making them go unconscious.
Mary's POV
I looked around and saw I was in hell and heard a giggle. I ran after it and saw another verison of myself in a black evening gown. "Oh hi Mae." Another me said and it was sitting in a chair and had my siblings tied and gagged to chairs. "What the hell?" I asked. "Oh right, you see this is what you would've been if the gods didn't put that wall in your head." She said. "Oh, so this is my mind?" I asked. "Yes, be glad you ran into me and not your tortured self, now that would be scary." She said. "Yeah, but funny thing is you don't scare me." I said and she laughed and I grabbed a discarded blade and threw it at her causing her to disapate go into me. "Wow very nice." I turned seeing a version of me in my demigod form.
Ricky's POV
I was sitting in the panic room with Marina, an unconscious Mae, and an unconscious Sam. "Mae? Come on, snap out of it." I said. "Anything?" Persephone asked the rest coming in. "We can't just sit here, Bobby. We've got to help them." Dean said taking one look at Mae and Sam. "Dean." Hades said. "You know, dreamscape their noggins. Something." Dean said. "You know what Cas did. The dam inside your brother and sister's head is gone, and all hell's spilling loose. We don't what's going on inside." Hermes said. "I don't care. We have got to do something!" Dean yelled. "And we will, but right now we got sixteen hours 'til they pop Purgatory. I'm down two men. I can't afford to be down three." Bobby said. "Yeah, and how's that going, huh? We've got no line on Crowley and Siren. We got no line on Cas. Balthazar's MIA. Crystal I want to gut. I mean, all we've got is Sam and Mae, going through whatever the hell this is!" I said. lYou know, this is exactly what Cas wants. For you all to fall to pieces. Just try to think of what Sam and Mae would want." Evelyn said. "Find Cas, Bobby. Find him now." Kara said.
Marina's POV
I held Sam's hand rubbing it. "You know if you can hear me, I hope you are okay, I want to have a family with you someday." I said. "Look what the cat dragged in." Hades said and I saw Balthazar. "Well, at least you mudfish finally got the angel-proofing right. How's Sleeping Beauty 1 and 2? You didn't steal any kisses, I trust?" Balthazar said. "Okay for one I'm gay and second she's his mate." Ricky said to him. "What the hell took you so long?" Dean asked leaning on the desk. "Honestly? I was having second thoughts." Balthazar said. "About?" Sammi asked him. "About whether to help you. I was thinking maybe... Maybe I should rip out your sticky bits instead." Balthazar said. "And what did you decide?" I asked. "Well... Cas, Crystal, Siren, and Crowley are there. That's where the show gets started." Balthazar said handing Bobby a piece of paper. "Alright, well give us a minute to pack up and then zap us there." Ricky said. "Oh, no, no, no, no. I don't think so." Balthazar said. "Balthazar." I said. "I'm betraying a friend here. A very powerful friend. We all are. So I think I've stuck my neck out far enough already. Good luck." Balthazar said and disappeared. "Is that normal?" Sammi asked. "Yeah he's naturally an ass." I said. Ricky, Dean, and I stayed down there looking at them. "Persphone, Hades, and Bobby came down later. "Time's up, guys." Persphone said. "Yeah, just a second." Dean said. "Alright, this is where we're gonna be, Grumpy Moose and Mae. You get your lazy asses out of bed and come and meet us. Guys, please." Ricky said setting paper down next to them with a gun on top, we left to go stop the idiots from releasing monsters.
Mary's POV
I looked at her. "So what my demigod form?" I asked. "Demigod, powerful whatever you call it." She said. "So why are you here?" I asked. "Oh please this is one of the forms that is broken of it's evil, powerful, than tortured honey." She said and let out a blast of power, I dolldged and kicked her and she dodged. "Nice try." She said. I tried to stan and it went through. "Goodbye." I said. "Oh trust me you'll never be the same." She said and the scene around me changed to the library in Ma and Pa's place. I walked closer and the chair turned and I saw me but she was badly bruised and in pain. "Good you are here." She said. "Should this worry me?" I asked. "Please don't make me part of your soul, I'm broken and everything. I think you'd like to not remember it at all." She said. "You are still part of me, my evil, my god side, and the whole version bruises or not." I said. "If you do this you will remember everything and it will hurt." She said. "I need to help my family so I can do this." I said and she disappated into me. I opened my eyes with Sam. "I remember Hell." I said remembering my torture and it being way longer than normal hell years. "Come on." Sam said and we left to get to the others.
Ricky's POV
Sammi, Evelyn, Reece, and I popped our heads up from a bush seeing angels. "What do you four see?" Bobby asked. "I count a dozen mooks, probably more." Reece said. "Demons?" Dean asked. "Angels." Evelyn said. "Well how the hell are we gonna take out that many angels?" Kara asked. "Um you have two gods, a werewolf, witch, a powerful Nephilim, and an angel." Marina said. "We'll either ninja our way in or fight." Ricky said. "Awesome. Yeah, 'til they hear Uncle and Hades knee squeak." Alison said. "Shut up." Bobby and Hades said. "Oh, what, now you got thin skin?" Sammi asked. "No, shut up. You hear that?" Persephone said, we heard booming sound like loud footsteps like in Jurassic Park. "What the hell is that? T-Rex maybe?" Marina asked confused. "Holy mother of demons." Evelyn said and we saw a large car of demon smoke. "Get in the car! Get in the car!" I yelled and we got in the Jaguar, we watched the smoke go past the windows and I heard Reeece and Sammi scream. The car was overturned and I saw blackness. I woke up and saw Reece was trying to wake the others up. "Come on we have to go." Evelyn said waking up. We saw the others. "Well we didn't die." Sammi said. We ran in the place and ran up the stairs we saw aCrowley, Castiel, Siren, Crystal, and a colored man. "Quarum ungulae et dentes, nunquam tetigerunt carnem humanam." Crowley said. Marina threw her angel blade but he caught it. "Bit busy. Be with you in a moment." Siren said. "Aperit fauces eius ad mundum nostrum, nunc, ianua magna aperta tandem!" Crowley said and nothing happened. "Mm-hmmm. Maybe you said it wrong." Siren said. "You said it perfectly. All you needed was this." Castiel said showing an empty jar. "I see. And we've been working with... Dog blood. Naturally." Siren said. "Enough of these games, Castiel. Give us the blood." The man said. "You- Game's over. His jar's empty. So, Castiel, how'd your ritual go? Better than ours, I'll bet." Crowley said. Castiel closed his eyes and a bright light shone.
Marina's POV
"You can't imagine what it's like. They're all inside me. Millions upon millions of souls." Castiel said, "Sounds sexy. Exit stage Crowley and Siren." Siren said leaving. "Now, what's the matter, Raphael? Somebody clip your wings?" Castiel said. "Castiel, please. You let the demon go, but not your own brother?" Raphael said. "The demon I have plans for. You on the other hand... So, you see, I saved you." Castiel said exploding Raphael. "Sure thing, Cas. Thank you." Ricky said. "You doubted me, fought against me, but I was right all along." Castiel said. "Okay, Cas, you were. We're sorry. Now let's just defuse you, okay?" Dean said. "What do you mean?" Castiel asked. "You're full of nuke. It's not safe. So, before the eclipse ends, let's get them souls back to where they belong." Kara said. "Oh no, they belong with me." Castiel said. "No, Cas, it's it-it's scrambling your brain." I said. "No, I'm not finished yet. Raphael had many followers, and I must punish them all severely." Castiel said. "Listen to me. Listen, I know there's a lot of bad water under the bridge, but we were family once. I'd have died for you. I almost did a few times. So if that means anything to you... Please. I've lost Lisa, I've lost Ben, and now I've lost Sam. Don't make me lose you too. You don't need this kind of juice anymore, Cas. Get rid of it before it kills us all." Dean said. "You're just saying that because I won. Because you're afraid. You're not my family, guys. I have no family." Castiel said and I saw Sam and Mae stab Castiel with an angel blade and a lighting bolt blade but nothing happened Castiel pulled them out. "I'm glad you made it, Sam and Mary. But the angel blade won't work, because I'm not an angel anymore. I'm your new God. A better one. So you will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord. Or I shall destroy you." Castiel said. "Well it's official I'm insane for nothing." Mae said.

A\N:All that's left is the bloopers and than Mae going crazy in book 7.

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