lv. Hope Not

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liv. Hope Not

Annabeth walked down the familiar, crowded street to Percy's apartment complex with a smile on her face as the cold February air blew strands of her hair around

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Annabeth walked down the familiar, crowded street to Percy's apartment complex with a smile on her face as the cold February air blew strands of her hair around.

Annabeth was excited this Saturday: this was the first weekend since forever that she didn't have any tests or errands to run and she wanted to surprise him by showing up at his apartment then they could do whatever they wanted.

She entered the apartment complex and went to knock on Percy's apartment door. However, no one answered it and Annabeth frowned. Percy told her that he was home all day, did something happen?

Oh, how she hoped that Percy was there with Estelle and Sally. Annabeth hoped that her boyfriend wasn't at—

Annabeth knocked on the door thrice before texting Percy—yet, he didn't respond to any of her text messages even after a few minutes—and she sighed.

Annabeth then jumped up at the sound of her phone ringing and she couldn't help but feel disappointed that it was Thalia and pressed 'accept.'

"Hey, Annabeth! How are you? I'm sorry that I didn't pick up your call earlier tonight."

"Don't worry, you're fine," Annabeth reassured, "I'm doing good, you?"

"I'm okay, though I might honestly drop out and start a band."

That made Annabeth laugh, and she shook her head at her best friend's words, "Thals! Don't drop out of school—you only have two more years to go then you're done with undergraduate."

"I can't wait," sighed Thalia happily then asked, "This is an important question: Did Bobby get his juice?"

"No," laughed Annabeth. "Helen has taken his juice for a whole week—Bobby is going crazy."

"What a bitch," Gasped Thalia. "How dare she take away the orange juice?"

"I know right?! Helen has replaced the whole fridge with grapefruit juice and apple juice. Bobby is going mad."

"Well, grapefruit juice?" Snorted Thalia then said, "Well, I better started my petition for, Get Bobby his Juice 2021!"

"I'll be the first to sign it," Annabeth chuckled then grumbled as she leaned against apartment door, feeling defeated.

"What is it, Annabeth?" Thalia could probably hear her exaggerated tone. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah," nodded Annabeth. "It's just that I'm outside Percy's apartment and he isn't answering any of my text messages—I don't think he's home."

"Oh?" Thalia then exclaimed, "Oh my god, Estelle! If she's there, tell her I said hello!"

"I will," half-smiled Annabeth. "But I don't think anyone is home—I've been standing here for the past couple of minutes."

"Well, you should call him then," Thalia suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," she nodded, "Hey, Thalia? You wouldn't mind if I...?"

"Uh, no, I don't," she could hear Thalia say, "Besides, I have to go—text me how it goes?"

"Sure," smiled Annabeth. "Bye, Thals!"


After the phone call ended, Annabeth called Percy and waited anxiously for Percy to pick up—oh, where was he? Was he at—

"The person you're trying to reach is unavailable. Press 1 to go to voicemail—!"

Annabeth closed the call and frowned. Where was her boyfriend at?

She then walked to Diana's Moonstruck, the cafe on Percy's street, and absentmindedly thought about her boyfriend as she waited in line.

(Annabeth could've texted Sally and Paul about Percy's whereabouts, but that just seems unnecessary.)

Annabeth doesn't want to be that crazy girlfriend who has to make sure that her boyfriend wasn't hanging out with some another girl, but Percy has been with Elle for the past couple of weeks and she was jealous—and hurt—because she had been busy for the past couple of weeks, her boyfriend decided to hang out with some other girl.

"Hey, I'm Katie and I'm your—hey, Annabeth!" an smile formed on Annabeth's face when she realized who the cashier was: Katie Gardner. "It's so nice to see you!"

"Likewise, Katie! You worked here?"

"Yep!" Katie then frowned. "Are you here alone? Where's Percy?"

Her smile faltered, "Oh, um, he's busy."

"Oh, alright," nodded Katie, "Anyways, what can I get for you?"

"I would like a vanilla milkshake and a strawberry kiwi cake—I heard they're really good," Annabeth answered.

"They are!" Katie beamed, "I'll try to get your order to you as fast as I can!"

Annabeth smiled then found a empty booth when her phone rang and she immediately went outside when her phone rang to answer Percy.

"Seaweed Brain!"

"I'm sorry, Wise Girl" Percy sheepishly said, "My phone wasn't on me and I didn't notice your missed calls till Estelle told me."

"Oh, it's fine," Annabeth exclaimed, "Do you want to hang out today? I'm free today! I was thinking we could—"

"Oh, um, Wise Girl, I'm so sorry," interjected Percy, "I can't hang out with you: I'm already hanging out with someone else."


She could hear someone talking in the background and tried her best to detect the voice—it didn't sound like Estelle or Sally—her eyes widened when she realized that who Percy was hanging out.

"I'm at Elle's house," Percy then quickly explained, "Estelle and I went to her place for a play date but if I knew that you were—"

"No, uh, no, it's fine," reassured Annabeth, trying to suppress the sadness within her, "Don't...worry about it. Um, I have to go anyways."


"Have fun! Love you."

Annabeth quickly closed the call and her breath sagged, her mind racing with thoughts.

No. no. Percy wouldn't. No, he would never. He isn't the type to—he would never cheat on her...right?

Right. Annabeth reassured herself that she was overthinking everything and headed inside the cafe where a glass of vanilla milkshake and strawberry-kiwi cake awaited her.

All around her in the cozy cafe were people who were busy talking, gossiping, laughing, smiling with their friends or lovers—however—sitting in the midst of it all was a lonely blonde-haired teenager eating a cake alone, missing her boyfriend who was hanging out with another girl.

[originally published on 1/24/21.]

[1/24/21] author's note! It's been a while since I wrote a long chapter for False God and I hope everyone didn't mind the long chapter! It was kinda sad t0 write this chapter and I was debating if I should change it—but I just stick with this ending! :) Sorry there was no percabeth content this week—maybe later this week? We'll see ;) Ahh, I'm so sad that this week's update has come to a end but you know school :/ Anyways, I'll see you guys on Friday! I love you guys! Thank you for reading and have a good day/night! Much Love, Lucinda! 💙

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