iv. O'Hera

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iv. O'Hera

If asked the question: what's your favorite class so far? Annabeth would respond with Mythology and it was totally was because she loved learning about mythology of different cultures and religions and totally not because she had it with Percy Jac...

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If asked the question: what's your favorite class so far? Annabeth would respond with Mythology and it was totally was because she loved learning about mythology of different cultures and religions and totally not because she had it with Percy Jackson. Totally not. It was totally not because even though they sat in opposite sides of the classroom, he would still text her in class and steals glances at her—trying to distract her from schoolwork.

A soft smile formed on Annabeth's face, watching Percy exclaim about his weekend with Estelle at Central Park, and she recalled Estelle's confession about Percy to her.

It probably was just nonsense. After all, Estelle was only eight and was likely misinterpreting or making up Percy's comments about her and just wanted to flattered her because, surely, he doesn't talk about how amazing, funny, and pretty she was. Don't believe it: it's just all nonsense. Even if it was true, Annabeth doesn't like Percy like that—he was just a friend—but why does her heart fluttered whenever she thinks that he (possibly) thought she was pretty?

"Annabeth Chase, are you listening?" frowned Percy, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Her grey eyes widened and she blushed, sheepishly shaking her head, and Percy chuckled.

"You've been so distracted lately, what's up? Is everything alright? Are you still worrying about your art project? I already told you that it looks beautiful."

"Oh, no, I'm not worried about that. Everything is okay, I promise," she reassured then plastered a smile, "Are you excited that we're starting our Greek mythology project today?"

"I am," nodded Percy then laughed, "But I don't even know if we'll even start the project today, Mr.D is  not even here."

Mr. D was a interesting teacher: he often arrived late with sunglasses and a Diet Coke and always mispronounced everyone's names (which she and her classmates had now accustomed to).

"Good morning, ungrateful kids," Mr. D greeted the class as people (including Percy) hurried to their original seats, "Like planned, we're going to start our Greek mythology partner project—though there will be a group of three—and like I already told you, I'm picking your partners and the god or goddess you and your partner are going to research about. When I called you and your partner's name, please sit next to each other and when everyone is paired up, I'll start assigning." 

Annabeth waited anxiously for her name to be called, glancing around the room, and bit back her grin as Percy crossed his fingers. He really wanted to be her partner.

"Bill Shoelace and Nico di Angelo," Said Mr. D, looking at the two boys.

Annabeth chuckled as a grinning Will Solace sat down next to a grumpy Nico di Angelo.

"Matthew Toothpaste and Lola Helena." Said Mr. D, reading off the paper he was holding. Lou Ellen and Malcolm Pace.

Annabeth liked Malcolm Pace (many people told her they looked like siblings with their blonde hair and grey eyes): he was friendly and academic and they had aced several projects together.

"Annabel Chase and Perry Johnson."

She turned to look at Percy and they grinned.

"Yay, we're partners!" he quietly exclaimed, "Aren't you happy you were paired with me, Annabeth?"

"Definitely," laughed Annabeth, "But I'm afraid we're not going to get anything done: you love to distract me."

He shrugged with a smirk, "Well, it's not my fault that I'm so charming that you can't focus."

Annabeth rolled her eyes and smiled; she watched as Mr.D went around, assigning each group their god and goddess, and whispered, "I really hope we get Athena or Artemis! I love them and I really enjoyed researching about them! Like how Athena created spiders because of her feud with Arachne which started...Sorry, I'm rambling."

Though Annabeth loved Greek mythology, she was certain Percy didn't care about and stopped talking. But Annabeth couldn't help but think that there was a world out there where the gods actually existed and demigods are real...It was a thought that Hecate couldn't even cover up.

"Why did you stop talking?" Percy frowned, "Go on."

Annabeth turned to looked at Percy; her breath hitched and she become flustered, realizing that how close Percy was, and scooted away so their noses weren't touching.

"Huh? Really?" Annabeth furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't want to bore you with Greek mythology."

"No, you're not boring me," Percy reassured, "Like I told you before, you're cute when you ramble."

Her face flushed, "Oh? Oh. Don't say such nonsense, Percy."

"I'm not saying nonsense! You are very cute when you ramble, especially about stuff you enjoyed."

"Oh, shut up."

"Annabel Chase and Perry Johnson, wonderful." Mr. D amusingly smiled. "It seems like the fates have made up their minds about you two—Anyways, you got, ah, my, favorite goddess: Hera."

Hera? The Queen of Olympus and the Goddess of marriage.

Annabeth didn't know why or what it was, but Hera
made her feel icky.

"Hera's not bad," Annabeth looked over at Percy after Mr. D left and frowned, "Are you okay, Percy?"

"Yes, I'm okay. It's just that the mention of Hera makes me feel like I forgot something—it's probably nothing, though.

Annabeth nodded then listened to Mr. D explained the goals and tasks for today; in the next thirty minutes, they finished most of the goals (if Percy hadn't start distracting her, they would've finished it) and beamed at how productive they were when the bell rang.

They then headed to calculus and Annabeth became flushed, recalling the conversation earlier, and how Percy told her she was cute (well, when she rambled, but cute). God, why did her heart raced knowing he found her cute or when their shoulder brushed? Why did her hands tingled when they accidentally touched Percy's?? Oh, no! What's happening to her? What is this feeling?

[9/27/20] author's note! I know it has only been one week since I updated, but it feels like it has been a whole year-anyways, there's a bit of percabeth fluff in this chapter, and I can't wait to write more!!! Also, I couldn't make Percy like an arrogant "bad boy" like I originally planned, but because I can't see him like that, so he is just going to be our favorite soft boy 🥰😌 Haha! I hope you like this chapter, and thank you for reading! Much love, lucinda! <3

[8/12/21] author's note: I'm so glad that I didn't make Percy a bad boy like originally planned—False God would've totally been different if he was! He is forever our favorite soft boy. (😌) I have to say that Bill Shoelace was a very big-brain name if I say so myself. Oh, this chapter also somewhat broke the fourth wall—Haha, anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading/ have a good night! Much Love, Lucinda! 💙

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