Chapter 13

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*A/N: Honestly I didn't think this story would make it this far, so thank you*  ~For a better summery of things you can refer to the Manga starting
chapter 219 to 240 for a better explanation:)~


I sat in my office looking through paperwork. It's been about a week since Hawk's birthday party. Dabi hasn't contacted me at all recently. The hero commission says it might be a while till he contacts me again. Hawks met the leader of the league of villains. Apparently when he said he was heading to his agency he was actually meeting up with Dabi.

Some people might be mad that their boyfriend lied to them about something like that. I however am not mad at him. I know why he lied to me, he doesn't want me to find out his ties with the commission. I wish I could tell him that it was okay and that I understand him. But I can't.

I gave my loyalty to the hero commission and going against their word means my death. Going against them means my death as well. And if anyone found out about my involvement and all of the bad things I've done it would be over for me. And the hero commission would act none the wiser, they would simply leave me high and dry.

Y/N: "The hero commission is really cruel"

Dabi POV

I was walking around this strange city with the rest of the league of villains. Today was the day we were going to meet the author of the Liberation front. Honestly I don't know what is going through Shigaraki's head right now. I get that he's our leader but seriously are we just going to follow this brats orders blindly?  This day started bad so honestly I should have seen it coming.

Dabi: "What a pain"

Toga: "I think meeting this guy will be interesting"

Dabi: "Huh?"

Toga: "I wonder what kind of person he is, maybe his blood is sweet"

Dabi: "You sure are a odd one" toga just creepily giggled at what I said and went off to talk to twice.

As we continued walking through the city the eerie feeling never left. There was definitely something odd going on but I just couldn't put my finger on it. While we walked through the odd city the feeling just continued increasing. The entire vibes that this city is giving off are just odd.

Spinner started yelling about how he was inspired and based his life off stain and his ways.

Dabi: " What? So you're not just some hollow cosplayer?"

He was going off on some tangent to Shigaraki before This huge ridiculous looking thing showed up in front of us and challenged Shigaraki to a fight. This entire day is just one huge pain in the ass.

Shigaraki was fighting the huge guy well at least that's what I would have said. We managed to get dragged into it and having to fight ourselves.
'What a pain'

Shigaraki finally decided to get serious so he begin to fight instead of us. Honestly that's as a good thing I was getting pretty tired. I always seem to speak to soon because apparently we can't rely on this kid go figure since he's a dumbass.

That's a brief summary of how things got this bad and now I'm about to face off against god knows who. All because of Shigaraki wanted to challenge this guy , yeah this day has gone to shit.

These weird ice monster things are trying to fight me. Yeah I thought I'd seen it all, apparently not.

Dabi: "Looks like you haven't noticed huh. Well I'll remind melts" I said before releasing my blue flames.

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