Chapter 25

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*Sorry for taking so long to update this I want to follow the manga a little more so I had to wait for more chapters to be released*

Art credits: @kadeart *For twitter*
@kadeart_*For twitter*

Hawks POV

Date: May 12, year ????
Time: 9:38 am

I haven't slept in what seems like days.

I stayed awake trying to put all of the information together. But I just can't wrap my head around this entire situation.

Y/n's brother forced her to the dark side yet she left before all of that even happened. She joined the league of villains and killed before any of that even happened.


She also left that letter on her own freewill, it has to mean something. All the signs point to her doing all of those horrible things on her own account but I can't bring myself to believe that.

Yes I'm stupid

I know I should know better than this. I'm a real idiot for holding onto the good times but I just can't bring myself to see her in that light.

I sat down in the nearby chair holding my head in frustration when I heard the office door open.

Endeavor: "It's impossible"

Hawks: "...what"

Endeavor: "We had everything planned out but she didn't commit a single murder last night"

Endeavor: "It was a sure fire thing yet it failed"

Hawks: "Well I mean you yourself called her unpredictable..."

Endeavor: " it's got to be something more than that"

Hawks: "..."

Hawks: "'re not suggesting"

Endeavor: "We've got a mole Hawks, it's the only possible explanation"

Hawks: "There's no way, I handpicked these people"

Endeavor: "Well seeing your taste in women not every choice you make is good"

Hawks: "...uh..."

Endeavor: "....sorry....that was out of line"

Hawks: "Ya' think"

Endeavor: "Hawks I wish I could take that back I'm really sorry I'm just stressed....I know you want to catch her as much as I do"

Endeavor: "I lashed out without thinking I'm sorry"

Hawks: "It's alright let's just focus on catching her"

Endeavor: "..."

Hawks: "What now"

Endeavor: "Hawks...when was the last time you slept"

Hawks: "...yes..."

Endeavor: "You're over working yourself ...take a break"

Hawks: "I can't every second I waste is another second I could be using to find her"

Endeavor: "We can take the reigns for a while, we have the plan thanks to you all we have to do to search for her"

Hawks: "But-"

Endeavor: "It's fine, just sleep for now"

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