Chapter 4

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*A/N: guys I'm so sorry it took me so long to release this chapter I've just been busy with things I would write bits and pieces of this chapter and then stop for a couple days so it took me a while to finish this please forgive me*

I stared at Midoriya waiting for his response, all the color was draining from his face. I guess I was correct well damn. I decided to break the silence even it was starting to kill me.

Y/N: "Listen Midoriya I won't tell anyone if it is true but I think I need to know if you're going to be interning with me" I said In a calm tone. He seemed to snap out of his shock from when I confronted him.

Midoriya: "...y-your right... I have the same quirk as all might" he said so quietly I almost didn't hear him.
"I was born without a quirk but I wanted to become a hero, a couple months before my entrance exam for UA I met all might in person long story short I spent the rest of my time before the exams training to prepare my body so all might could pass his quirk to me."

I started at him I mean sure I assumed that he and all might had the same quirk but I didn't know the true depth of the situation. It took me a while to bring my self back from that I mean it really took me by surprise. Nevertheless I regained my composure but what now what do I even tell the kid.

Y/N: "wow Midoriya I mean... that's a lot to take in If it's possible I would really like to talk with all might about this so I can get a better explanation so I know what to do, I consider myself to be pretty sharp but at the moment I'm just not sure what to do" I told Midoriya. My phone dinged after that I had revived a message from hawks, he was saying that he was at the gate already waiting for me. Shoot I can't just leave hawks waiting and I can't just leave Midoriya to figure this out.

Y/N: " Midoriya I am so sorry I forgot I had previous plans I will have to leave soon, if you could maybe call all might so we can arrange a meeting as I said I would like to talk with him more about this so we can make sure your internship at my agency runs smoothly,here is my phone number please send me a message once you talk to all might I am terribly sorry to leave abruptly but I have to get going" I said I'm a very apologetic tone.

Midoriya: " it's okay really, I'll call all might and see when he'll be available" he said with a small smile.

Y/N: " alright then take care Midoriya" I said while waving him goodbye as I make my way to the front gate of the school. It took me a couple minutes to get there but from a short distance away I could see a pair of big crimson wings and I just knew hawks was standing there. He must have noticed I was close by cause he looked up from his phone and looked towards my direction. He gave me a smile that had me melting seriously what is he doing to me I have to get my feelings in check.

Hawks: "hey well look who we got here Miss Pro hero Monarch" he said in a cheeky tone with a smirk.

Y/n: "oh shut up bird for brains" I said playfully while giving a small smile. We both started at each other it seemed like time stopped and it was just me and him and even though it might have just been for a second it seemed to last an eternity. Well that got ruined once we noticed we were staring at each other we both looked away I had a small blush covering my cheeks and I could see he did too.

Hawks: "so what were you doing here at UA anyways?" Hawks asked as we started walking towards the restaurant I wanted to take him to.

Y/N: "I was looking for interns so I decided to see how the students of class 1A were doing" I said still while still looking ahead and walking.

Hawks: "so did you find any interns?" Hawks said with a little interest in his voice. It was cute the way his hair would sometimes fall and frame his face. I caught myself starting at him as he talked while we were walking. I probably should have kept my eyes in front cause I really embarrassed myself this time. I was minding my own business admiring the bird man talking next to me and then all of a sudden god decided to fuck me over and I crashed into a light pole. Yeah this was embarrassing I had just been folded by a light pole and hawks saw it go down.

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