Look Like A Campbell, Act Like A Winchester

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Mary's POV
We had gotten a rugaru and dropped it off at Crowley and Siren's. "You're late." A demon said to us. "Traffic was a bitch." Ricky said. "One rugaru." I said shoving the rugaru the demon. "Where's Crowley and Siren?" Sam asked. "Banging a hooker in a sweet spot called None Of Your Business." The demon said. "Oh, look at that, Sam. Demon trying to be funny." Crystal said. "Oh, is that what just happened?" Kara asked. "Night, girls." The demon said. "Wait, wait. Hold up, hold up. Are we ever gonna see Crowley and Siren again or is he just gonna keep sending his demon extras to pick up his laundry?" I said. "I'm sorry. I know you're speaking, I see your lips moving, but I can't understand what you're saying 'cause I don't speak Little Bitch." The demon said. I went to strangle him but Ricky held me back. Thr demon got in the car and drove off, and Ricky let me go. "Remember when we used to gank demons?" I said them. "Yes." They said. We got back to a rundown house we were squatting in. "No man, screw it, I'm done." Dean said. "Calm down." Sam said. "We've been going on these freaking Crowley and Siren runs and it's not getting us anywhere. I mean, the only thing that's really changed, is now I need a daily rape shower." Dean said. "Okay, you're right. Let's go with Plan B. Oh yeah, we don't have one. So till we do, sorry dude, stock up on soap-on-a-rope. Dean, if you wanna get my soul back, that's what we gotta do, Okay?" Sam said. "Yeah... You even want it back?" I said. "I'm working for Crowley and Siren, aren't I?" Sam said. "Yeah, well, who says he's gonna hold up his end, you know? It is Crowley. You ever think of that? Right? So, I guess the moment's over, is that what you're saying? Sam!" Dean said we turned and was knocked unconscious. We woke up tied to chairs. "What now?" Crystal asked. "I think I know who you can ask." A demon said. "Evil bitch." I said. "Keep sweet talking me, this could go a whole new direction." Meg said. "Meg. I've been dying to see you again." Ricky said. "Well, here I am, big boy. So, what should we do now?" Meg said. "How about I rip you to shreds?" Dean said. "Kinky, I like. A little Q&A first, if you don't mind. Now, where's your boss?" Meg said. "You think we work for somebody?" Sam asked. "I happen to know for a fact you've been juggling Siren and Crowley's orphans. Now where is he?" Meg said to us. "Don't know. Don't care." Kara said. "You've been working his beat for months." Meg said. "Doesn't mean we get face time." I said. "Where's he take all those things you snatch up for him? I bet you an all-day sucker that's where his majesty's holed up. Okay officially over the foreplay. Satisfy me, or I please myself!" Meg said sitting on Ricky's lap. Sam laughed. "Something funny, Grumpy Moose?" Ricky asked rolling his eyes. "Yeah, Meg." Sam said still laughing. "Really? 'Cause where I'm sitting..." Ricky trailed off. "Don't worry. She can't do jack squat. She's totally screwed." Crystal said. "Not, helping!" Ricky said. "Look at her, guys. She's furious. If she could kill you, she'd've done it by now. She's running." Sam said. "Am I?" Meg asked. "Um Miss can you get off my brother." Sammi said, huh she's been quiet. "Judging by the level of flop sweat on all of you, yeah. Which means you're running from Crowley. Which makes sense. Crowley and Siren would want to hunt down all the Lucifer loyalists now that he's the big man on campus." Crystal said smirking. "How would you know?" Meg asked. "I may have been team humanity but I know Siren." Crystal said. "Plus you need us to get to them." I said. "Well, I hope you both lose. But good luck." Dean said. "So, you know what you gotta do now, right?" Kara said. "Let me guess. You're gonna tell me." Meg asked. "Work with us." Crystal said smirking. "Whoa, what?" Ricky asked. "We'll hand you Crowley and Siren with a bow. On one condition: we come with you and you help us wring a little something out of him before you hack him to bits." Crystal said. "What?" Meg asked. "Doesn't matter. Question is, can you get us what we need?" Sam said. "I apprenticed under Alastair in Hell just like your brother. So Dean, can I make Crowley and Siren do whatever I want?" Meg asked "Yeah, she can, also can you get off our homosexual friend." Dean said. "It's a deal then. Hugs and puppies all around!" Meg said getting off of Ricky. "You gonna untie us?" I asked. "Please. Don't pretend you don't enjoy it." Meg said. "It's not tight enough to be kinky." Ricky said. A demon looked at me and his eyes widened. "You gonna kiss me?" I asked. "No Princess." He said. "Come on!" Meg said and the demons followed. "What are you doing?" Kara asked the two. "What do you mean?" Sam asked. "I mean, what are you doing!?" Dean yell asked. "Guys, you wanted to screw over Siren and Crowley. Merry Christmas. What?" Crystal said. "You wanna work with a demon again?" Ricky asked. "Again?" Sammi asked. "Long story." I said. "We're working with demons now. I'm doing this because I wanna stop." Sam said. "She killed my Mom and sister." Ricky said. "I know. But you can't look at his emotionally, Ricky. We need her." Crystal said. "The hell we do! That little bitch is gonna screw us over so fast." I said. "Of course. Which is why we'll screw her first. Meg and her little posse are dead the second we're done with them." Sam said. "Yeah, if they don't kill us." Dean said. "They won't. 'Cause we're bringing insurance." Sam said. We were back at the house. "Castiel and Marina, we need you. It's important. Cas, Rina, we found something. It's this gold box. Apparently Nazis were after it back in the day, someone opened it and their face melted off. I think it's – ready for this – the Ark of the Covenant. Yeah. So..." Dean said and they appeared. "Where is the box?" Marina said. "I can't believe you fell for that. That was the plot of Raiders." I said. "We're mid-battle, guys." Castiel said. "I could give a rat's ass about your little pissing match with Raphael." Sam said. "Listen to us, guys." Marina said. "No, you listen! I don't care what you're dealing with up in Heaven. You owe me." Sam said. "I owe you? Your having sex with a demon!" Marina said. "The demon is sitting right here." Crystal said. "This is like a married couple." Ricky said. "Yeah." I said. "You may not care, but believe us it's hard." Castiel said. "I'm sorry, do you think we're here to talk this out?" Dean asked. "Guys we can't just fly down." Castiel said. "If you don't help us, I will hunt you down and kill you." Sam said. "Will you, boy? How?" Castiel asked. "I don't know yet. But I will look until I find out, and I don't sleep." Sam said. "So you spend the whole time banging Crystal?" Ricky asked. Castiel went over to Ricky and nuzzled his neck. "You won't let kill me." Castiel said. "No I won't due to the bond." Ricky said. "You need help, Sam." Marina said seriously. "I need your help." Sam said. "Please?" Ricky asked Castiel. "Fine, Little mate." Castiel said kissing his cheek. They were working on a ritual. "It's not working. Siren and Crowley's hidden from us." Marina said. "Well, looks like we're gonna have to try this the hard way." Dean said. We got to the the Campbell compound and looking in Samuel's study. "Can I help you? What do you want?" Samuel asked from the doorway. "We wanna know where Siren and Crowley are." I said, hey I don't fear the dick. "If I even knew, why would I tell you?" Samuel asked. "Cause you're our grandfather." Dean said. "That's debatable." Ricky said. "Samuel, I'm gonna get my soul back." Sam said. "Who says you can get it back?" Samuel asked. "Me." Sam said. "Us." Pa said appearing with Ma, oh thank the gods they are here. "Look, I'd like to help, but I'm sorry." Samuel said. "It's your grandson's soul." Ma said with disgust. "I can't." Samuel. "What is wrong with you? Do you wanna work for Crowley and Siren? Marina. Cas, can you give us a minute? We're your blood. But if you don't wanna help us I can't make you. But I just gotta know why. What is Crowley and Siren holding over you? You owe us that." I said mad at him, he took out a picture of young Mom. "Mom?" Dean asked. "He's gonna give her back to me." Samuel said. "Crowley's gonna bring mom back from the dead?" Dean asked. "That impossible he doesn't have the power." Pa mumbled. "You tell me you don't want her back. You know, the one difference between us: you know how to live without her." Samuel said. "Look, I know how you feel." Ma said to him. "No, you don't. She's my daughter, and she's dead, and I can do something about it, every time I look at Mae I see her but once Mae's mouth opens I hear someone else." Samuel said. "Do you really think Crowley is gonna make good here?" Pa asked Samuel. "He brought me back!" Samuel yelled. "That wasn't a good thing." I said. "Trust me, don't go down that road." Sammi said. "What are you saying?" Samuel asked. "We're saying, stop trying. It's gonna go nowhere good. Samuel, I know we've had our differences, but I'm your granddaughter and I'm telling you that this is wrong for so many reasons." I said. "You hypocrites!" Samuel yelled. "We're asking you to learn from our mistakes! Doing this, this is how the bad guy gets us every time. It's our Achilles' heel. Apparently it runs in the family. We will figure something else out. Okay?" Dean said to him. "I'm sorry Dean, but I have to." Samuel said to us. "Fine. Bring her back. But what are you gonna tell her? You gonna tell her you made a deal with a demon? That you wouldn't help out her kids?" I asked him. "That's enough! Just get out." Samuel said. We sat in the place relaxing as we did research and Castiel and Marina watched tv. "It's very complex." Marina said. "Mm-hmm." Ricky hummed nodding. "If the pizza man truly loves this babysitter, why does he keep slapping her rear? Perhaps she's done something wrong." Castiel said, I almost bursted out laughing. "You're watching porn? Why?" I asked. "It was there." Castiel said. "You don't watch porn in a room full of people. And you don't talk about it. Just turn it off." Pa said and Castiel looked down. "Well, now he's got a boner." Ricky said. "Sam, I feel funny." Marina said to Sam. "Hell no." Sam said. "What's porn?" Sammi asked. "Something you don't need to know." I said and she nodded at me. There was knock. "If it's Samuel can I stab him?" Ma asked. "No." Pa said. Kara opened it seeing Samuel. "This what you kids do, sit around watching pornos with angels, a demon, and gods?" Samuel asked. "We're not supposed to talk about it." Marina said. "Why are you here, Samuel?" Crystal asked. "It's what Mary would want. Now, this is what I know. Whatever we bag ends up there. That's where he tortures 'em, interrogates 'em, I don't really know. Only been outside the places, but it's a death trap. Nothing gets in that Crowley doesn't want in and nothing gets out, period." Samuel said showing us a map. "Well, thanks." Ma said. "I wish you wouldn't do this." Samuel said. "Come with us." Sam said. "I may be soft, but I'm not suicidal." Samuel said. "Oh you are not soft." I said. He glared at me. We got to the place and Meg was with her gang. "Remember me? I sure remember you, Clarence and Melody." Meg said. "Why are we working with these abominations?" Marina asked all of us. "Keep talking dirty. Makes my meatsuit all dewy." Meg said. "Alright, simmer down. We know where Crowley is." Dean said. "Great. Do tell." Meg said. "Yeah, tell you, so you can just leave us for dead." Sam said. "You all have serious abandonment issues, you know that?" Meg asked. "Shut up Meg." Pa said. "We'll show you, alright? But we're all going together." Crystal said. "What, I'm just supposed to trust you?" Meg asked. "No, you're not that stupid. Give me the knife for a minute." I said. "No, I'm not that stupid." Meg said. "Do you want us to take you to Crowley or not?" Sam asked. Meg handed Sam the knife who stabbed a demon who glared at us earlier we all looked at him. "You saw him. He was more interested in killing us than getting the job done. I just did all of us a favor." Sam said. "Hey! You just gonna keep that?" Meg asked. "You took this from us. I'm taking it back. We leave in one hour." Sam said. We were packing for the hunt. "You know, Cas and Marina, you could help." Dean said. "We're ambivalent about what we're attempting." Marina said. "Well, breaking into monster Gitmo is not exactly a two-for-one in the champagne room." Ma said. "I'm not sure retrieving Sam's soul is wise." Castiel said. "Wait, what? Why?" I asked. "I want him and you to survive." Marina said. "What are you talking about?" Dean asked. "Sam's soul has been locked in the cage with Michael and Lucifer for more than a year. And they have nothing to do but take their frustrations out on him. You understand? If we try to force that mutilated thing down Sam's gullet, we have no idea what will happen. It could be catastrophic and it could lead to Mae's memories coming back." Castiel said. "You mean he dies what about Mae." Dean asked. "Her memories could lead to suicide." Pa said. "I mean, he doesn't. Paralysis. Insanity. Psychic pain so profound that he's locked inside himself for the rest of his life." Marina said looking down. "But you're saying you don't know anything for sure. I mean, he and Mae could be fine." Dean said I nodded. "They could be, yes." Castiel said. I left to help Ricky and we smiled at each other. We were now at the place and walking down the cells. "Is someone there? Please. Please help me. You gotta get me out of here. Please! You gotta get me out of here." A monster said, I felt horrible this place seemed like a bad mental hospital. "Come on, guys. We gotta move." Sam said. We were walking but Marina and Casti stopped us and looked around. "Wait." They said. "What is it?" I asked. We heard barking. "Those don't sound like wolves." Sammi said. "Damn it. Here come the guards." Meg said. "Hellhounds. Go!" Ma said and we ran to the nearest doors and got in putting salt along the line. "I knew this was a trap." Ricky said pissed. "What do you want, a cupcake Waldo?" Meg said. "Alright, that should keep them out." Crystal said. "Not for long. How many of them are there?" Pa asked. "Lots. I'll be pulling for you... from Cleveland." Meg said. "What?!" Dean yell asked. "I didn't know this was gonna happen. Bright side: them chewing up my meatsuit ought to buy you a few seconds. Seacrest out." Meg said and tried to leave the body but couldn't. "A spell, I think, from Crowley. Within these walls you're locked inside your body." Castiel said. "Karma's a bitch, bitch." Kara said, Sam took out the demon killing knife and I looked. "What are you doing, gonna slash at thin air until you hit something?" I said. "You can see them. Take this. Hold them off. It's our best shot." Sam said to Meg. I heard familiar barking. "Don't kill Cerberus." Pa, Ma, and I said. "At Crowley. Take it and go. You kill the smarmy dick. I'll hold off the dogs and I know what Cerberus looks like." Meg said. "How you gonna do that?" Ricky said and Meg grabbed Castiel by his neck and kissed him and Castiel returned it and Crystal held back a murderous Ricky. "What was that?" Meg asked after it was finished. "I learned that from the pizza man and I just imagined you as Ricky." Castiel said. "Well, A plus for you. I feel so ... clean. Okay, gotta go." Meg said. "Whoa, whoa, is that gonna work on a hellhound?" Kara asked. "Well, we're about to find out. Run." Meg said we left and were now in a dark room. "Can't see jack." Dean said and suddenly we saw a blinding light and Castiel and Marina disappeared and Samuel was there with a blood sigil that banishes angels. "Cas?!" Ricky asked. "Marina?" Sam asked. "Guys." Sammi said we looked at Samuel. "You sold us out? Damn you, Samuel." I said as a demon grabbed me. "Yes. And I have to say, best purchase I've made since Dick Cheney." Crowley said. "Or the time I did shots of hand sanitizer." Siren said. "Hiya, Crowley and Siren. How's tricks?" Dean said. "Above your pay grade. Been working. Big things. Alas, you'll be too dead to participate." Crowley said. "I'll enjoy being the only hot one." Siren said. "Really?" I asked. "Shame I have to do away with you gang. Rather enjoyed your indentured servitude." Crowley said. I was now thrown in a cell and Samuel looked at me. "What?" I asked disgust in my tone. "You will always look like a Campbell,act like a Winchester." Samuel said and kicked me in the stomach I threw up from the pain from that. "Mae!" I heard Ricky yell. "Yeah." I said in pain. "I'm standing in pee." Ricky said. "Consider yourself lucky I'm lying in my own vomit." I said. "How?" Crystal asked. "Samuel kicked me in the stomach." I said. "That tears it he's dead." Ma said. I sat up and tried to teleport but saw there was a Greek trap that caused Greekgods or demigods to loose their powers. I leaned on the wall. "You want forgiveness, find a priest." Dean said. "I just want you to understand." Samuel said. "Oh, I understand... that you're a liar and abuser. You talk about putting blood first, which is funny 'cause you sound just like my dad. The difference is, he actually did and he didn't turn around and abuse my sister because she looked like Mom." Dean said. I smiled Dad was happy I looked like Mom and reminded him of her. "I am putting blood first." Samuel said and I rolled my eyes. "Oh, gimme a break!" I yelled at him. "Mary's my blood! My daughter! Don't come at me like I sold you out, Dean. You sold out your own mother. It was her or Sam, and you chose Sam and your sister, plain and simple." Samuel said. "Oh, that is such crap! You wanna know what really happened? You chose a demon over your own grandkids!" Dean said. "See it how you want. I don't even know what Sam is. And you want me to protect him? And you? You're a stranger. No, really, tell me: what exactly are you supposed to be to me?" Samuel said. "I'll tell you who I am. I'm the guy you never wanna see again. 'Cause I'll make it out of here, trust me. And the next time you see me, I'll be there to kill you." Dean said. "Dean you'll be the third in line after Persy and I get to him." Pa said. "Don't think there's gonna be a next time." Samuel said and I smirked. "Whatever gets you through the night." Kara said. "Where's my sister?" Ricky asked. "Oh she's with your buddy Meg." Samuel said. "You bastard!" Ricky said. Suddenly demons walked in my cell and grabbed me and put me in a room with ghouls. "Enjoy." The demon said. "Alright, alright. Shawshank's a great flick, but let's skip the shower scene, huh?" I said. "Look, breakfast." A ghoul said. I got my lighting bolt blade and it sparked. They came at me and I moved as they attacked I dodged and ran a blade through them killing them. "Mae they're all dead?" Sam asked. "Yep and I have a plan." I said and we got the rest of them out and I pulled an alarm Crowley and Siren saw me. "You should be ghoul scat by now." Siren said. "Then you should have taken this." I said showing my lighting bolt blade and the others knocked the two down. "Really necessary? I just had this dry-cleaned. So, to what do I owe the reach-around?" Crowley said. "How come I can't move?" Siren asked. "You're technically a man with Nephilim blood you were hell that Grace turned bad." Pa said. "Crowley and Siren." Sammi and and Meg said. "Whore." Crowley said. "Okay, you know what." Sammi said and let her werewolf fangs show and bite Siren in the arm and Meg hurt Crowley internally and made him cough up blood. "The best torturers never get their hands dirty. Sam wants a word with you." Meg said. "What can I do for you, doppelgänger?" Siren asked. "You two know damn well. I want my soul back." Sam said. "And here I thought you just grew some balls, Sam." Meg said and Sammi shared a smirk with Meg. "Well?" Sam asked. "No." Crowley said. "Meg and Sammi?" Dean asked and the two hurt the two more. "We can't." Siren said. "Can't or won't?" Sam asked. "I said 'can't'. I meant 'can't', you mop-headed lumberjack. I was lucky to get Samuel out. Going back in there for a sloppy bit? No way. I'm good, but those two in there? Forget it." Crowley said. "How do I know you're not lying?" Sam asked. "You don't. But it doesn't change anything. I'm telling you. Sam, why do you want the thing back? Satan's got one juicy source of entertainment in there. I'd swallow a rag off a bathhouse floor before I took that soul. Unless you want to be a drooling mess and a dead sister." Siren said. "Sam, I hate to say it, but he's right." Crystal said. "Yeah, right. I get it. Thanks. He's all yours." Sam said and Sammi and Meg smiled. "Paybacks a bitch especially when you hurt my new BFF." Meg said. "Whoa, what are you, crazy? He's our only hope." Kara said. "Guys, you heard him. He can't get it. He's useless." Sam said. Meg walked in the devil trap. "You'll let me back out, right?" Meg asked. We nodded. "Yes." Ma said "This is for Lucifer, you pompous asshole." Meg said and Crowley and Siren got the two down and broke the Devil trap. "That's better. You don't know torture, you little insect." Crowley said. "Leave them alone." Marina said. "Marina, Castiel, haven't seen you all season. You the cavalry now?" Siren said. "Put the knife down." Castiel said. "You that bossy in Heaven? Hear you're losing out to Raphael. The whole affair makes Vietnam look like a roller derby." Crowley said. "I got what you two asked for." Alison said appearing. "Hey, what's in the gift bag?" Crowley said. "You are." Alison said. "Not possible." Crowley said. "You didn't hide your bones as well as you should have and Evelyn knows you too well." Alison said. "Cookie for you." Crowley said. "Can you restore Sam's soul or not?" Marina asked. "If I could help out in any other way." Siren said. "Answer them!" Pa commanded in his king voice. "I can't." Siren said. Alison burned the skull and Meg vanished. "Well, she's smart, I'll give her that. I was gonna kill her, too. 'Course, I'd have given you an hour with her first." Dean said. "I was just going to murder her first due to her kissing my mate." Ricky said and I saw his eyes glow a tinted blue. "Oh that's not normal." Crystal said. "It is if you're a human and angel's mate." Castiel said. "So that might happen to me." Sam said. "Not might will." Marina mumbled. We left the prison after letting some of the demons who did nothing but be loyal to Ma and Pa go. We were standing outside near the cars. "Thanks, guys. Hadn't it been for you we'd be demon chow." I said. "Crowley and Siren were right. It's not going well for us upstairs." Marina said. "If there's anything we can do we'll do it." Dean said. "There isn't. I wish circumstances were different. Much of the time I'd rather be here." Castiel said his arm around Ricky. "Look, guys, we know you got a steaming pile on your plate. There's no need for apologies. We're your friends." I said. "Listen, Mae and Sam, we'll find another way." Alison said. "You really wanna help? Prison full of monsters. Can't just leave 'em, can't let 'em go." Ma said. "I understand." Castiel said and the three left with a flutter of wings and I smirked hearing the monsters cheer. "They're right, you know?" Kara said. "About?" Sam asked her. "About your soul. We'll figure something else out." Kara said. "No, we won't." Sam said. "Sam we always find a way so we will." I said and got in Ricky's Jaguar with Sammi. "So you and Meg being friends?" Ricky asked her. "After being tortured together you become friends with unlikely people." Sammi said smirking.

A\N:A new update since last week I randomly had no motivation but last Sunday I had gotten my vaccine so there's that, classes are preparing us for State Testing and which will be giving me anxiety in May. So I will keep on trying to update so the next chapter will be whenever I update.

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