Alternate ending

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*A/n: It has been a really long time since I've last updated this story. I thought with the ending I wrote that I would be at peace, after about almost 3 years it's sage to say that I'm not. I'm so glad and honored that people continue to read my story and enjoy it despite the typos and the inconsistencies. Nonetheless I want to provide and alternate ending for those who also felt that this story was not completed the right way and hopefully you'll feel some sort of closure with this. After this the story will be completed (gotta let her spirit rest y'all) you can take whichever ending you like best as canon. Thank you again if you're reading this and especially thank you for anyone who came back after the long period I took to read this alternate ending. You all make writing worthwhile even if I'm not particularly good at it. Thank you*

Art credits: @kadeart *For twitter*
                     @kadeart_*For twitter*

*Mind space*

'Thank you for everything'

'Where do I go from here...what happens then'

'I'm not sure'

'I'm scared'

'I know'

'How will you know they will forgive you once you get out of here'

'They won't'





'Don't give up'


This is what you've wanted no? Peace, you want someone to love you'

'If you plan to do what I think you'll do don't give up'

'Don't throw away your shot'

She knew, I mean she was me we have the same thought process. She knew all along what I was planing to do. I have a set goal, I shouldn't stray from but....why am I now rethinking things.

'Just promise you won't give up'

'I have to pay for what I've done, things don't just get to go back to normal'

'But you don't have to pay for it with your life'

'An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind'

'What should I do'

'I'm not sure, just...make sure to keep fighting okay?'


She smiled at me, her facial features clear as day. This was pure and genuine joy. Not the fake expressions she would put on display just pure bliss. I took the dagger, slowly raising it.

'I'll see you on the other side'

'See you on the other side'

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