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LUCINDA SAYS!!! After three years and four months, False God is officially completed! I'm so sorry that it took forever for me to finish, but you know

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LUCINDA SAYS!!! After three years and four months, False God is officially completed! I'm so sorry that it took forever for me to finish, but you know...schoolwork and writer's block. I'll be honest and admit that I honestly wanted to discontinue False God because I didn't just know what to do anymore and every idea that I came up with seems terrible. It was just getting bored and writing for False God felt like another household chore to do which I didn't like. I originally wanted to change the original plot as little as possible and just keep everything the same. But I really didn't like where False God was going. It was dragging on and had 125+ chapters and it was no where done and I realized the original plot wasn't going to work. (I mean, I DID come up with the original plot at 2am on a school night back in Sept. 2020 soo...!) I spent the summer of '21, '22, and '23 pondering what to do and it was all so...antagonizing. I even rewrote the entire plot of False God and wrote six new chapters for it (which unfortunately will probably never see the light of day), but even then, I wasn't satisfied. Then, somehow on August 1st, I just decided to rewrite the plot and change it to however I saw fit and here we are...! The book was "finished" on September 2nd, but not really because the last two chapters weren't rewritten (I just wanted to finish the fic on the book's 3rd anniversary). Anyways, it's now done and I'm happy with how it turned out!

I only wished that my wattpad friends and readers from 2020-2021 could be here to celebrate the ending with me as everyone was curious about the ending and I'm happy to announce that I did not break up Percy and Annabeth lol. However, most of them have left, but if you do come back one day and is reading this message: I miss you so much and thank you for supporting me. I'm so grateful for you <3 and I hope you have a lovely and wonderful life! You have made my wattpad experience so memorable and I always enjoyed our interactions! Especially with Bobby and orange juice! Orange juice supremacy forever <3 I hope one day that we'll meet again and may we talk again! I've always dreamt and yearn for the day where we would all celebrate False God ending together, but sadly, alas that will never happen. But in another lifetime, another universe, it would have been lovely. I love you and thank you <3.

And for my new, recent readers, thank, thank, thank you so much for reading False God! It's probably not the best Percabeth fanfic you read, but I hope you, at least, enjoy it! This is my first Percabeth fanfic and I've definitely grown as a writer over the past three years and though this isn't my best writing (given I did rewrite this in less than a month), I'm happy to show you the improved me. I hope you all have an amazing life and please enjoy it to the fullest <3. May we hopefully meet again.

I'll always love and appreciate pjo given it has shaped my teenage years, but unfortunately, I have lost interested in it over the past few years so I'm certain that False God will be my first and last Percabeth fanfic here. But False God and Wattpad has left an huge impact on my life and I didn't want to leave Wattpad (as for now), but I think I have outgrown it. I might come back, but who knows? I will always be grateful for the memories and friends I made here. There's so much I want to say about how I'm feeling, but I don't think I could ever describe it with words at least. Thank you once again! Have a good day/night! Much Love, Lucinda 💙

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