liv. Friendly Things

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liii. Friendly Things

His wet black messy jet black dampened his blue pillow cover as he laid on his blue blankets, glancing at the ceiling while absentmindedly fiddling with a hair tie that Annabeth had left when she had stayed over at his apartment

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His wet black messy jet black dampened his blue pillow cover as he laid on his blue blankets, glancing at the ceiling while absentmindedly fiddling with a hair tie that Annabeth had left when she had stayed over at his apartment.

He then sat upright in his bed and carefully placed the hair tie in a small jewelry box with everything Annabeth left behind and smiled at the picture of him and Annabeth from homecoming.

Annabeth looked gorgeous in her pink lace dress and her silver heels—she looked like Miss Americana with her perfect curls—and they shared the smile—the happy yet sheepish kind—as they weren't dating at that time.

Percy couldn't imagine a world without Annabeth—it seemed pretty bleak and boring—she was what caused the flowers to bloom, without her, every day would be forever winter..

His phone on his nightstand dinged, alerting him a new text message, he smiled when he saw the kiwi emoji next to the name Elle.

Elle 🥝
Hey Perce!
How are you doing?

Hi, Elle!
I'm good—though, I'm kinda bored
how about you?

Elle 🥝
I'm glad that you're doing good!
I'm doing much better now that I'm talking to you ;)

Percy laughed at Elle's cheek reply and her little wink at the end though he didn't think much about it than it was friendly banter and besides, they both knew they were just friends and nothing more (after all, he had a girlfriend he cherished very much).

Anyways, what are you doing right now?

Elle 🥝
Not much
Though I am planning something rn

what are you planning?
is it bad?

Elle 🥝
Omg no
Perce, who you think I am?

sorry lol
well, can you tell me?
what you're planning?

Elle 🥝
Sorry, I can't
But you'll find out later
don't worry ;)

oh alright lol
does anyone else know?

Elle 🥝
Stop asking Percy

well, you intrigue me now—you have to tell me

Elle 🥝
Maybe I will
If you do that adorable baby seal eyes thing
it's so cute!

is it?
Do I look like this 🥺🥺

Elle 🥝

[✔] False God ━ Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now