xliv. Heaven's Cloud

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xliv. Heaven's Cloud

Annabeth had always loved the holidays because of the pure bliss that came with them and she enjoyed hanging out with her family (despite how chaotic it could be)—it was definitely the best time of the year and she knew this year's Christmas would...

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Annabeth had always loved the holidays because of the pure bliss that came with them and she enjoyed hanging out with her family (despite how chaotic it could be)—it was definitely the best time of the year and she knew this year's Christmas would be her all time favorite because she was spending it with Percy. It was going to be perfect. He was perfect.

The sunlight from her bedroom window greeted her when she woke up and she beamed, realizing it was finally Christmas, and bit her lips from squealing in excitement and waking up Thalia, who had pulled an all-nighter last night.

Annabeth got out of bed and chuckled, hearing Bobby and Matthew's excited, loud voices in the hallway.

"It's Christmas!" yelled Bobby, "Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas!" exclaimed Mathew, "Everyone wake up! Presents!"

"Yes! Wake up! It's time to wake up! It's already ten am! Mommy! Daddy! Annabeth! Thalia! Wake up!!"

Thalia groaned from the loudness and covered her ears with a pillow, causing Annabeth to laugh. A smile then formed on her face when she heard her door open and turned around to see Matthew greet her.

"Annabeth! Thalia!" exclaimed Matthew, "Merry Christmas! It's time to open presents!!! C'mon!"

"Merry Christmas, Matthew! Yes, I know it's time to open presents, but let me get ready, alright? Also, Thalia is still asleep, but don't wake her up—she'll get very grumpy like a grizzly bear—don't tell her that I said that."

Mathew nodded with a giggle then left and Annabeth bit back her grin as she heard Helen, her dad, and the twins' cheerful voices in the hallway and she got ready for the day.

Dressed in her ugly Christmas sweater (that Percy made her) and jeans, Annabeth came out of the bathroom and grinned, seeing that Thalia was awake.

Thalia looked up for her phone and flashed her a bright smile. "Good morning, Annabeth! Merry Chrysler!"

Annabeth rolled her eyes and smiled, "Merry Chrysler to you too, Thals."

"Have you guys opened presents?" asked Thalia, getting up out of bed, "Because that was the sole reason why I woke up and also because your brothers woke me up with their loud ass voices and I can't go back to sleep now."

"Sorry about that, they just really love Christmas and gifts," Annabeth chuckled then answered, "But, no, we haven't open presents—shall we go outside? I'm pretty sure everyone's waiting for us."

When they went outside, her family greeted her and Thalia and everyone quickly opened their presents from underneath the decorated Christmas tree.

"Oh my god, Thals!" gasped Annabeth, opening her present from her father and Helen, "Look!"

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