Chapter 6

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*A/N: if you are still reading this story thank you so so so much I really appreciate it and I hope you like my story. Remember to leave comments about anything really I'd love to hear what you guys have to say :)*

Hawks: "you're going to UA tomorrow huh?" He said while leaning against the wall. "Mind if I tag along?" He asked. I gave it a little thought on one hand I did want to spend more time with him and get closer to him. But on the other hand I should stay away from him nothing good ever comes from getting to close to me. But what could go wrong besides I don't see why he can't tag along.

Y/N: "sure you can tag along if you want" I responded coolly. Hawks gave me a smile that melted away my doubts.

Hawks: "yayy" he said. I simply just laughed at him 'he's cute' I thought.

Y/N: "alright then I'll meet you tomorrow in front of the entrance of UA at 9am okay?" I said to hawks. He nodded his head and gave me one final smile before he got a phone call.

Hawks: "Moshi Moshi?" He said holding his phone up to his ear.

*A/N: Moshi Moshi is what people in Japan say when they answer the phone, not all but some do*

Hawks started talking with someone on the phone simply saying a couple okay's here and there he looked kind of annoyed but if someone wasn't paying close attention to him they would never have noticed, but I did. 'Why?' I ask myself, what is this feeling I get when I'm with him...this isn't normal. I kept thinking and overthinking of what it could possibly be I just brushed it off as nothing. Yeah that's probably what it is anyways, just nothing. I repeated "It's just nothing" in my head over and over again as if I was trying to manipulate my brain into thinking that.

Hawks: "Understood....I'll be there soon" he said in a monotone voice as he hung up the phone. He flashed me one of his signature smiles and I felt my heart beat accelerate a bit...what is this.

Hawks: "Sorry sorry I have some business I need to attend to so I have to leave now but I'll meet you in front of the gates at UA tomorrow I promise" he said to me in a more caring tone.

Y/N: "yeah of course I understand, I'll see you tomorrow Hawks" I said while waving to him. He opened the door of my office window and prepared to take flight.

Hawks: "we'll see ya' Monarch, make sure you make it home safely" he said. I just nodded my head in response and with my minimalistic response he headed out.

Hawks POV

I jumped off the window of Y/N's office, I took in the sight of sunset that stretched across the city. It was beautiful,calming, while I'm up in the air I feel free. However this feeling does not last long, the call I revived was from the hero commission. They wouldn't call me this late into the day unless it was important, a wave of uneasy emotions are washing  over me. What are they going to make me do this time? I don't think I can handle this. No I Have to be able to handle it, this is my job but why does it make me feel so dirty? These thoughts always leave a bitter taste in my mouth however when I met Monarch her smile would just brighten the room and the atmosphere. Her presence gave me a feeling of calmness and was...frightening I've never felt this way. A silence washed over my mind I simply just stopped thinking about what was worrying me.

Hawks: "she can never find out" I said out loud in a hushed tone.

She can never find out, I repeated in my mind again. If she ever found out what would she think of me then? I can't take that risk, no one is supposed to find out ever. As long as I do the hero commission's dirty work I can continue to explore this feeling, right? I continued to make my way to where the hero commission was, despite my uneasy feelings no good will come from disobeying them. I reached the building and entered through the window, 3 people were just standing there,waiting for me.

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