xxx. Happy Ending

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xxx. Happy Ending

Annabeth woke up with startled and sighed in relief when she checked her phone and realized school didn't start till tomorrow then quickly got ready, wondering in anticipation if her dad and Helen will finally talk to her about Percy

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Annabeth woke up with startled and sighed in relief when she checked her phone and realized school didn't start till tomorrow then quickly got ready, wondering in anticipation if her dad and Helen will finally talk to her about Percy. From what she had overheard a few nights ago, they should've already made up their mind—however, it seems like they're still disagreeing. She couldn't wait forever.

A soft smile formed on her face, remembering what occurred last night with Percy—dancing in the living room, dancing around in the refrigerator light, laughing. It was a memory she would forever cherished.

After getting dressed in a white turtleneck and jeans, she headed to the dining room where her family was eating breakfast.

"Good morning, Annabeth," Helen exclaimed, handing her a plate of eggs and bacon.

"Good morning," she responded, sitting down, then chuckled as Bobby chugged down his cup of orange juice.

"Bobby! You're spilling orange juice on the floor!" scolded Helen, taking away the cup from him, "What is this, your fourth cup of juice?"

Bobby pouted, "Orange juice is good though!"

"It has too much sugar in them, that's bad for your health," Helen shook her head. "Drink some water instead."

"But water is disgusting, mommy!" Said Mathew, joining in. "It has no flavor!"

"But it's healthy unlike orange juice," reasoned Helen then filled their cups with water, "Drink your water."

Bobby and Mathew began whining before quickly quieting when Helen threatened to take away their iPads and they silently ate breakfast. Her dad then greeted them all as he sat down a little while later and ate with them.

"Bobby, Matthew," the twins looked at Helen, "You know your friend Estelle Blofis from class?"

Annabeth's ears perked up at the mention of Estelle and she curiously looked at Helen, wondering why she was asking about the little girl.

"Yes, we do!" answered Bobby, "She's very kind! What about her?"

"Well, us and her parents agreed to have a play date at the playground today!" explained Helen with a smile, "Isn't that fun?"

Her brothers cheered in agreement, "Yes, it is!"

Annabeth softly smiled then asked as an idea formed in her mind, "Dad, Helen, I can help supervise their play date so you and Helen and Estelle's parents can have the day off to relax? Does that sound good?"

Annabeth was hoping she could also maybe hang out with Percy while babysitting Estelle and her brothers which she didn't really mind.

Helen and her dad exchanged glances then her dad said, "Actually, we were hoping that while Sally and Paul supervise their play date, we could talk to you and Percy."

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