xxiv. The 1

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xxiv. The 1

Annabeth Chase doesn't like to lie

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Annabeth Chase doesn't like to lie. She doesn't like to be call a liar. But when it comes to Percy, it was easy to lie to her parents. Going to study with her friends? She was actually going on a date with Percy. It was bad, but her parents would have never let her go and she wanted to go...That's how Annabeth was going out with Percy at six pm with the excuse that she had a study session with her friends.

Annabeth hurried outside her condominium and smiled when she spotted Percy waiting for her outside a cafe and walked to him. He beamed when their eyes met and he kissed her cheeks.

"You look so perfect," he said when he pulled away.

She laughed with a blush, "I'm just wearing some jeans and a sweater, nothing special."

"Still, you look beautiful," he caressed her cheeks then held her hands, "Are you for our small date?"

"Yes! Where are we going?" she exclaimed.

"The pier," answered Percy with a smile, "I was thinking it'll be nice watching the sunset there."

"It would be," she beamed, "Let's go!"

The crashing of the waves against the shore filled the silence between Percy and her as they watched the lovely pink sunset get slowly devoured by the dark blue of the night sky with her head on his shoulder and their arms wrapped around each other.

"Do you think we're going too fast?" he softly asked.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth frowned, slightly pulling away from Percy, and he half-smiled at her.

"I mean, we have only known each other for two months and within a month, we began dating and even I said I love you," he sheepishly explained, "I mean everything I did and said, I promise, but I know that when people go too fast in their relationship, it doesn't last....and I want us to be forever, Annabeth."

Annabeth immediately recalled her worries from homecoming night and she felt comforted, knowing Percy had also questioning their relationship.

"I do too," her eyes softened, "Can I be honest? I have also thought about that...that we might be going too fast. Yet, everything that has happened in the past two months feels right, Percy—like it's meant to be—but we are also just like every other teenagers 'who say they're in love' and most often or not, those teenagers ended up..."

Annabeth's mouth became dry, not wanting to finish her sentence as if she did, they may became those infatuated lovers turned broken-hearted exes. It made her heart ached thinking about the what-ifs, but who knows...people grew apart and up.

"Yes, I know what you're talking about," he nodded, "That's why I think everyone is so skeptical about our relationship, especially your dad and Helen—I have noticed their worried expressions toward me. They're just worried that this love may seems too good to be true and just might end up in heartbreak—which I hope that doesn't happened."

Annabeth bit her lips, knowing Helen and her dad's worried expressions toward Percy for a different reason, but she nodded.

"I hope that doesn't happened either, Percy. You're the best thing that has happened to me and even we do...you know, I don't think I could I can be your bittersweet ex who you barely talk to anymore—I still want to be your friend."

"You still can," he reassured, "I like to think if we were to break up—which god forbid—that it would be on good terms and we can still be friends."

"Well, I hope so," Annabeth sadly smiled, suddenly overwhelmed with the sadness that she and Percy might break up in the future.

"But in the meantime, let's continue enjoying being girlfriend and boyfriend," Percy kissed her forehead, "I love you, Annabeth."

His sea-green eyes shimmered at her and she swore they only glittered for her—and she didn't mind that at all.

Annabeth gazed into his eyes then cupped his cheeks and softly kissed him. His lips, his touch, his love kept her warm despite the cold night.

"I love you too," she whispered when she pulled away, "I love you than everything in this world—more than you think."

[originally published on 11/15/20 && formerly titled She Looks So Perfect.]

[11/15/20] author's note! So our girl, annabeth, has finally said it!! I bet a lot of you guys are so happy! :) i didn't know when to make Annabeth fully confess but this chapter and the setting of it seem perfect and I couldn't help but make this chapter the chapter. I hope everyone had a good weekend and getting ready for this week!! One more week and two days till thanksgiving break for me-at least for me so yay!!! Thalia has been officially introduced into this book-I love her. Anyways, some mwahs to you and your loved ones!!! Thank you for reading and have a good day/night! Much Love, Lucinda! 💙✨

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