Chapter 24

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*A/n: Honestly I'm just writing this story with no general sense of direction...I know how I want it to end but I'm not too sure how I'm going to get there*

Art credits: @kadeart *For twitter*
                     @kadeart_*For twitter*


~Time skip to 2 weeks later~

She continued to do whatever the hell she wanted, and I just went along with it. The news of the murders continued to be reported, the detectives knew that j was behind them but they couldn't prove it.

One of the people that works for my father reported that the top pro hero's were looking for me. Ever since the commission disappeared it seems hawks has more free time.

I was almost caught by Midoriya one time but I was able to hide before I was spotted. It was a really close call though, they're getting closer and I just can't risk it.

'Man these hero's are really annoying'

'Yeah you're right'

'What's up with you? You're speaking in that pathetically sad voice that I hate'

'I'm not sure I guess I just feel a little off today'

'Well stop feeling off, it's time for you to fulfill your role'

'Let's switch'

After agreeing to help her I was given more freedom. I was able to switch out of my mind back to my body. I mean there was a time limit so I don't fully control my own body but at least it was something right. Just think or Itadori and Sukuna, my body no longer belongs to only me.

The agreement was that I would help with the killings, we were able to double the amount of kills. Since I knew more about my body and the quirks I controlled my powers were always expanding.

I mean I arguably have the strongest quirk so why don't I use it to my advantage. I mean the commission had me chained down because they feared me. Yet now that they're gone I'm free, free to use my powers how I want, free to use my god given gift how it was intended to. Man screw hero ideals, I just want to live my life without regrets and that's just exactly what I'm doing.

The rush that I get from kills is just an exhilarating feelings, the adrenaline courses through my veins it's truly amazing. I'm not sure why I didn't do anything like this before, why did I hold back all these years?



I was hunting down yet another low life in the shadows. The fear in their eyes before I kill them is always one of the best parts. Their entire life flashes before their eyes as they prepare themselves for their final moments. But at the same time their all sociopaths incapable of true feelings. They just don't want to lose that's it, they don't feel remorse for their actions.

When I corned him he knew there was no escape, he knew he had lost. However unlike the other he didn't beg for me to spare his life, he just stood there. I was rather perplexed by what he was going to do in his final moments. Would he fight for his life? Or merely give up?

He only looked at me and laughed. It was a rather bone chilling laugh, but I kept my composure. When he was finished laughing he stared at me with dead eyes. We both intensely stared at each other before I activated my quirk. He was impaled with one mere arrow that immobilized him, he died a slow death and I stared at him until he took his final breath. It must have been a painful death since he  seemed to be stifling screams of agony.

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