Chapter 2

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*A/N: Hi there welcome to chapter 2 and thank you for deciding to continue reading my trashy story make sure you leave a comment and a like so I know if I should continue writing it :)*

Y/N: "Ugh being stuck at the agency is such a drag I would much rather be out patrolling the city rather than being stuck here doing paperwork" I said while shuffling around the papers. I had neglected to do my paper work before and now I Had to give them a look through today. I have been accepting applications to accept interns and sidekicks at my agency but I haven't gotten around to look at any of them yet. I've been considering going to UA to see if there are any students that I might want to offer and internship and my agency, the only problem is having high school interns is such a liability and I'm not sure if any of them are any good. I did hear rumors about some specific students in class 1A who had potential though. Who knows maybe I'll stop by some time I might just find a couple of them who have potential.

~Mini Time skip~

I had been shuffling through applications for the past hour and I felt I was starting to suffocate being in that room, so I decided I deserved a little break and I headed to the roof of my agency. I had a very good view of the city up there and I loved jut to sit on the ledge and just catch my breath I found being up there very soothing. I'm not exactly sure when I drifted off to sleep but when I opened my eyes I saw a familiar pair of red wings.

Hawks: "Hey looks like the sleeping beauty finally woke up" he said with a smirk.

My vision was a little blurry when I saw the wings but once I heard the voice I knew for sure who was sitting next to me.

Y/N: "Hawks?" I asked in a puzzled tone, "what are you doing here" I asked.

Hawks POV:

Hawks: "well I was flying around when I saw a figure just laying on the roof so I flew down and to my surprise there you were, I haven't been here for too long though" I lied. I couldn't tell her I came looking for her at her agency I'm not sure why but I was nervous to tell her that. The truth was I came to look for her I had actually entered her agency, one of her assistants told me she was in her office doing paper work but when I entered her office she wasn't there. I panicked a little and started to look around her agency and then I found a stair way and a door leading to the roof and there she was laying on the roof blissfully asleep.

I figured she must have been really tired and went up there for a nap I saw all the paperwork she had in her office and it made my head spin. I sat next to her watching her sleep she looked so peaceful I just didn't want to wake her. I sat next to her for a solid 45 minutes before I saw her open her eyes and wake up.

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: " Oh alright, I came up here to take a little break from reading applications and I must have fallen asleep" I said with a small chuckle.

Hawks: "that's dangerous what if you had fallen of the edge what then? Rip Y/N" he said in a tone that reminded me of when Tsukishima lectures me.

Y/N: "haha yeah I suppose that wouldn't be ideal but hey on the bright side I didn't fall" I joked trying to make him laugh. I had succeeded because I heard him let out a small chuckle before he sighed.

Hawks: "hey I'm just gonna go on a guess here and assume you haven't ate lunch yet so how about I invite you to get some? I know a good place." He said with a cute smile. He's definitely not cute god what am I thinking I have to snap out of this.

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