Chapter 8

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*A/N: If you still are reading my story thank you so much. I will try to update faster now that I know there is at least 1 person who still wants to read my horrible story. Well without further ado let's get one with this story*


Today marks the first day of the internship, I have two high school interns. That's really out of character for me I don't normally accept high school interns but I have a feeling these kids are special.
I got out of bed and got ready for my day as I headed towards UA.

Y/N: "Why can't I just live a normal life where I'm not a hero" I whined as I walked to UA.

I was trying to forget the events that happened yesterday I am just completely humiliated. I really hate the hero commission, I hate being their puppet.


Hero commissioner 1: " Monarch you said you had information for us?"

Y/N: "That is correct I believe this piece of information will prove useful to us"

Hero commissioner 2: "well stop wasting our time and tell us"

Y/N: "Earlier today I ran into a suspicious individual and I managed to put a tracking device on him. I tailed behind him while he met with someone else...the head of the league of villains"

Commissioners: "SHIGARAKI!?!?!?!"

Y/N: "Yes both Shigaraki and Dabi"

Hero commissioner 2: "Good job Y/N you've proven yourself useful"

Y/N: "Thank you. What should be my next move?"

They both stopped and contemplated the possibility's and what the next move should be. I'm getting a little nervous and that says a lot nothing really gets me on edge but all of a sudden I feel uneasy. I'm just not sure what to do, what now.

Hero commissioner 1: "Monarch we would like you to go about as normal"

Y/N: "What"

Hero commissioner 2: "What he means is that act normal as if you don't even know. If Dabi makes contact wanting to meet up then accept as long as you are safe. If you gain trust he might let information slip, if we go into this in a rush we could ruin things" 

Y/N: "I see so you want me to just pretend as if everything is fine"

Hero commissioner 2: "Exactly if we play this right we might finally be able to shut down the league of villains" 

Hero commissioner 1: "Play the part and just pretend everything is normal"

End of flash back (Back to present time)

Y/N: "Just pretend everything is normal. Just put on a smile"

(Mini time skip)

I reached UA in record time, I should really be an athlete instead. I walked into UA and headed near the the classrooms but I stopped when I got a genius idea.

Y/N: "I should make an entrance"

I ran near the side of class 1 A and I saw the windows. Now this might possibly be the most stupid idea I've ever had but in reality how bad will the outcome be. I connected my metal wires to the roof of the building and jumped off. And like the koolaid man I broke through the widow of the class 1A classroom.

Aizawa's POV

I don't get paid enough to take care of these damn kids all day. It's like I'm their babysitter or something, they're always getting in danger. The most troublesome are probably Midoriya and Bakugo their petty rivalry always goes too far. I can deal with a little problems but in all of my years of teaching something unexpected always happens. Today might be the most unexpected thing yet.

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