Chapter 3

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*A/N: thank you to whoever is still reading this trashy story, I like writing but I don't think I'm very good at it. Leave a comment telling me how to improve this story and give me suggestions on anything that you might want added to it I'm very open to suggestions and any comments you guys have:)*

When I got home that night I put the feather hawks had given me on my nightstand. I starred at the piece of paper with his phone number for a long time. I was contemplating wether to message him or not. In the end I decided to wait till tomorrow to message him he'll probably be asleep now, and it's getting late I have to make sure to get 8 hours of sleep or my quirk is useless. You might be wondering why I need to get 8 hours of sleep well it's scientifically proven that sleeping more helps you memory stay strong and since my quirk is all about copying quirk and remembering their coding I have to have a good memory. So I have to sleep relatively early so I can get a full 8 hours of sleep and I must always get 8 hours of sleep no matter what.

~time skip to the next morning~

I woke up feeling more refreshed than usual maybe it was because I knew I had gotten through all of that paper work or maybe it was the fact I had lunch with Hawks. Wait was it a date? No that wouldn't make sense. I mean he didn't mention it being a date so logically it can't be that. Ughhh I can't stress out about this right now. I registered Hawk's phone number into my phone but I didn't text him I figured I should wait till later to text him since I was sort of in a rush.

Y/N: "wait I'm supposed to go to UA to scout out those two students. What were their names?" I asked myself out loud. "Oh yeah Todoroki and Midoriya, well I might as well get dressed and make some breakfast before I head to UA" I said getting out of bed. I took a shower,dried myself off and changed into my hero costume in about 45 minutes which wasn't too bad if I say so myself.

I was making myself breakfast so I could eat and head over to UA I had to see if it was worth offering an internship to Todoroki and Midoriya. But what I really wanted to know was what was so special about Midoriya he seemed like a pretty average student his quirk wasn't all that flashy yet Maria recommended him. Once I finished eating I headed out of my apartment and started walking towards UA. I had made a routine of walking around the city in the mornings making sure everything was okay but today I just headed straight to UA helping anyone who needed help along the way. Then I reached the gates to UA, it had been a while since I had been back here. 

Memories of my 3 years here came flooding back. I started remembering the time when I was a student here, I started remembering Jason again not that he ever left my mind but the memories still hurt. I tried to shake off the feeling as I headed inside and towards the principal's office. It seemed like everyone was already in class by than so I didn't run into any students on my way there. So I got to principal Nezu's office pretty quickly, I knocked on the door and waited for him to say "come in" before I opened the door and stepped inside.

Nezu: "Ah you must be pro hero Monarch your assistant called me telling me you would be vistiting today" Principal Nezu said once I stepped inside. I guess Maria knew I would go to UA the very next day after she handed me the student profiles yesterday.

Y/N: "yes it's a pleasure to meet you, I was wondering if I could possibly talk to two specific students in class 1A I want to ask them if they would be interested in interning with me at my agency. I normally don't offer internship spots to high schoolers but my assistant specifically recommended these two so I thought I should check them out" I told Nezu while handing him the folder with Todoroki and Midoriya's profiles in it.

Nezu: " Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya huh? I see your assistant has a good eye for spotting talent. These two 1A students are have some of the most potential to grow as hero's" Nezu told me looking at the two profiles I handed him.

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