Chapter 12

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*A/N: hey guys thank you for deciding to continue reading my story, it really really means a lot. Today's chapter is like a Hawk's birthday special but it will also add to the story*


I slowly opened my eyes and saw the morning light shining through the window. It had been 2 weeks  since my friend called me informing me of her visit. So far I've been on edge about it, I truly hate surprises.

Today is Hawk's birthday, I have something special planned for him. I decided to gather the people close to him at my agency for a surprise party. I texted him before hand telling him about a date I had planned. He gladly accepted, since he's taking the day off work he's coming here soon.

I got out of bed and headed to the shower so I could get ready. Once I finished I got dressed in some casual yet charming clothes. When I heard a knock at the door so I opened it and there stood hawks. In his hero uniform...

Y/N: "Why are you wearing your hero uniform?"

Hawks: "oh something came up at my agency so I have to go there first"

Y/N: "oh I see"

Hawks: "we'll still go on our date but maybe just a little later"

Y/N: "oh that's fine"

Hawks: "are you mad?"

Y/N: "no I'm not mad I actually have something to do, I'll just meet you there later"

Hawks: "are you sure you aren't mad I can-" he didn't get to finish his sentence before I closed the door right in his face.

Y/N: "this is kind of convenient, now I have more time for his surprise party" I waited a little bit to make sure he had left far enough before exiting out of my apartment building. 'I'll just circle around to UA to pick up something'

Hawks POV

'You really messed up this time didn't you birdbrain' I said scolding myself inside my head. Things have been going pretty steady between me and Y/N. We've gone on dates every other day, we do run into the paparazzi but we try our best to avoid them. Honestly spending this time with her has been the best and I was really looking forward to this date. But I received a call this morning from Dabi telling me he wanted to meet up. I haven't met up with Dabi in a while so I'm not sure what it is he wants to talk about.

Hawks: "man I just wanted to go on a date with Y/N" I whined. We still haven't made anything official but I was hoping to make it official tonight. She doesn't know it's my birthday, I didn't tell her. I didn't want to make this night entirely about me, I wanted to make it a new beginning for us. I hate lying to Y/N she doesn't know about my involvement with the hero commission and the league of villains. The thought of losing her would be too much, I've grown attached to her in the short time we've started going on dates together.

I reached the place where Dabi wanted to meet me, it was an abandoned building. At first glance you'd get the creeps and just go on your way hoping you didn't bring back a spirit. But I'm this case Dabi has to keep a low profile so meeting in a place like this is good.

Dabi: "so you actually showed up"

Hawks: "this better be good I had something important planned"

Dabi: "another date with the girlfriend?"

Hawks: "she's not my girlfriend, but yeah I had a date"

Dabi: "you kept cancelling our meetup times so you could be with her, you care about her or something?"

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